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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 472
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"Wrong," declared a female student from Imperial Aviation University.

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"Correct answer! Imperial Aviation University scores a point!" "Maddox, take it easy, no rush." Ivan, concerned that Maddox might be feeling the pressure, tried to reassure him. Maddox, tasked with buzzing in, was under the most stress. He didn't say anything, just nodded firmly.

"Next question! When converting from an E-R model to a relational model, what is the key for a relationship schema in an rri:n relationship? Buzz in!" Maddox quickly pressed the buzzer! Brianna followed right behind him, answering, "The combination of the key from the m-side entity and the key from the n-side entity." "Congratulations to Maple Grove University for scoring a point. Next question..." the host read out a long question, "Buzz in now!" Maddox's hand shook.

"Oh no! What a shame! Maple Grove University buzzed in too early and missed the chance to answer this question!" the host exclaimed. "Imperial Aviation University, your answer, please!" "CREATECLUSTER!" "Sorry, that's incorrect! Keep buzzing in!" Ivan and the others were beside themselves, scratching their heads in frustration. They knew the right answer but had missed their chance to respond, left only to watch helplessly.

"I'm sorry..." "Don't be. Focus on the competition!" "Yeah, Maddox, don't stress, just do your thing!" "Okay..." Maddox took a deep breath.

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"Congratulations to Foreign Language University for scoring a point! Now, for the next question," The competition was heating up. Ivan, Brianna, and the others were drenched in sweat on stage. Maddox, in particular, had a completely soaked back. Among them, only Flora remained calm and collected. "The score between Imperial Aviation and Maple Grove University is neck and neck! With over half the questions answered, it's looking tough for Maple Grove. Their performance seems a bit off..." "These questions are brutal, full of traps. No wonder the scores are so close." "I bet it's that Flora. She's been up there forever and hasn't answered a single question. Everyone else is busting their butts, and she's just standing there like she's not even part of the team. If I were on Maple Grove's team, I'd be livid." "Yeah, now that you mention it, Flora hasn't answered a single question yet!"

Students from various universities whispered among themselves, clearly dissatisfied with Flora's performance. Having a freshman from the medical e department in a computer science competition was already controversial, and Flora's lack of contribution only fueled the discontent. The grumbling grew louder, with many feeling sorry for the Maple Grove team. On the judges' panel, aside from Jules, the other three judges wore expressions of disappointment. They had expected great things from Flora, only to be let down.

Aisha watched, a cold smirk on her face. It seemed she didn't need to do anything for Flora to ruin her own reputation.

"Ms. Flora, you got this! Show them what you've got!" Cecelia screamed at the top of her lungs Their Msm Flora couldn't be that weak! She had to be saving her strength for a big move! After the incident at Florik Entertainment, Cecelia had becFlora's number one fan.

On stage, the competition continued. With seventy questions down, Maple Grove University was two points ahead of Imperial Aviation University. This was the final stretch, with all teams focusing intensely to overturn the scores in the last thirty questions. The later it got, the more it tested the competitors' true grit. X