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Facade of Love

Chapter 57
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I laughed, avoiding his gaze, and said nonchalantly, “I wouldn’t say I’m in a hurry. At least

I’m not as brazen as you. Besides, I’m not the only one carrying your child. And for the

record, I never intended to have this baby.”

The atmosphere in the car turned icy. I shivered, meeting Idris’s stormy gaze. It took a

moment for me to realize how harsh my words had been, and my heart gave a guilty lurch

His gaze was a dark storm of restrained anger and hurt. He was a gentleman, though, and

no matter how angry he was, he would not lay a hand on me, let alone harm me.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. “You never intended to have this child?”

His gaze made my heart lurch again. His eyes were filled with disappointment and a

shadowy hurt. For a moment, I thought I saw pain in his eyes.


Was it for the unborn child, or

A sudden pang hit me. I knew that if I denied it, he would calmly take me out for a nice

meal, even accompany me to check on the health of our unborn child, and perhaps even

share in the anticipation of its arrival

But I also knew that if that happened, our divorce would be put on hold indefinitely. He

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would not give up his feelings for Moore, nor his responsibility towards me and our child.

The entanglement of the three of us would continue like a relentless


I could not allow it, and the same went for Madam Young.

As I looked at him, I drew in a breath and began, “Idris, I never wanted to bear this child

for you. I’ve made it clear that you. can only choose one child–mine or Moore’s. Once the

Scott Corporation matter is settled, I’ll schedule a hospital visit for an abortion. You don’t

need to worry about my grandmother. If you still value the two years we spent as husband

and wife, respect my decision. I know you have the power to meddle in my affairs, but

when it comes to terminating a pregnancy, I have many ways to do it. You should know

that better than me.”

He probably did not expect me to be so definitive. He just stared at me, his gaze dark and

brooding. After a long silence, he finally spoke. “All this because of Moore?”

I pressed my l*ps together, my gaze icy. “Isn’t one Moore enough? Idris, do you really

think I should be so nice as to accept your lover and child, watching your happy family of

three? You’re overestimating me.”

He fell silent, his heavy brows shadowed with coldness and weight. “My relationship with

her is merely one of obligation. If Moore’s presence bothers you, I can send her

I had assumed that his feelings for Moore would make him angry enough to kick me out of

the car. He never had to choose between me and Moore, Moore was always the given.

His words left me momentarily stunned.

Send Moore away?

The surprise was fleeting. I regained my composure and replied indifferently, “Whether

you send her away or not is your business. It doesn’t concem me ”

He glanced at me, his dark eyes deep, a mix of helplessness and anger. After a while, he

started the car and said, “Yvette, if you dare harm our child, I’ll make you wish you were

dead. I always follow through on my words.

I held my silence, my l*ps pressed together, a strange feeling stirring within me. The child

we were discussing was nothing more than a figment of imagination, so what was the

point of debating whether it hurt or not? Besides, Madam Young had only given me two

months. Whether he genuinely cared for this child or it was just an overflow of some

misguided paternal love, it all seemed fleeting to me.

We spent the journey in silence, the car finally coming to a halt beneath the towering

Scott Corporation building

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Chapter 571 Never Planned on Having This Child


Maxwell was waiting for us, his face creased with worry. As I stepped out of the car, he

approached me. “The guy’s gone. The cops came up empty–handed. I just got word that

Caleb used the expansion of GleamGate Media as an excuse to borrow five million from

the bank, and he’s taken all of it with him.”

I had already suspected that Caleb might have fled when Idris and I were on our way to

find Sophia. It was not a surprise. The fact that he had taken five million with him made

me frown, though.

Caleb’s greed was astonishing. What was he going to do with all that money?

I gave Maxwell a slight nod, taking a deep breath. “I figured as much. What’s the situation

with Scott Corporation’s finances?”

He grimaced, his brows still furrowed. “I just thought about Benett’s issue. After returning

from GleamGate Media, I checked the finance department. Benett took all the funds he

could, and the current state of Scott Corporation’s account is far from promising ”

A headache began to throb at my temples. The initial three million dollars was already a

tough pill to swallow, and now with the money these two had greedily taken, Scott

Corporation’s funds were likely on the brink of exhaustion.

Chapter 58 He’s worried I fret over you.