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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 458: [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 18/35: The Twins Growth! Damasios, The Stoic Lion Prince VS Sofelaia & Sofarpia
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Chapter 458 - [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 18/35: The Twins Growth! Damasios, The Stoic Lion Prince VS Sofelaia & Sofarpia


Meanwhile, as Nesiphae and Gaby recollected the fragments of the divinity of Geggoron's split soul, which was possessing Vasipheus, Sofelaia and Sofarpia were fighting against a resilient foe.


One of the least known royal family members of Moonfang, the Stoic Mountain Lion Prince, Damasios. He was a young man in his early twenties, born from the King and a Cougar Beastwoman Concubine of his.

Unlike most of his siblings, his mother was there to raise him through the majority of his life. She taught him to never mess up with other people's lives, to always be neutral to conflicts, and to be overall 'peaceful'.

He was taught that it was better to not start conflicts for measly things, and that acceptance was a virtue that he needed to embrace in his life.

This way of living also showed itself in his fighting style, as he disliked fighting chaotically and like a berserk, which would be what most of his siblings would do.

He grew calm and composed, his fighting style was about defense, and as he developed his innate talent as a lion, with tough skin, muscles, and bones, alongside the ability of her Mountain Cougar Lineage, he was capable of manipulating the Earth Attribute to an extent. To coat his body with hard and sturdy stone and to receive attacks even more.

He had a silent personality, so he never developed many bonds with his siblings, but he seemed to treasure his mother very much.

To the point that when his mother fell to Geggoron's encroachment, he was one of those people that had tried to stop the cultists from spreading this Demon Demigod influence.

But he failed, was trapped, and then brainwashed, his body became possessed by a small-sized Geggoron Split Soul, and his mind was slowly devoured… most of his mind and memory were fragmented. However, he remained silent.

Due to the nature of Geggoron, Damasios's abilities mutated, his coating of stone had become a coating of sharp and sturdy metal, resembling an armor, increasing his defenses exponentially.

The Centaur Twins, Sofelaia and Sofarpia were having some trouble against him, as they did not have as much experience fighting mighty foes as the rest of the girls.

However, fighting this opponent was also the perfect way to gather such an experience.

Damasios, after going through a transformation, became a lesser giant, towering over three meters. His metallic coat, which resembled a deadly armor grew in size, weight, and sharpness. His fist was covered in sharp metallic claws.

One of the advantages that the Centaur twins had against him was their speed, as he was too heavy to move as fast, and did not seem to possess abilities that could enhance its speed.

Damasios roared, and by enhancing himself with his Nightmarish Aura, he began to generate spikes of sharp, dark metal from the ground, trying to impale the centaur twins as they ran across the ground.

The two girls ran across the long field with their amazing galloping, coupled with their 'Charge' skills, their speed was capable of surpassing Damasios's magic, and if not, they were able to protect themselves with their Aura, techniques or by floating in the sky by activating their Levitate Rings.

"GRAAAAAA!" shouted the formerly calm prince, completely enraged by the twin's flashy movements.

"Cry all you want, you fiend! You shall be slain in name of Kireina-sama!" shouted Sofelaia.

Sofelaia raised her blade as it was enhanced with the bright yellow light of the Light Attribute and Life Attribute, which seemed effective against Geggoron's Nightmare Divinity.

Her lower body suddenly grew wings made out of her Aura, as she flew through the skies like a true Valkyrie, braking the wind and clashing against Damasios with her large blade and tower shield.

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Clash! Clash!

She used her shield to receive Damasios's powerful blows while she punctured its armor and flesh with her blade, releasing several Holy Shield Techniques and Blade Techniques.

Slash! Slash!

"Graaaaaaa!" shouted Damasios, bracing his fist with the Nightmarish Aura, releasing blows that were so strong that they sounded like cannons as they impacted Sofelaia's tower shield.


Sofelaia received the hit with her ax, guarding herself against the strong impact, afterwards, she appeared from behind with her blade, raising it to the skies and unleashing a barrage of arrow-shaped piercing light.

"Holy Blade Rain!" she shouted, each of the attacks released was like a mystical and ethereal sword of holy light.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

"GRAAA!" shouted Damasios, running away while guarding himself with a giant shield made out of the same dark metal that he could create, he multitasked and tried to summon more spikes of such metal to impale Sofelaia, who was busy conjuring the technique to distract him.

"Not so fast, kitten! I won't let you touch my sister!" shouted Sofarpia, appearing behind Damasios as she summoned her Spiritual Aura, shaping it as countless blades that spiraled around, releasing different attributes attacks. Poison, Fire, Water, Thunder, or even Wind were mixed in. At the same time, her blade was covered in a green-colored fire, as she released a series of slices that appeared as arcs of these green flames, impacting Damasios.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Damasios's armor possessed a decent amount of Divinity, but because the twin's attacks were charged with 'Divinity Devouring', such sturdiness was easily pierced and destroyed. His shield was destroyed into pieces and his armor fell to the ground, his body pierced and burned all across.

"We did it!" said Sofarpia.

"Not so fast, these malevolent fiends are capable of a very hastened recovery! Let us charge while it's trying to recover!" shouted Sofelaia, leading the charge with her trustful sister.

"Alright sis!" said Sofarpia, her beautiful blonde hair waving through her colorful aura as she shaped her aura like large, long, and sturdy blades, floating around her body.

Sofelaia raised her shield and blade, releasing once again a rain of ethereal blades made out of Life and Light Attribute Magic.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Damasios tried to defend himself by raising his arms, but they were easily pierced and burned by the strong magic, his body seemed extremely weak to this particular combination of attributes!


Geggoron's split soul inside of Damasios harbored its Divinity as he covered the lion's body with a thick coat of Nightmare Barrier. While his Nightmarish Aura shaped itself as tentacles that began to slap Sofelaia with immense strength while releasing Fist Techniques that Damasios already knew without even using his physical body.

Sofelaia raised her shield and enhanced it with her Holy Shield Technique and Magic, generating a larger barrier to protect herself and her sister.

However, a crimson eye surged from within Damasios's forehead as it fired a powerful crimson beam!


The beam contained a strong charge of Divine Energy, even Sofelaia's Barrier and Shield, which were enhanced with Light, Holy and Life Attributes, being strong against Nightmare began to falter, cracking noises filling Sofelaia's ears as real cracks blossomed in her barrier!

"Sister!" shouted Sofelaia, as Sofarpia appeared behind her, expanding her Aura, and covering Sofelaia's Barrier with it, while charging it with her Mana, the barrier quickly recovered itself.

"GRAAA! GAAOO!" shouted Damasios, as more crimson eyes appeared over his still humanoid body, his Aura generated more phantasmal tentacles that tried to slap the twins to oblivion while more crimson beams made out of concentrated Nightmare Divinity were fired towards the beautiful centaur princesses.

"Not so fast, you devil!" shouted Sofelaia, manipulating her attributes through her aura, and molding it into an even greater barrier, while merging it with her previous barrier and shield. The illusion of a tower made out of light flashed with blinding brightness, even Geggoron's scarlet eyes had to shut themselves due to its intensity.

"Heavenly Tower Shield!" shouted Sofelaia, expanding her aura around and making Damasios tremble.

"GAAAH! GAAAAAH!" shouted Damasios, wildly expanding his Aura into tentacles and trying to destroy the holy fortress of light.

"Elemental Blade Storm!" shouted Sofarpia, releasing a technique that she was charging while Sofelaia defended them from Damasios's onslaught. Her Aura was released wildly through the battlefield, resembling a pure rainbow, they shaped themselves as sharp blades and then became completely solid, flying towards her foe like a storm of elemental blades.

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

Each blade bypassed Geggoron's Nightmarish Aura and pierced Damasios's flesh, deeply engraving themselves into the meat, blood, and bones, and infecting its devilish components with its magical and multi-attribute magical powers, making Damasios shriek in agony.


Afterward, they detonated into a magical and multi-elemental explosion! Multiple colors of the rainbow covered the battlefield as the magical smoke expanded through Geggoron's Split Soul Aura, infecting it with the effects of 'Divinity Devouring', slowly inflicting permanent damage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Damasios's flesh exploded all over the ground, falling like a rain of fresh and bloody meat.

"Did we did it now?" asked Sofarpia, confused if she was allowed to finally celebrate her victory before her enemy could pull another nasty trick.

"Not yet, sister! Brace yourself, this is the hardest part about fighting these creatures!" said Sofelaia, enhancing her barrier even more as she released a series of beams of concentrated holy light towards the flesh before it could do anything funny.

However, as the flesh was burned to a crisp by her holy light, an eerie existence emerged from within them, although it was way smaller than the other ones they had fought before, it was still Geggoron Split Soul!

"GAAAH! YOU WORMS!’ it shouted, bewildered, absorbing the burning flesh of his previous vessel, and mutating it into a grotesque humanoid creature covered in an armor-like exoskeleton with large crab-like claws and a long tentacle with as a tail.

The fiend rushed towards Sofelaia and Sofarpia with immense speed, unlike previous seen before, where Damasios only showcased a very slow fighting style!

"GRAAAA! Become my nourishment, children of Morpheus!" shouted the fiend, opening its multiple jaws filled with sharp fangs.Th???? link to the origin of this information r????sts in ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Sofelaia and Sofarpia did not falter, not even before a menacing creature capable of eating them alive with its divine powers.

"Heavenly Tower Shield!" shouted Sofelaia, being feed with Mana by Kireina's Slime Clones, she had enough to easily conjure the technique/spell once again, protecting herself and her sister from the charge of this monstrosity.


The monstrosity tried to use its sharp metallic pincers, trying to crush Sofelaia's strongest defensive technique/spell. Using its utmost strength, it tried to pierce it with its Divine Aura enhancing its rotten and mutated flesh.

Clash! Clash! Clash!

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Using its tentacle-like tail, which was covered in this dark metal, it tried to slap the barrier as hard as it could until it began to crack!

"Not on my watch!" shouted Sofelaia, infusing, even more, Mana Points into the technique/spell, as she manipulated the tower's shape, creating two giant arms from within.

"This is what I learned from Kireina-sama after I saw her use her techniques and raise Golems so much! Heavenly Tower Golem!" shouted Sofelaia, her seemingly defensive technique/spell becoming offensive as the giant tower carried the sister similar to a mech! Creating giant arms and legs, it began to kick and punch the Monstrosity made out with Geggoron's Split Soul and Damasios's flesh.

Clash! Clash!

"And if I use sister's help…!" shouted Sofelaia, as Sofarpia concentrated her Aura over the bright Towe Golem made out of pure yellow light, shaping it as if it were a longsword and the leftover Aura became its armor.

"Here it is! Sister combination attack!" shouted Sofarpia, excited to finally use the technique they were crafting for some days.

Both Sofelaia and Sofarpia merged their Auras wonderfully into a golem-like being, Sofelaia was the being's body, while Sofarpia the sword and the armor. The giant light golem slowly shaped itself as a mecha-like centaur, flashing its golden eyes with divine fury, it glanced at the monstrosity down below!

"Now, together!" shouted Sofelaia.

"Yes, sister!" shouted Sofarpia.

Both twins sisters, which beauty could only be compared to goddesses converged their weapons and Auras, magic and stamina into one, the bright golem rushed towards the monstrosity that was still struggling, raising its bright, multi-colored sword and releasing a rampaging series of slashes and stabbings.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

"I-Impossible! How can you use your Auras in such an advanced technique?! Aren't you mere centaurs?! Since when centaurs could do such a thing?! GRAAAA!"

Geggoron's split soul harbored all the Divinity he had into his Aura, growing in size as it tried to fight back against the twin's wonderful teamwork! However, he felt that every attack was charged with Divinity Devouring!

"Even now, Divinity Devouring! But how?! Kireina is not even in here! Ggghh!"

"Silence, fiend! Kireina-sama has blessed us with her powers, no matter where she is, she is always helping us! Now die, Geggoron!" shouted Sofelaia, bravely, resembling a true heroine of justice.

"Yeah, just as sis said, die!" shouted Sofarpia, who was less serious.

Geggoron's Split Soul flesh was once again punctured, the blinding sword ignored his exoskeleton and defenses and inflicted burning wounds all around its body, it was too late, it couldn't even activate its detonation artifact as its soul was finely shopped like an onion!

Geggoron's Split Soul saw the mirage of Morpheus through the giant Aura Golem, his hate growing deeper as he died…

"Gggryaaaahh…! I-Impossible…! Me?! Dying to such… weakling children of a weakling demigod…! Curse you, Morpheus, and all your siblings!"

His divinity fell to the ground, into pieces resembling cracked, dark-colored glass.

"Once again, we had triumphed against these diabolic fiends, sister," said Sofelaia, celebrating.

"Right, right! Now let us go save those pieces for Kireina-sama!" said Sofarpia.

"That's true, let's go," said Sofelaia, as the giant Aura Golem slowly dispersed into the twin's auras.


Damasios and his small-sized Geggoron's Split Soul: deceased.

Cause of Death; Chopped to Death by a giant Aura Golem with the appearance of Morpheus.