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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 442: [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 2/35: Tracking An Irresponsible Deity
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Chapter 442: [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 2/35: Tracking An Irresponsible Deity


A blinding yellow light appeared from behind the cat beastmen boy, his teary eyes shining brightly as the light reflected on his brown irises…


"Booogeeehh…?! W-What is that light?! My eyes! My eyessss…! Gyaaaaaah!" shouted the werewolf as his eyes by the light. He lost the vitality of his entire body and fell over the ground, unconscious.

The Cat beastmen boy glanced at his savior… shining brightly, she revealed herself. A beauty amongst beauties, chocolate skin, golden eyes, and blonde hair, with a long cat-like tail and ears above her head, which had long blonde, almost golden hair. Her entire body was covered in white tattoos, as she was wearing revealing Arabic-like women clothes. Her face, despite her mature and voluptuous body, was that of a young and beautiful maiden, as if she were a young lady in her early teens.

"My child… are you okay? Do not worry… You will be fine, you will be fine" she said, as her aura spread through the battlefield, golden light filling everyone's bodies… Her aura divided itself into different 'clones' of herself, defeating the werewolves and healing the cat beastmen who were still hanging to their lives…

The savior that they had heard about, the Miraculous Holy Mother who had descended to save the Cat Beastmen had appeared.

"My son? You are alive! Thank goddess… thank goddess…!"

The father had encountered with his intact son again, kneeling and thanking Mohini.

"There is nothing to thank me for, my children. You are all welcome. I have come to save you… I couldn't just sit and see you suffer anymore… even if it may cost a lot of my Divine Energy, I must help you" said Mohini, guiding the people.

"Ah… goddess-sama, thank you!"

"Our savior goddess…!"

"Is she the miraculous cat Beastwoman?"

"She is!"

"Such powers… she has saved us from the savages…"

"Goddess-sama, do you know… why are the werewolves attacking us? What have we done to the Sunclaw Kingdom…? I just don't understand…" muttered a cat beastmen boy, with orange hair and fur.

"My child… this is but a scheme of a Demon Demigod… The monster whose name was being chanted by them… He had set both of these Kingdoms as its source of energy, bringing fear and destruction, and feeding upon it to grow stronger quickly…" muttered Mohini, her golden eyes shining brightly.

"So it is true…"

"A Demon Demigod…"

"He has infected the minds of our people… I don't remember the Wolf Beastmen being such savages… they were always well-natured people, brave warriors that protected their kingdom"

"Our savior goddess… will you put an end to the Demon God?" asked a little cat girl.

"My child… I… I have to try… even if I… even if I have to put my life a risk, for all of you" said Mohini, comforting the people, who had already lost so many of their family members, most of them were dispirited and weakened.

As Mohini comforted her children and helped them recover their wounds, Geggoron, through the small clones he had created by severing his dark-colored cloud-like body, was observing this unfold.

"So she's going through this route… I would like to consume and assimilate her as soon as possible before Kireina arrives at her help" said Geggoron.

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He communicated to his priests, located in each Kingdom, who had begun to move their brainwashed troops where Mohini was.

"Hmmm… which vessel should I choose?" wondered Geggoron, glancing the Moonfang Kingdom's candidates for his temporary vessel.

"I have obtained Athena's support… and she had given me several artifacts and Divine Energy Crystals… However, against that Living Deity woman, it should not be so hard… I shall save them whenever I confront Kireina" thought Geggoron.


Unlike in the great Kingdoms such as Athetosea, Thanatos, and Azuma, the demi-human Kingdoms like Cilane, Moonfang or Sunclaw do not possess a large group of blessed individuals that possess an Epic Skill.

At most, they are led by three… the Moonfang Kingdom possesses the 'Blazing Savage Tiger Emperor', the 'Shadow Panther Assassin of the Moonlight', and the 'Golden Adamantine Claws Lion King'. These three guys seem to have been completely brainwashed by Geggoron already, from what Maeralya had told me… She seemed to want me to save them if possible, but if they were too insane, it was better to just kill them.

In the Sunclaw Kingdom, there are the Four Sun Knights, four powerful warriors who had honed their skills in different uses of weapons and attributes. There is the 'Sun Blade Werefox Samurai', the 'Eclipse Blade Werewolf Paladin', the 'Sacred Light White Wolf Swordsman', and the 'Corrosive Poison Sword Hyena Knightess'.

All of them seem to have separated themselves when Geggoron began to influence the church of Sunclaw, with the first two having disappeared, while the last two were caught by Geggoron's claws and brainwashed into suitable vessels for him to take on whenever he desires.

When we finally reached the outskirts of the Moonfang Kingdom, we reached a nearby village, which was being ravaged by monsters, which seemed to have been tamed by a group of Dog Beastmen Tamers.

"Sigh… So, we just came in here and they're already killing each other"

"Masta, should we help them out?" asked Rimuru.

"Yes, there doesn't seem to be anything special there… Let us go"


Led Zeppelin opened its compartment as we jumped towards the cat beastmen village. A bunch of monsters, mostly creatures resembling wild pigs and large lizards were rampaging the place, while the Dog Beastmen were just ordering them to destroy everything while laughing off their asses.

"Obsidian Thread"

Flash! Slash! Clash!




Waving my hands, magic threads extended themselves around the battlefield, raining upon several of the creatures, slicing them into pieces. The dog beastmen glanced in bewilderment as their precious tamed monsters died too suddenly.

"Hm?! What is that?! A… fairy…?"

"Wait, what?"

"Our beasts! Who could have-"


Rimuru was the first to descend as she increased the mass of her hands and punched the beastmen away as if they were mere ants.

"Guuu! How was that? I want to practice my physical combat a bit!" she said.

"Well, you're quite talented… though, you have already reached so far in your magic swordsmanship. I cannot recommend you suddenly switching into this new form of combat, Rimuru-san" said Oga, smashing two dog beastmen into pieces with her blazing fists.


"W-Who are those bitches?! They came out of nowhere!"

"Please, spare me! I have children! I-"


Nesiphae's ax sliced the ones asking for forgiveness with her large ax, their lives ending so sudden that they could not even realize it.

"I also have children waiting for me back home. Nothing personal but I do not really care about your family… oh, you are already dead. Fufufu," said Nesiphae, laughing mischievously.The most uptodat???? n????vels are published on ɴovelFɪre.net

"Nesiphae you're talking with corpses now?" asked Zehe, as she manipulated countless shadows that entangled the tamed monsters and dog beastmen, crushing them mercilessly.

"Please, have mercy! I… was doing it for work! I was being paid… I needed the-"


Brontes raised her legs and crushed her foes with her feet, she did not even need to raise her weapon. Crushing them as if they were even lesser than bugs.

As the massacre went by, the cat beastmen who were being attacked stood there, silently…

"Another savior… this is both a very unfortunate day and also a very fortunate day…" muttered an old cat beastmen, with short gray hair and a missing ear.

Another savior? Perhaps they saw Mohini?

"Ah, you girls didn't leave me anything to kill!" said Gaby, reaching the surface just a moment ago.

"Well, it was incredibly disappointing… they weren't as resilient as the Giant Poison Snakes back then… or the Vampires! Those really were a bit of an exercise, guu" said Rimuru.

Piling up the corpses for later consumption, with the help of my wives, we healed the surviving cat beastmen. Their corpses were also put into the pile to be eaten. I do not think they will miss them, right?

"Could you be… another savior goddess…? Haah… please… could you carry us somewhere else? This place… our Kingdom is not safe anymore…" muttered an old cat beastmen.

"Another? Did you come across a 'savior goddess', by any chance?" I asked, with a warm smile, while healing the old man until his vigor was completely back, I even healed his old bones and nourished his flesh back to top condition.

"Ah… my body… I feel like I've rejuvenated many years… not even the savior goddess was capable of such healing powers…" he muttered.

"I see… so she could heal?" I asked.

"Ah! Y-Yes… she was a cat, not a fairy like you, goddess-sama… She had brown skin, blonde hair, and white tattoos over her almost naked body… she was a beauty, but after saving us from the werewolves, she continued her journey, leaving us here… then, a few hours afterward, those bandits carrying tamed monsters came to finish us off…" muttered the old man.

"Oh my, that's terrible…! And that little goddess, what an irresponsible woman… I suppose she just healed you all and then felt like her task was done? Was she never taught that she also needed to ensure the safety of those she saves and not just an immediate aid? Sigh…"

"Goddess-sama… were you sent by Maeralya-sama as well?" asked the old man. The other people surrounding us were being healed while drinking my blood potions, everyone was coming back with even more vitality.

"Ah… these potions are miraculous!"

"My body… I feel young once again…"

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"Even my broken legs are back to perfect condition…!"

"She is a true goddess!"

"That savior from before was nothing!"

"Pray to the Fairy Goddess, the Real Savior Goddess!"

"Ah, it seems like your magic has been more effective than the previous Savior Goddess-sama…" muttered the old man.

"Well, it's obvious. And yes, I was sent by your founding mother, now, time to go to a safe place…" I said, opening a portal to my Inner Realm inside of my soul.

The people obeyed without many issues, my charm helped a lot in making them all believe mostly anything I said. Well, they were too weak to even resist it.

"The place might be a bit damp, there are souls as well, but they are inoffensive, a bit fearsome, but nothing serious, follow the woman with the same appearance as me towards the next portal, it should teleport you to my Empire, there, you will see three demon women, that will lead you to your new homes," I said, the people walking inside my Realm, glancing at the thousands of souls floating around.

"This place… could this be? A Divine Realm? She is really a Goddess…" muttered a cat Beastwoman.

"Here! Please, go through this portal!" said my Aura Clone, showing the villagers the portal that connected to my second body inside of my castle.

The people then crossed through it and reached the castle hall, where my second body was sitting on her throne.

"Ah! Goddess-sama is here as well? And there? She has three bodies?"

"She is really a true Goddess! So many amazing feats!"

"Her powers can barely be comprehended…!"

"Welcome to my Empire, my citizens, please, feel yourselves at home. This is a haven for all of you. The Rin Sisters, the three beautiful demon ladies at your side will lead you to your new homes. Afterward, you can join the church of Maeralya to have a meeting with the demigoddess herself" I said, with my second body.

"Ah! Yes, Goddess-sama!"

"We will be able to see our founding mother?"

"This must be the land of the gods!"

"We are saved… we are truly saved now!"

The Cat Beastmen walked through the stairs leading to the citadel while being assisted by Arachne Maids and Secretary Succubus.

Meanwhile, with my first body, I was already feasting in the corpses of the enemies that my wives had just killed… everything was very plain.

The giant wild pig-like monsters had some taste if grilled, the giant lizards were very meh. And the dog beastmen had a certain richness… the cat beastmen corpses were very ravaged, so I had to turn them into hamburgers with Rimuru and Gaby's assistance, they tasted good as the meat was very tender and quite juicy.

It was already night when we finished our small snack, but we decided to continue as no one was tired at all. If I continue to the west, where that old man told me that Mohini went to, I should meet her soon.

I will probably send her straight back to my Empire the moment my sight met her.

[You gained 8.950.980.420 EXP!]

[LEVEL 075/250] [EXP 333.980.383.520/515.000.000.000]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Common Cat Beastmen Lineage] (Assimilated by Superior Skill!)

[Common Dog Beastmen Lineage] (Assimilated by Superior Skill!)

[The Levels of the [Abyssal Divine Lineage; Bloodline of the Divine Demoness Mother of Lustful Venom; Level 3], [Demon Steel Hair Manipulation Arts; Level 7], and [Ancient Blazing Nails Arts; Level 5] Skills have increased!]