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Facade of Love

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 Trying to Buy Me for a Hundred thousand?

I did not want to discuss more over the phone, so I asked him to text me the address. I

hung up, ready to hop in the car and leave. Just as I was about to get in, Idris yanked me

back. I was annoyed by his interruption, and with a frown, I shot him a glare. “What’s the

matter, Idris?”

He glanced at my leg and said, “You’re planning to drive in this condition?”

Catching his gaze, I noticed the scrape on my leg for the first time. I had nicked it while

hastily scaling the wall. It was a bloody mess, looking rather gruesome, but it was not

serious. Thus, I had not given it much thought.

I pressed my l*ps together, not in the mood for idle chatter, and said flatly, “I’m fine.”

With that, I made to get back in the car, but he hoisted me into the passenger seat

without a word. After buckling me, he slid into the driver’s seat and fired up the engine.

I was long accustomed to his antics. Busy with tasks at hand, I did not feel like wasting

more time with him. I pulled up the address Maxwell had sent me and said, detached,

“Drive there, please.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We reached our destination in no time.

Maxwell had stashed our guy in an abandoned factory

As we pulled up, he was perched on the hood of a derelict truck outside, waving us over

from a distance. “Over here!”

He sat there, legs crossed and a wild grass stalk hanging from his mouth, looking every bit

like a street tough.

“What do you think? Do I look like a gang leader?” He hopped off the hood, dusted his

clothes, and asked me with a cheeky grin.

I forced a laugh and replied with a smirk, “You sure think highly of yourself. Where’s our


Not getting the response he wanted, he clicked his tongue and lazily pointed towards the

factory. “Inside. Go on in!”

I had assumed Maxwell merely tied the guy up. To my surprise, when Idris and I entered,

we found Doctor Miller bound hand and foot, dangling from a beam. His mouth was

gagged, leaving him hanging from the ceiling, whimpering but unable to speak.

“This guy’s got some nerve. I was planning on having a civil chat with him, but he tried to

bribe me.” Maxwell followed us in, grumbling. “Offered me a hundred thousand to let him

walk. Do I look like I’m worth only a hundred thousand? The nerve!”

A twitch tugged at the corner of my mouth as I shot him a sidelong glance. “You strung

him up over a hundred thousand?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes. “What else? He’s seriously underestimating me. I can’t stand it when

people look down on me. He should have offered more. What can a hundred thousand

even do?

Should i be relieved that Doctor Miller was not exactly rolling in money? Otherwise, I might

not have been able to nab this guy.

I took a deep breath, turning to Maxwell. “Let him down, will you?” With him hanging that

high, if we wanted to interrogate him, his neck would not be able to take it.

Maxwell nodded, brandishing a small knife from who knows where, and sliced through the

hanging rope. Doctor Miller plummeted to the ground, his face contorting in pain.

After pulling the gag from Doctor Miller’s mouth, before I could even get a word out, he

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

was already screaming. “This is illegal kidnapping! I’m going to sue you!”

I watched him, l*ps pursed, and took a few steps back. “Go ahead. The police might not

put much stock in a murderer’s words. Besides, we’ve caught a criminal, which is a good

deed. The police probably won’t sweat the small stuff.”

“I didn’t kill anyone!” Doctor Miller was frantic. “I never intended to kill her. Benett said

that as long as she went mad, that would be enough. I never thought she would die!”

I paused, looking at him. “Benett?”

He nodded. “Yes, him. He gave me some money, said his wife was mentally ill, and left her

with me. All I had to do was feed her extra medication every day, and let her continue her

madness in the hospital.”

I had suspected as much. I nodded. “Did you change Sophia’s personal information?”

He nodded in agreement. “Yes, the South Wing is reserved for those with severe mental

disorders. Sophia’s case is merely a delusion, and such patients aren’t permitted in the

South Wing. So, I swapped her records with another patient’s to sneak her in. Benett

handed me two hundred thousand, instructing me to simply keep Sophia inside. If Sophia’s

condition isn’t treated, the head of the hospital will eventually discover it. So, to worsen

her condition, I upped her medication after she was admitted. I never meant to kill her.”