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Facade of Love

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 Do You Hate Me?

My heart skipped a beat. This matter was initially just about the murder of the CFO of

Scott Corporation, but if the reporters caught me and Idris together, it would not be a

simple murder case anymore. It would become a conspiracy involving both Scott

Corporation and Young Corporation. After all, netizens‘ imaginations could be terrifying

The death of a CFO with the heirs of two major companies on–site would make for news

much more sensational than a simple

murder case.

With this in mind, I tried to avoid the reporters and leave with Idris.

However, before I could take a step away, a man’s voice came from outside, “What’s

going on here? Why is everyone gathered at my doorstep? What’s the fuss?”

After this voice pierced through the chaos, a middle–aged man squeezed in from the

outside, carrying a briefcase.

It was Benett.

I recognized him. After all, he was the CFO of Scott Corporation.

Seeing him enter, the police approached to inquire. It did not take long to understand the

whole story had all been made up by Sophia

Benett turned his gaze to Sophia and raised his voice. “What the hell is going on here?!

Sophia, are you tired of living? You claim you’ve killed me and even called the police


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Upon seeing him, Sophia looked a bit dazed but not panicked. Instead, she merely asked,

“You’re back? Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

This response almost made me fall to my knees. How could the person who was just

speaking with bloodthirsty rage about killing him be so caring the next moment?

The situation left me dumbfounded.

The police were also baffled.

Benett glared at Sophia, talked to the officers, and indicated that he was fine and that

everyone should leave.

Seeing this, the investigating officers were not too pleased, feeling as if they had been led

on a wild goose chase. However, since it was a false alarm, they did not make a big deal

out of it and only warned Sophia not to make false reports again They then brought up the

incident of Sophia wounding someone in the cafe. Hearing about Sophia’s assault, Benett

agitated. When he saw me and Idris, he paused and then hurriedly apologized to us.

got a bit

Idris had no intention of pursuing the matter from the start. He took the opportunity to

excuse himself and let the police go. After the police left, Benett said to me, “Ms. Scott,

I’m truly sorry for this farce, and thank you for bringing my wife back.”

I shook my head slightly, unable to help glancing at Sophia again. Why did she come to

me with that story if she had not killed anyone? Could she be mentally ill?

Since the situation was a false alarm, it was not my place to ask further. I only suggested

to Benett, “No need to be polite, but since you’re fine, you should find some time to take

your wife for a thorough psychiatric evaluation to prevent future problems like this.”

Benett agreed repeatedly.

Seeing this, Idris and I prepared to leave.

Just as we reached the door, Sophia suddenly said out of nowhere, “Scott Corporation…

Scott Corporation is going to be in trouble…”

“Shut up. Stop spouting nonsense,” Benett scolded, his voice already showing signs of

agitation. Seeing me turn around, he

shut quickly added, “She’s tallding nonsense, Ms. Scott. Please don’t take her seriously.

I’m truly sorry.”

Chan35 Do You Hate Me


I nodded, and before leaving, I could not help but take another look at Sophia, who still

seemed to be in a dazed state.

The day of turmoil had stretched out long enough that it was already dark.

In the car, noticing that I was not speaking, Idris glanced at me. His voice was low and

restrained. “What are you thinking about?”

I shook my head and looked sideways at him. Then, noticing the bloodstained bandage on

his hand, I remembered he was injured: With my thoughts recollected, 1 said, “Pull over to

the side. Let’s switch. I’ll drive ”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He raised an eyebrow and said calmly, “It’s not affecting me, and we’re almost home.”

Seeing this, I pursed my l*ps, “You need to go to the hospital to have that wound looked

at. It would be troublesome if it gets infected”

He looked at me sidelong, his mouth curving up. “Are you concerned about me?”

I had other things on my mind and did not want to get into this, so I replied indifferently,

“You’re overthinking it. I just don’t want Grandma to trouble me, especially since you’ll be

going back to the old manor to be with Moore soon. She’s bound to


He frowned. “Who told you I’m going back to the old manor?”

Without much thought, I just replied, “Moore can’t live without you. Would you leave her, a

pregnant woman, waiting for you alone all night?”

Suddenly, the car fell eerily silent, and the air got colder.

Sensing his mood. I was taken aback. I did not think I had said anything wrong. Why was

he upset?

The rest of the drive was uncomfortably quiet. When the car arrived at Clearwater

Residence and I got out, he suddenly grabbed me and said, “Yvette, let’s talk”

He then pulled me into the villa and had me sit on the sofa in the living room, pouring me

a cup of tea

I was a bit bewildered by his formality and asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

He sat opposite me, not in a hurry to speak. Instead, he took off his black coat, placed it

aside, and then looked at me. “Yvette, do you hate me?”