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Even After Death

Chapter 795
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Chapter 795

Chapter 795

Logan said matter-of-factly, "This is a breeding ground of crime. Criminals do whatever they want here.

"Even if they had becmore restrained in recent years, there is no guarantee of safe passage. You need to prepare yourself for the worst." Olivia was puzzled.

"Since it might be dangerous, why didn't we take another route?"

"There's a little bit of a gambler in everyone, especially businessmen. If we don't take this route, we would have to take the further way around. That would be an extra two weeks at sea.

"Besides, the other routes posed sdangers as well, like the risk of hitting reefs, not to mention the additional costs of a longer journey.

"Since there were fewer pirate sightings in recent years, everyone feels more at ease passing through this route."

Logan's explanation was very detailed, but Olivia felt like there was more to it.

"Do you have a different opinion?"

"I just feel like we have to prepare for the worst for anything, especially when we're talking about notorious criminals."

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Logan turned and saw Olivia's grave expression.He softened his tone and said, "Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I just wanted to fill you in on the situation."

Olivia smiled.

"It's okay.We won't be so unlucky.If others didn't cacross the pirates, surely we wouldn't either."

"Don't worry.We won't be so unlucky.This is the Devil's Chasm.Have you heard of the Blissful Isles?"

"Olivia shook her head.

"I haven't.Tellabout it."

"Okay.The Blissful Isles are located ..."

Before they realized it, the sun had already set.

Olivia realized that Logan might not be the most knowledgeable person, but he must be one of the most insightful.

From his description, Olivia felt like she was transported to these places.She didn't know that there were such dangerous yet astounding places in the world.

"Have you been to all these places?"

"Yeah.When I was younger, I did a lot of things for money.So, I've been to a lot of places."

Logan leaned back and propped himself up with his hands.Then, he raised his head to look at the stars.

The night sky out at sea was beautiful.

It was untainted by pollution, and the air was clear.

There weren't any clouds blocking the view.

The stars looked like gorgeous and shiny gemstones.

"Ms.Fordham, what I want to say is that the world might be imperfect, and life might be hard.But you shouldn't be tied down by your past.

"You have to face the future.There are a lot of places you haven't been to before, views you have yet to see."

"I'll do that.Thanks."

Logan noticed that her mood had improved significantly.

He said, "It's getting late.You should go back to your room.The temperature changes significantly at night, and the breeze is chilling."

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Sometimes, Olivia would have a weird feeling about Logan, like she had known him for a long time.He was dense at times, but sometimes he would be like a considerate gentleman.

Even as a bodyguard, he was able to do the work of a nanny without any issues.

The conflicting elements blended seamlessly within him, which made Olivia feel like he was mysterious and weird.

"Okay.You should rest, too."

Logan escorted her to the entrance of her room.

Olivia paused and asked, "How long do we have until we get to Falconer Straits?"

After scalculations, he said, "Given the current sailing speed, we'll get there in three days, tops.

"I've checked.It will be a clear day.Don't worry.Pirates won't show up when the weather's good."

"But ...what if they do?" Logan smiled.

"They won't.I talked about that because I saw you were in a bad mood.I was just trying to cheer you up.

"The area has been peaceful for a long time.We won't be so unlucky.Get srest.

"We'll stop at an island for supplies tomorrow.If you're interested, we can get off the ship and take a look around the island."