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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 16
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Charles escorted Mavis back to the Peony House after their dinner. There were words on the tip of his

tongue but he didn't know

where to start. On the other hand, Mavis knew that he wanted to ask her something, but she didn't

open her mouth either.

Charles was curious of Harper's changes and wanted to know what had happened.

It wasn't until they were at the Peony House that Charles managed to ask, "Mother...Harper..."

"Son, what do you think of her performance?" A meaningful smile was on Mavis' lips. She was very

satisfied with how Harper

behaved today.

"It's like she has changed into another person." Harper used to be proud, domineering and arrogant,

but now she was introverted

and elegant, and had a temperament like Kelly Qin, Charles' first wife.

"I, too, feel like she's changed. Mary's really a good nanny."

"Nanny Mary!" That surprised Charles greatly. He had asked Mary in person to teach Hailey imperial

etiquette, but had been

rejected. He couldn't help but wonder how much his mother had paid to hire Mary.

"Mother, I can't believe that you managed to ask Nanny Mary to teach Harper!"

"Mm." Mavis nodded. "In just a month, Harper has changed completely. Her every move is gentle and

charming. What's more,

she looks just like her own mother. That kind of tenderness makes her more attractive. Don't you think

His Majesty will like her?"

Her words shocked Charles. "You mean you want Harper to enter the Imperial Palace and be His

Majesty's concubine?"

"Since His Highness broke off the engagement to her, no one in noble clans dares to ask for her hand

for fear of offending Prince

Kevin. Harper is your daughter and can only marry a man with a superior position than hers. There's no

way I'll arrange for an

ordinary man for her. After I pondered over this, I decided that it's a good idea for her to enter the

Imperial Palace. Moreover,

Lady Katrina is alone in the palace with no children. Harper's young and beautiful, and if she gives birth

to His Majesty's child,

Lady Katrina will help her raise the child," Mavis explained slowly. She adored Harper but she cared

more about the glory of the

Chu Clan.

"Will Harper agree? She's a stubborn girl." It worried Charles because he didn't treat Harper well. If

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Harper gained power in the

Imperial Palace, he feared that she would turn against Katrina and the Chu Clan.

"It's impossible for her to survive in the Imperial Palace without the support of the Chu Clan. And I'm

sure that Hailey will marry

the crown prince. It's inevitable that they would help each other in the future." There was a twinkle in

Mavis' eyes. "You should

treat Harper nicely from now on, even if you're just pretending!"

The words made Charles pause in thought but he eventually nodded. "I see. But has she really


It was hard for Charles to believe that Harper really changed, and that made Mavis unhappily glare at

him. "I've seen her

changes. She went through tests of life and death. How could she not learn her lesson?"

"It's my fault. I'm overthinking, Mother."

"I'm tired. Go back and discipline Felicia. Don't let her make trouble." It cost her a lot of effort and

money to get Mary to teach

Harper, so she couldn't let anyone ruin it.

"I'll ask Sue to discipline her." Meanwhile when Harper returned to the Emerald House, she said

nothing about the dust and stain in the place. She just asked some maids to fetch water to clean and

even cleaned up with them. The words Mavis told him remained in Charles' mind even after he came

out of the Peony House, so he decided to see Harper. He was greeted with the sight of Harper cleaning

the house with her maids, which made his face darken. He immediately sent someone to bring the

steward to him. Charles scolded the steward in front of Harper, "You're an amazing steward, aren't

you? Harper has to clean the house by herself." "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." The steward was scared

out of his wits. "I've been cleaning the Peony House for the past couple of days and forgot to take care

of Lady Harper's Emerald House. Please forgive me, My Lord. I'll have the house cleaned up now."

"Hurry up!" Charles yelled at him because he didn't know what else to say with Harper being so quiet.

She used to love drama and pester him with trifles. Her sudden change made Charles feel a little

uncomfortable. "Harper." "Father." "Now that you're back, let bygones be bygones. Don't take it to

heart. If the maids fail to serve you well, you have to tell me and I'll help you punish them." With

Harper's beauty, Charles was sure that the emperor would fall in love with her, and he wanted to build a

good relationship with her. The emperor wasn't getting any younger, but he still loved beauty. It didn't

bother Charles to be nicer to Harper since she'd earn glory for the Chu Clan.

"I know." It satisfied Charles to see Harper being well-behaved. "You must be tired after a long journey.

Go to bed early." "Thank you, Father." A flicker of smile emerged on Harper's lips as she looked at

Charles' receding figure. But after a second, the faint smile

disappeared without a trace. Enya felt that Harper became a little strange but she couldn't put a finger

on it.

In accordance with Charles' orders, the steward called several maids to clean the Emerald House and

by nightfall, the house

was fully cleaned. Hot water was brought by Nina and Anabel to help Harper bathe.

"You can go and rest. I don't need anyone to look after me." Once everyone had been dismissed,

Harper bathed herself. A sly

expression flashed through her face when she saw the wound on her arm. That day, only her four

maids knew that she was

going to pick herbs for Mavis, yet someone cut off the rope and tried to kill her. She wondered which

one of them had betrayed


Immersed in her thoughts, Harper didn't even notice that someone entered the room until she smelled

the faint trace of blood

and saw a sword on her neck.

A very ferocious mask greeted her when she turned to look. "You're bleeding," Harper said.

"Shut up! Don't make a sound or I'll kill you!" The man's breath became shorter and the smell of blood

was stronger. Harper was

certain that he was seriously injured.

"You're seriously injured. I'm a physician. If you trust me, let me get dressed and clean your wounds.

What do you think?" Harper

offered tentatively.

"If you try to call for help, I'll kill you instantly!" "Don't worry. If I call for someone, my reputation will be

destroyed," Harper said calmly. "I'm walking on eggshells around the Chu Clan. Sue, the hostess of the

mansion, would like to find a reason to kill me. If I call for someone, she will take this chance to kill me."

The smell of blood became heavier and the man looked even fainter. "Come out quickly and don't try to

ask for help. I'll kill you before you can utter a word!"

With a nod, Harper put on her clothes after the man retreated behind the screen. The man sneaked

into the Chu Clan mansion with injuries. If someone searched for evidence, she wouldn't be able to

stop them from arresting him with any excuse. The man's eyes darkened as he saw the silhouette

flickering on the screen. 'How dare this woman be so bold!' he thought to


It didn't take long for her to finish and fetch the medicine box. Harper studied his bloody shoulder and

cut his clothes near the

wounds. The grievous wounds made her frown and say, "I need to clean your wounds. It'll be a little

painful. Try to bear it and

don't scream."

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The words made the man frown. Did he look like the kind of person who would scream out of pain? But

when he saw her deep in

concentration to clean his wounds, he swallowed down his anger and pretended not to hear her words.

It didn't take her too long to handle the wounds, and she even wiped away the bloodstains in the room.

She then lit sandalwood

to remove the smell of blood in the room. Every move was skillful as if she was used to doing it.

When he saw how she behaved, the man felt unreasonably uncomfortable. "Why are you so good at

this? Do you often have

men breaking into your room?"

The words made Harper roll her eyes. "I just don't like the smell of blood, nor do I want any trouble. You

better leave as soon as

possible. As far as I know, my father will search the whole mansion soon and there's no place you can

hide from him in here!"

"Are you afraid that you'll be implicated?"

"Of course I am. I worked so hard to deceive him and make him change his mind on killing me. If I

make trouble again, I'll be

courting death." The man made a face when Harper offered him a cup of tea after she tidied up.

"What's this?"

"Longan and reds date tea. You've lost too much blood. Drink some of it and it'll be beneficial to your

health," Harper explained

as she poured a cup of tea for herself, sitting far away from the man. Eventually, they heard noise from

outside the room.

The man glanced at Harper and gulped down his tea. He then jumped out the window and disappeared

into the night like he

wasn't even there at all.

The cup the man used was turned upside down as if no one used it at all. Then Harper took a medical

book and quietly read it.

She looked bewildered when Charles broke into her house with his men.

"Father, it's so late. What's the matter?"

Seeing her wet hair, tea cup and medical book, Charles squinted at her. "Harper, did you see anyone

come in?"

"No. I've been in my room all this time and didn't see anyone. Why not call my maids here? You can

ask them about it." Harper

shook her head.

Charles then thought that it was impossible for a girl like Harper to hide a man in her room. "It's fine.

There was a thief in the

mansion. I was worried about you, so I came here to have a look," he said with a frown.

"Thank you, Father. I'm fine."

"That's good. It's late. Go to bed early."

"Yes, Father."