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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 33
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Although Hailey came back, she only stayed home for three days and then went back to work. After all,

she was the only female

imperial physician in the Imperial Academy of Medicine. Many ladies would ask for her help when they

suffered from pain. That

was an advantage of being a female physician. Therefore, Hailey was very busy dealing with her work

all the time. Harper also

kept herself busy. She had been researching about things she could sell. She locked herself inside the

room and saw nobody

these days. Even Nina and Anabel had no idea what she was doing exactly.

Enya had always been curious. She had tried to break in to see what was going on several times, but

she was stopped by Nina

every time. They were of the same ranking as maids but only Nina had the maturity to stop Enya from

being too nosy. Nina knew

that Harper would not want any of them to know what she was concentrating on.

On the other hand, the grievous sores on Felicia's face were finally healed after Hailey treated her face.

But there were still

marks remaining on her face. Felicia would have to wear a veil when she went out from now on.

"My Lady, Lady Yvonne is here," Anabel told Harper after entering the room.

Harper paused on her research and stretched her tired arms. "Please let her in."

"Greetings, Harper," said Yvonne.

"Don't be so formal, Yvonne. We are sisters, after all. Take a seat," Harper replied. Yvonne looked a bit

restless, but Harper

understood what she was worried about. So in the meantime, she kept her silence and wouldn't bring it

up if that would make

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Yvonne uncomfortable.

Yvonne must have sensed Harper's sympathy. Touched and overwhelmed with emotions, Yvonne fell

on her knees. "Harper, my

dear sister, please help me!"

"Yvonne, what are you doing? Stand up quickly. People will think I'm being mean to you when you do

that," Harper exclaimed

and helped Yvonne stand up. "We are sisters. If there is any trouble you are trapped in, just tell me. I

will help you if I can."

Upon hearing that, Yvonne bit her lower lip and then said, "Harper, you know that I'm just the daughter

of a concubine. My mother is not favored by our father. And I am going to come of age very soon. My

marriage is controlled by Lady Sue. If I don't plan for myself, I'm afraid I won't have a good future. I

don't think Lady Sue would choose a good husband for me." "I know what you mean," Harper said in a

flat tone before she took a sip of tea. "But I don't understand why you're telling me this."

"I don't want to become Lady Sue's pawn against her enemies. I know Lady Sue may force me to

marry into a business family if it will bring her benefits. Or worse, she will force me to marry an old man.

I'm still young, Harper! Will you let me be miserable for all my life?" Yvonne wept. "So you chose him?"

Harper asked instead. Although she didn't mention who she was referring to, Harper was sure that

Yvonne knew who she was talking about. "Harper, I know I've hurt you by doing this. I'm sorry. Please

forgive me..." Yvonne cried. "Okay, stop it, please. I don't care about your affairs and I won't say

anything about it. But I just want to remind you that Lady Sue is a very, well, let's say, capable woman.

And you know Felicia is not a simple girl. Both of them are not easy to deal with. You'd better be careful

and don't let others find out that you're keeping something. Felicia is going to celebrating her birthday

soon. Once she comes of age, her marriage will be around the corner. Before that comes, you'd better

plan well for yourself," Harper

said, her voice seemingly distant. She knew about Yvonne and Hansen's relationship. But if Yvonne

wouldn't say it outright, then

she wouldn't say anything about it.

Thinking about what would happen if Felicia lost everything brought immense pleasure to Harper. Sue

and Felicia used to

celebrate Harper's misery. It was just fair play and Harper couldn't wait to see their downfall.

"Thank you so much, Harper. I will keep your words in mind," Yvonne said gratefully.

"Well, just go back. Lady Carrie will worry about you," Harper urged.

"Yes, I'll see you later," Yvonne said.

She left the room with her maid. As soon as she went out of the Emerald House, she wiped the cold

beads of sweat off her forehead. While talking to Harper, she was so afraid that Harper would declare

what she had done. In that case, Sue would certainly make her marry into a random family as soon as

possible to cover the scandal. And Yvonne knew that it would be definitely not a good family. "Oh, it's

you, my dear sister. Hello, Yvonne," Felicia greeted Yvonne with sarcasm. "Where did you just go?

What? While I was sick, you've already cozy up to Harper?"

"Nice to see you, Felicia," Yvonne answered. "Are you feeling better?"


Felicia's palm connected with Yvonne's cheek. "You bitch! Are you hoping that I'll never feel better


"No, Felicia. Why would you think that? I wish you will recover as early as possible. I always wanted to

visit you, but Lady Sue

stopped me every time," Yvonne explained. She felt wronged and wanted to cry.

With another slap, Felicia said, "Stop pretending to be poor and fragile! There is no one else around us!

I hate the sight of your

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face. I wish I could cut your face. Who the hell do you think you are? You don't deserve to visit me!"

Yvonne covered her face with trembling hands. She feared that Felicia would seriously damage her

face. Yvonne was well aware

that her beautiful face was her only advantage considering that she was only the daughter of a humble

concubine. If her face

was disfigured, then there would be no hope for her.

"I'm sorry, Felicia. It's all my fault. Please calm down," Yvonne begged weakly.

"I'm not your sister! You're just the daughter of a concubine. You don't deserve to be called my sister at

all. I'm going to marry the

heir of a prince in the future. And you? You are too dull, simple and low to be considered my sister!"

Felicia finished in a haughty


"Yes, you are right, Lady Felicia," Yvonne responded politely. She even changed how she addressed

Felicia. Lowering her head,

Yvonne tried her best to prevent herself from pissing Felicia off even more. Coupled with a bad temper,

Felicia had always been

aggressive and arrogant. Everyone in the manor knew how to steer clear of her. Only Harper, who was

more aggressive, dared

to fight back against Felicia. These days, Harper restrained herself from being too domineering. A

controlled Harper was like a

volcano waiting to erupt, unpredictable. Felicia, on the other hand, remained as vicious and stupid as

before. Yvonne had felt a

little guilty for seducing Hansen. But after what Felicia said and did to her, her remorse shrunk. She

could only feel pride at

duping this stupid, holier-than-thou Felicia.