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Facade of Love

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159 Testing the Waters

My heart did a little fl*p–flop. When did he even get there?

“You…” I barely got the word out.

Idris just turned on his heel, his face an icy mask, and left without a word.

I was at a loss for words, turned back to Maxwell, and snapped, “Why didn’t you give me a

heads–up about him?”

Maxwell shrugged, all innocence. “I only just spotted him too. Plus, you said you were over

him, right? Why should it bug you if he’s mad?”


That did make sense.

“Okay, so you mentioned something about Madam Young. What’s that about?” I asked, my

curiosity piqued.

I was not keen on gossiping about this stuff, but maybe if I shared, Maxwell could see

something I did


I decided to just spill it. “Madam Young’s been acting like she’s trying to play matchmaker

with me and Idris lately.”

He made a face. “It’s your life, your choice. Why worry about what she thinks?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I shook my head. “It’s not that I can’t get divorced right now. It’s just… she had an

accident, and pushing Idris for a divorce at a time like this just doesn’t feel right. But

that’s not what’s bugging me. What I can’t wrap my head around is Madam Young. She

was dead set against me and Idris before, and she’d have been thrilled if we split. Now,

out of the blue, she’s playing Cupid for us. And then there’s Moore. She was not exactly

his biggest fan before, but she did not hate him. Yet, the other day, I stumbled upon them,

and it was like they were at war. What’s going on that’s got Madam Young so gung–ho

about me staying with Idris and suddenly so against Moore?”

Maxwell’s eyebrows pinched together thoughtfully before he ventured, “Why not consider

that Madam Young has just come to see how great you are and wants to keep you


I shook my head, my voice steady. “I know Madam Young too well for that. She’s all about

weighing her options. Even if she did decide I’m a better match for Idris than Moore, she

would not just start

playing nice without a reason.”

Maxwell’s expression grew serious, and he was quiet for a beat before saying, “So, you

think Madam Young’s being nice because Moore’s become a problem for the Youngs, and

she’s hoping you’ll help get rid of him?”

I bit my l*p, exhaling softly. “I don’t know for sure, but knowing Madam Young, there’s

definitely something going on behind the scenes that I’m not privy to.

“Come on, it’s a piece of cake. Wanna know what went down? Just ask around. And if that

doesn’t cut it, do a little digging. There’s no secret that can stay hidden forever. A little

sleuthing and you’ll get to the bottom of it,” Maxwell said, leaning back with a relaxed


I gave him a side–eye, keeping silent, just a small smirk playing on my l*ps.

When I did not make a peep, he turned to me, and seeing my silent smile, he suddenly sat

up straight, all alert. “Yvette, you’re not seriously thinking of sending me on this wild

goose chase, are you? You want me to help you investigate?”

I just nodded.

He facepalmed, looking utterly baffled. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? How long do

you think I’ve been in Lake City? I barely know a thing about the high and mighty here.

Plus, I’ve got a mountain of work back at Scott Corporation. And now you want me to sniff

around some petty drama? Is this really how you put me to work?”

His little tirade made me sheepishly rub my nose, chuckling. “Yeah, it does seem like I’m

not making

the best use of your talents.”

He gave me a look that said ‘I can’t believe you‘ and muttered, “You win.”

Feeling a bit snubbed, I still had to chuckle. I had an idea. It was a shame to waste his

skills on such

nonsense, but maybe I could poke around for some info myself.

With that in mind, I got up and headed for the stairs.

“Where are you off to?” Maxwell’s voice trailed after me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Just downstairs, to catch some sun,” I called back, stepping into the elevator.

He got up to follow, but I gently nudged him back, tilting my head to meet his surprised

gaze. “It’s packed, catch the next one.” And with that, I hit the close door button.

His l*ps quirked in a half–smile as he eyed the empty space behind me, “Yvette, you sure

it’s packed?”

I nodded, deadpan. “Yep, can’t you see? It’s crowded in here.”

His eyes went wide, and he looked a bit pale as he blurted out, “You can’t be serious. I’m

all about facts and science, so don’t start with the fairy tales.”

I nodded with all the seriousness of a judge, barely suppressing a giggle at his awkward


while we waited for the elevator doors to slide shut.

Mom always said Maxwell was a scaredy–cat, and boy, she was not kidding.

Once I stepped out of the elevator, I spotted Mr. Zachary in the lobby, there to pick up

some meds. He spotted me and strolled over. “Madam, are you here to pick up a


I shook my head with a friendly smile. “Nope, just checking if the meds are ready. Idris

booked a restaurant, and we might need someone to head over early to set things up.”

“Will be done in a jiffy,” he assured me.

I gave a little nod, hanging out with him at the pickup counter. To pass the time, I asked, “I


seen Charles around the last couple of days. Is he swamped with work?”