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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 288: The Fire Oni Chief; Ogu
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288 The Fire Oni Chief; Ogu

[Day 180]

Now that we are done in here, I decided to go back to the dungeon and in the way, grab Oga's tribe with us.

There were around five thousand Blazing Ashura following us and another eight thousand of the Undead.

The Undead stayed in the ground and walked by themselves, while also hunting down any monsters that came by, some died, but the ones that survived leveled up and became stronger. It was a nice way to filter them out, although the amount was so massive that it was diminishing very slowly.

Meanwhile, I remodeled the floating golem, which had the form of a led zeppelin, it was now three times its size and held the five thousand Blazing Ashura with space to spare. My children hunted down any new and interesting monsters that appeared sometimes.

The Lower Realm is filled with the gigantic beast, most of them having Fire Affinity, and each one being incredibly ferocious, so they would easily try to attack us without thinking much.

Oga, who was at my side, was rather excited about meeting her people and his father, Vudia who was currently on my arms, glanced at Oga's shiny red muscles, admiring the toughness and bulkiness of them, which was also paired with her beautiful womanly curves.

"Aah! Aunt Oga looks like mommy (Brontes)! She has such strong muscular belly"

Oga, after hearing my daughter praise, laughed with a confident grin.

"Hahaha! I suppose I'm not losing against that cyclops, even her daughter recognizes my muscles! I think I'm more than qualified to be one of Master Kireina's partner, right?"

Vudia's golden eye glanced at Oga's strong musculature and then, looked back at me, touching my thin belly, which was very soft and didn't have any muscles.

"Mommy doesn't have any muscles…"

"Uagh! You can't say that to your mother, Vudia! It breaks my heart!"

I can't believe that my daughter has become a muscle fanatic?!

"It's not like I don't want to have muscles, it's just that a fairy physique is thin and delicate, no matter how strong I am!"

"Eeeh? T-Then, will Vudia never grow muscles…?"

"Ah! N-No! You will, I'm sure of it! Y-You have your mother's genes after all!"

Vudia's eye, which seemed to have lost hope, regained a little bit of it and believed my words.


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Oga was only looking at our interactions in silence but had an amused look on her face.

"It must be hard to raise children, but I will do my best, Master Kireina! I also want to raise a little girl like Vudia! Or a boy as well, or both! Yeah, let's have two!"

"W-Wait a second, Oga, you're getting way ahead of yourself again!"

Vudia raised her little golden arms as she celebrated Oga's statement.

"Yaay! Vudia will have more little siblings!"

Oga crossed her strong and muscular arms while nodding in agreement with Vudia's celebration.

"Geh! Stop talking about such things in front of my daughter, Oga!"

"What's wrong mommy?"

"Huh? But Master! Ah! There we are!"

Just as I was about to smack Oga for her insolence, we reached our destined location, the Blaze Forest Mountains. Just as their name implies, they are giant mountains filled with blazing trees making up large forests.

There were countless rivers of toxic nether and lava and a small pool of boiling water, where the Fire Oni Tribe lived, surrounding this large pool. Some Fire Oni was bathing on the boiling water and the steam, seemingly unaffected by the immense heat, they were Fire Oni after all.


Today was another day of routine for the Fire Oni Tribe that inhabited the boiling pool in the Blaze Forest Mountains. The hunters woke up early in the morning to bring food by hunting, while the weaker ones cleaned and took care of the children. There was a particular group of slim and beautiful women working with the pelt and skin of monsters, crafting new clothes and other utensils.

This group of beautiful women was also taking care of countless little children, Fire Oni who had been born some days ago, they were already able to walk in their feet and soon enough would be able to speak.

Life was rough for demi-humans, so they needed to grow faster than other species to assure survival, taking care of a baby for ten years or more like humans would do was too inconvenient and several things would happen, endangering the lives of the children in that period

Soon enough, the children would be taught how to use weapons until they learn a Technique Skill, and also train their physique by rough muscular training. The pride of the Fire Oni Tribe was their sturdy, bulging, and steel-like muscles. With their bare hands, Fire Oni could pulverize a Crimson Wolf to death.

And an experienced hunter would be able to fight Emperor Class Monsters on their own. However, in the Lower Realm, Emperor Class Monsters were the weakest ones, and there were even more terrifying monsters wandering around endlessly for prey.

In such harsh conditions, monsters were even more ferocious than in the surface, and anything they found, would seem like food. Life was hard for demi-humans that did not possess a Kingdom or Nation to protect them behind their walls, giant beast of over ten meters were common everywhere.

The Fire Oni Tribe is a nomad tribe that moves every so often, following a species of birds named Blaze Ducks, who always fly to safer areas, predicting the movements of massive herds made out of giant and dangerous monsters.

Today was the last day before moving on a different location, and the hunters who have come back from their hunts were relaxing on the warm pool of boiling water. The weak Fire Oni was not discriminated like other races would do, and were taught to be useful in other areas, for example, crafting, cooking and scouting, and could even gather information and write in leather books, although they were extremely primitive.

Ogu, the current chief of the Fire Oni Tribe, a large man with bulging and shining muscles, a large and white beard and a bald head, was currently assessing his people while packing things up to move tomorrow. It was a busy day for him, while most of the people was currently relaxing.

Fire Oni, although they moved constantly, was a relatively lazy race, they liked to hunt and pose their shiny muscles, but they also liked to lay on their leather and fur beds and just be with their families.

However, things changed today as Ogu received some scary news. A massive, floating monster, with the form of a gray balloon, had been discovered flying to their tribe direction. However, the speed on how it moved seemed illogical based on its massive size, and in a few more minutes, it would be already above their heads.

Ogu called his people for battle, there wasn't any time to run away, the floating menace was too fast, and it was already seen catching up giant monsters and grabbing them inside of its gaping mouth. It would be stupid to assume that this beast would ignore them because they weren't monsters.

The Fire Oni Chief rushed outside of his village while entrusting the weak Fire Oni with their things and to take care of the children, if things went to a worse situation, they would have to run away in the company of some strong Fire Oni that stayed with them, accompanied by the only animals that they have domesticated, the Blaze Crimson Wolf, who was big enough to carry an entire family on their backs.

In that small period, the floating balloon monster was already over their heads as it opened its wide gaping mouth. Ogu and his brave warriors raised their axes, maces, and lances, while enhancing their bodies with several skills and martial arts, some were reading their magic spells and others their healing magic.

However, when the gaping mouth of the giant balloon beast opened, what came from inside surprised them greatly. A beautiful and muscular Fire Oni woman, with long white hair and a confident smirk, accompanied by a charming demoness with butterfly wings, who was holding a smaller version of herself, but that had a golden skin, yellow butterfly wings, and one single golden eye.

Ogu, the Fire Oni Tribe Chief, immediately recognized the Fire Oni Woman, it was his daughter, Oga.


"Papa! I'm back!"


As we reached the Fire Oni Tribe, I opened the Floating Golem mouth, which was on its belly, as we descended to the ground, Vudia wanted to explore so she accompanied me, Oga was able to fly at my side as I conjured [Levitate] on her.

A group of around eighty muscular and strong Fire Oni, reading their weapons greeted us, it was being led by a bald, long-bearded Fire Oni, who as holding on a long dark-colored mace.

The man was Oga's father and the Fire Oni Tribe Chief, Ogu. He immediately recognized his daughter and shouted her name.


Oga, happy to see her father again, flew towards him as if she had been born being able to float. After fighting so many bosses with [Levitate] active in her, she had learned how to move in the air with ease.

"Papa! I'm back!"

"Oga, you can fly! What is going on?! Were you inside that floating balloon monster?! And who is the woman beside you? Oh, she is carrying a child as well… Huh? Explain, Oga!"

The other Fire Oni at the Chief side were also as surprised, some expressed their thoughts.

"Did you tame that monster?"

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"Damn that woman with wings is beautiful!"

"Is she single?"

"Can she have my child?"

"Oga! Where are the others?"

Did that guy said something about wanting to have children with me?! Sigh… I'll let it slide, they are just a primitive race after all…

After Oga explained how things went back in the Dungeon and about their expedition failing and then being rescued by us from the monsters who were saving them as emergence supplies, the Fire Oni Chief kneeled in the ground, thanking me for my generosity.

The other Fire Oni seemed confused but were forced to kneel as well.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my foolish daughter! I don't think what would I had done if I were to knew that my daughter would have died so horribly! Please, anything you want as compensation will be yours! Are you interested in the fine men here? Any of them will gladly become your partner!"

The kneeling men seemed to be excited about such a proposition and didn't stop the old men's words at all, neither refuted them… The most uptodat???? n????vels are published on novelenglish.net . Fɪre.net

"W-Wait a second! I don't want any men. Well, I actually want all of you!"

"Huh?! Me as well? What a greedy woman… But just as I said, I must be firm with my words, very well, we will become your harem"

"Waaait! You are misunderstanding everything again! What is wrong with these muscle brains?!"

After clarifying the misunderstanding and learning more about the expedition that Oga was sent to, I understood that this Tribe was slowly diminishing in numbers due to the causalities and their constant movements due to their nomadic customs. However, the offer of going to the surface was taken extremely well.

It seems that Fire Oni had always desired to go to the surface, but currently, the only way up is through the Forsaken Labyrinth, and Oga and her group were sent to find a safe route to the surface through it.

The surface is seen as the "land of gods" by the Fire Oni, something similar to a "promised land". So, they were incredibly happy about my offer to coming to the surface and even joining my fruitful Kingdom.

And after the Fire Oni meet the Blazing Ashura, they began to call me a goddess too while thanking me through prayers.

After packing the entire Fire Oni Tribe inside of the Golem, which was around a hundred and twenty of them alongside seventy domesticated Blaze Crimson Wolves, we quickly moved towards the Dungeon.

The Fire Oni were amazed about traveling in the "sky" and called my work that of gods. They were also surprised about Oga being able to float and wanted me to "bless" them with that power. I suppose I could make some accessories that grant [Levitate] whenever I'm free…


