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Fire Mage (Web Novel)

Chapter 643: Battle
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Chapter 643: Battle

Contrary to succumbing to panic, a mischievous smile gradually appeared on Charles's face, betraying his unyielding resolve in the face of danger.

While the two Legendary Beings madly assaulted the seemingly impregnable barrier of the [Ignis Sanctuary] spell, Charles remained composed, focusing on discerning their vulnerabilities. After careful analysis, he identified a potential weakness.

"Despite their lack of a soul, I sense a shard of soul within each of them," he surmised. As the enemies drew nearer, Charles raised his hand calmly and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a powerful surge of soul fire emanated from Charles's very being, rippling outward as a devastating shockwave, targeting and assaulting the hidden soul shards within the bodies of the Nightmare Guardians.

Without warning, both Nightmare Guardians erupted in a cataclysmic explosion, their forms disintegrating into an ethereal mass of shadowy dream energy, dissipating into thin air.

While observing the outcome, a cold glint flickered in Charles's eyes. At the same time, he absorbed the realization that the weakness of these clones lay within their soul shards. However, his triumph was tinged with disappointment when he discovered that he had only gained seven wisdom points from their defeat.

'I wonder how many more adversaries will come to challenge me next time,' he mused inwardly, contemplating the trials that awaited him. Undeterred, he resumed his journey, advancing towards the palace ensconced amidst towering trees and fortified walls.

As he drew closer to the magnificent structure, he was amazed by its splendid beauty. It was no mere palace but a remarkable amalgamation of a heavily fortified castle and a regal palace seamlessly fused into a singular architectural marvel.

The Castle's exterior was adorned with tall spires, decorative turrets, and intricate stonework, creating a visually captivating sight. The facade was predominantly white, complemented by red and brown accents, and the overall effect was an unrealistic and enchanting ambiance.

As Charles approached the Castle, he was greeted by the outer fortifications, which consisted of tall stone walls and defensive towers. Walking through the main gate, he entered the expansive courtyard, which was the Castle's heart.

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The courtyard of this Castle was a spacious and meticulously maintained area that offered a glimpse into the Castle's rich history. It was surrounded by the Castle's main buildings and provided access to various rooms, galleries, and attractions. The courtyard's architecture blended different styles, reflecting the Castle's evolution over the millenniums.

The most prominent structure within the courtyard was the Castle's main building. While rising high above the castle complex, the palace-like building symbolized the Castle's grandeur.

With a sharpened gaze, Charles directed his attention towards the entrance staircase of the main building, only to find nine Nightmare Guardians stationed there, effectively blocking his path. Yet, a lingering sense of foreboding unsettled him as if more of these nightmarish foes lurked in the vicinity, unseen but undoubtedly threatening.

'From their organized formation, it is clear they have prepared for this confrontation,' Charles pondered silently. However, before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, one of the Nightmare Guardians swiftly contorted its body and lunged toward him with extraordinary speed.

Simultaneously, the Guardian extended its grip upon the ancient sword, wielding it with a sweeping motion that unleashed an eerie greenish aura, enveloping the entire length of the blade. An instant, a searing cut materialized on Charles's neck, causing a crimson spray of blood to stain the verdant grass beneath.

Yet, even before his head could be severed from his body, a pure and vibrant fire, tinged with shades of 'Greenish-Blue,' enshrouded Charles, swiftly healing the wound with swiftness. Undeterred by the invisible attack, Charles composed himself and activated his [Accelerated Thoughts] skill, enhancing his mental acuity as he fixated his gaze on the specific Nightmare Guardian before him.

Meanwhile, the other eight Nightmare Guardians began to disperse, strategically encircling Charles while maintaining a cautious distance of over 15 meters between themselves and their fellow guardians. Charles keenly noted this pattern, recognizing that they were likely testing the effective range of his attack spells. Determined to end this dangerous encounter swiftly, he steeled his resolve.

As the Nightmare Guardian closed in, Charles remained calm, channeling his energy to cast the [Soul Shock] spell, explicitly targeting the concealed soul shard within the Guardian's form.

True to his expectations, the Nightmare Guardian underwent a rapid transformation, dissolving into a pure manifestation of shadowy dream energy, ultimately vanishing along with its ancient longsword.

[4 Wisdom Points obtained!]

Yet, amid this vanishing act, another Nightmarish Guardian stepped forward, crouching low and swiftly dashing towards Charles. Its sword, too, became shrouded in the unsettling greenish aura, indicating the imminent danger that loomed before him.

Analyzing the dire circumstances he found himself in, Charles acknowledged the strategy employed by the Nightmare Guardian. With eight seconds needed to cast the [Soul Shock] spell again, he realized the urgency of finding a swift resolution.

However, before he could formulate a plan, the Nightmare Guardian closed in, raising its ancient sword to deliver a potentially devastating slash.

Yet, a protective barrier materialized around Charles as a small force-field-like structure and covered him. This was not the familiar [Ignis Sanctuary] spell but the Rank-5 [Sphere of Invulnerability] spell.

Having successfully constructed the model for the Lawful Fire Spell, its defensive capabilities had reached their pinnacle. The [Sphere of Invulnerability] could effortlessly withstand one or two Legendary rank spell attacks without difficulty.

Charles acknowledged the unsuitability of the [Ignis Sanctuary] spell for close combat, which spurred him to prepare for the next round of battle.

Unfazed by hesitation, the Nightmare Guardian unleashed its slashing attack with formidable force. Blade clashed against the protective barrier and resounded through the courtyard, accompanied by a reverberating shockwave. To Charles's surprise, the sheer brute strength of the assault propelled him backward, forcing him to retreat more than five steps.

Frustration welled within him as he pondered his limited options. Would he be left with no choice but to unleash his full power? His eyes darted towards the towering building that stood firmly before him, squinting in contemplation.

At that very moment, a sudden change in the near future manifested through the 'Faceless Eye' skill, casting an ominous pall over Charles's face. His expression turned grim as he realized the impending peril—a flurry of multiple sword attacks from all directions, threatening to slice him into minuscule pieces. The coordinated attack orchestrated by the Nightmare Guardians amplified the gravity of the situation.

'They seem to possess a unified consciousness across their multiple bodies,' Charles deduced, fully comprehending the direness of the circumstances. Without hesitation, he swiftly activated the [Rebirth Domain] spell.

In an instant, the sky transformed into a haunting shade of bloody red, followed by the emergence of crimson flames that engulfed the surroundings. Trees, grass, and even the walls ignited in a blazing inferno while the ground split open, spewing molten lava from deep within the earth.

The very atmosphere crackled with the energies of fire elementals.

Startled by the sudden cataclysmic change, the Nightmare Guardians momentarily faltered, affording Charles a brief respite. Entering a state of deep concentration, he waved his hand, dissipating the [Sphere of Invulnerability] spell, and locked his unwavering gaze upon the towering Nightmare Guardian before him.

A crimson eye imprint materialized on his forehead, emanating a dense and chaotic ray of fiery energy. Before the bewildered Nightmare Guardian could comprehend the situation, the crimson ray pierced its head, triggering a devastating explosion that propagated through its form, generating a rippling shockwave reverberating through the surrounding space.

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[3.5 Wisdom Points Obtained!]

Without a second thought, Charles disregarded the notification before him, fixing his unwavering gaze upon one of the encircling Nightmare Guardians. Fueled by determination, he propelled himself forward, a motion streak through the air.

His entire being underwent a dramatic transformation in perfect synchrony with his intent. His human form transformed, giving way to a pure manifestation of fire elemental energy. Reconfigured into the likeness of a humanoid creature, he now possessed striking azure and crystalline eyes that gleamed with otherworldly brilliance. His body, muscular and imposing, bore the mark of immense power. He also grew more than 7 feet tall and appeared as tall as the Nightmare Guardian. Most unsettling, a third eye, bearing reddish pupils, emerged on his forehead, hinting at his deep connection to the Chaos Eye spell. A pair of eerie black wings also sprouted from his back, lending him the appearance of a formidable and sinister entity, evoking imagery of the demonic.

With an unwavering motion, Charles surged forward, propelled by their immense power. With unparalleled speed, he traversed the distance between himself and the targeted Nightmare Guardian, bridging the gap in mere moments, arriving before the enemy with an almost swiftness.

Due to the effect of the Rebirth Domain, Charles's movements appeared as a dazzling streak of light before the watchful eyes of the Nightmare Guardians. In moments, the scene unfolded before them with surreal clarity.

Without warning, Charles released his invisible threads, swiftly ensnaring the targeted Nightmare Guardian's neck and limbs, immobilizing its every motion.

With a commanding wave of his hand, Charles shifted his focus towards another nearby Nightmare Guardian, launching himself forward while dragging the captive adversary along.

Repeating this process meticulously, he effortlessly replicated his previous feat, ensnaring the subsequent Nightmare Guardian and swiftly subduing the remaining adversaries.

In a remarkable display of efficiency, he successfully entangled all the Nightmare Guardians with his invisible strings within eight seconds, gathering them in the center of the courtyard, where they now stood restrained and incapacitated.

Having achieved this pivotal feat, Charles redirected his gaze towards the imposing main building, a coldness glint in his eyes.

"You have watched more than enough. Come out," Charles said coldly and raised his hand.

With a snap of his fingers, an instantaneous surge of bluish-green fire surged forth from his very being, materializing into a powerful and concentrated wave. This blazing torrent of energy homed in on the hidden soul-shards within the Nightmare Guardians, its destructive force aimed at obliterating their essence.

Thunderous explosions resonated throughout the courtyard in the blink of an eye, each eruption accompanied by a dazzling display of radiant power.

The previously eerie and foreboding humanoid figures now burst apart in a cacophony of explosive bangs, unleashing torrents of dream energy that surged in all directions, rippling through the surrounding space.