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Extra's Magic

Chapter 176 Combat Exam (17)
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Crunch... Crunch...

Walking through the snow, I finally reached the top of the hill, my breath visible in the cold air.

My eyes locked onto the distant camp in the plain valley below.

I could see small figures of students huddled around the campfires, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames.

Most of them seemed lost in their own thoughts, staring into the fire as if searching for answers.

Well, that was mainly because most of them failed the exam.


Walking toward the camp, I drew a few eyes but only a few lingered for more than a few moments.

Specifically, three pairs of eyes kept following my every move closely.

It was the trio I had eliminated at the start of the exam and it seems that they weren't too happy.

'Shouldn't have attacked me, those bastards...'

Sneering, I went straight to Robbin and seeing him nod his head, I went toward a campfire that was still devoid of any students.


Taking a seat by the fire, I let out a sigh of relief. The warmth from the fire washed over me, thawing my frozen fingers and numb toes.

All I needed to do now was wait for the remaining students to arrive at the camp.


Looking at the dancing flames of the fire, I could feel the warmth emanating from it, comforting me in the chilly weather.

Although I had an Artifact to protect me from a minor cold, it didn't prevent the freezing winds from seeping through my clothes.

Crunch... Crunch...

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Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke the tranquil atmosphere, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Can I sit here?"

Turning my head, I saw a young woman with azure hair and eyes that were cold as ice.

It was Rose.

"Sure, go ahead."

Observing her for a few moments, I nodded my head and gestured for her to take a seat before the fire.


I watched as she carefully sat down, her eyes fixated on the flames as if trying to find solace or answers within the dancing embers.

For a minute we both simply stared into the fire, when she finally broke the silence.

"Why did you leave those people behind?"

Rose's voice was calm, however, I could feel the intensity behind her words, and I could even feel the underlying resentment.

Well, I couldn't hold it against her. She was a protagonist and it was pretty much given that her character would be uselessly noble and morally inclined.

"I couldn't bring all of them and risk the life of the entire group."

Observing the tension in her eyes, I chose my words carefully, trying to explain my decision without escalating the situation.

While it might sound cruel or even inhuman to some, the reality of the situation demanded difficult choices to be made.

I needed to keep the safety and well-being of the majority of the protagonists as the top priority.

Although it is sad that every human life is important, it sometimes dulls the ability to make pragmatic decisions in dire circumstances.


After I spoke my words, Rose momentarily closed her eyes, as if processing my explanation.

I could see a slight tremble pass through her hands, however, she quickly composed herself and opened her eyes, the intensity in her gaze unchanged.

"How did Elena die?"

Hearing her question, I barely managed to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

The more I hear it, the more I hate these rumors about how 'Elena' died.

I thought that since they were friends with the girls, who spread the rumors, maybe she'd know the 'real' truth and not the exaggerated versions that circulated.

Maybe I expect too much from the people...

"She was grabbed by a B Rank Demon while we were passing through the main road"

I could see gears turning in Rose's mind as she processed the information.

It seems that she truly didn't know the entire truth behind Elena's death.


Breathing out a sigh, I waited for her to respond, however, she barely nodded her head in understanding.

"Have a great day."

Rose rose from her seat and nodded her head, before walking away without another word.

This was very surprising, to be honest. I really expected her to jump to conclusions instantly and act out of anger or resentment.

Did the event make her mature or something?

Shaking my head, I focused my eyes back on the flame. If she really did gain some maturity that was a good thing.

Maybe someday she will understand my perspective and the difficult decisions that had to be made.


One by one students started to gather at the camp, most of them battered and worn-out from the grueling time they had spent hunting down many monsters.

I could see some, who had scars visibly etched on their bodies, limping their way to the campfire, yet still wearing triumphant smiles on their faces.

It was time to go back to the Academy.


In the heart of the Shadow Dungeon, a Demon, a fearsome creature of malice and darkness, strode with purpose through the desolate ruins. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the echoing sound of his heavy footsteps on the cracked cobblestone streets.

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Tap... Tap...

The crumbling buildings, once magnificent, now stood as decrepit shells, haunted by memories of a time long past.

The Demon's presence was imposing, a living embodiment of the darkness that surrounded him. His icy eyes, like frozen abysses, darted around, scanning every corner, every crevice, as he sought something of great importance. His mission was shrouded in mystery, known only to him and the shadows that whispered secrets to his keen ears.

As he walked, he muttered to himself, in a low, rumbling voice that seemed to carry the weight of ages.

"Where is it?"

He grumbled, the words barely audible but resonating with determination. He could feel the energy of the Shadows pulsating around him, and he knew that whatever he sought was close, waiting to be discovered.

The shadows, like obedient servants, swirled and danced around him, an extension of his very essence. They clung to the ground, writhing and shifting, revealing glimpses of hidden pathways and concealed secrets.

The Demon conversed with these ethereal forms, trying to get some kind of information from mere whispers that seemed to escape their grasp.

As the Demon continued his relentless stride through the labyrinthine ruins, his annoyance grew like a storm on the horizon. The shadows, though loyal to him, were stubborn, revealing only tantalizing fragments of the secrets he sought. He felt their presence like a veil of veiled clues, each step forward revealing another enigma.

The stone streets seemed to stretch endlessly, leading him through a maze of collapsed archways and forgotten chambers. His keen senses, honed by centuries of existence, could detect the faintest disturbances in the atmosphere, subtle shifts that hinted at the presence of something significant. It was as if the very essence of the dungeon held its breath, anticipating the revelation.

"Show me..."

The Demon hissed, frustration gnawing at the edges of his patience. His icy gaze pierced through the darkness, challenging the shadows to yield their knowledge. And little by little, they relented.

The shadows slithered across the cobblestones, weaving an intricate path for the Demon to follow. He followed their lead, navigating the treacherous terrain as if guided by an invisible hand. Each twist and turn brought him deeper into the heart of the dungeon, where the true source of power lay concealed.

The walls of the ruins whispered ancient incantations, remnants of spells long cast and battles long fought. The air grew heavier with the aura of forgotten magic, a potent brew of both malevolence and long-lost wisdom. The Demon's senses were overwhelmed by the intensity of it all, a symphony of darkness that resonated deep within his very core.

He pushed forward, determined to unveil the elusive secret that had drawn him to this forsaken place. The shadows, sensing his resolve, intensified their dance, revealing more of the hidden pathways. The Demon's focus was unyielding, his will a force to be reckoned with. He had faced countless adversaries in his existence, and this quest felt like a culmination of his relentless pursuit of power and knowledge.

Tap... Tap...

The Demon's steps grew firmer, and his anticipation mounted as the shadows guided him with a sense of purpose. The path they unveiled seemed to hold the key to the enigmatic secret he sought. The air around him crackled with anticipation as if the very fabric of the dungeon was preparing to reveal its long-guarded mystery.

The stone corridors twisted and turned, and the shadows danced ahead, leading the Demon deeper into the labyrinth. The resonance of ancient magic grew stronger, echoing through the ruins like a haunting melody.

But as the moments passed and the path seemed to lead to a final chamber, a sense of unease began to creep into the Demon's mind. The shadows started to shift and distort, their guidance becoming erratic. The path they had illuminated led the Demon to a dead end, a cul-de-sac of shattered stone and fading echoes.

"Enough of this!"

The Demon roared in anger, his voice reverberating through the confined space. The shadows seemed to mock him with their fleeting whispers, their laughter echoing in the chamber like a chorus of sinister glee. It was as if the dungeon itself taunted him, testing his resolve.

The Demon's icy eyes blazed with fury, a tempest of darkness swirling within them.

He had already spent way too much time searching for the 'thing' that kept calling him.

"Fucking shadows..."