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Chapter 466 Trade By Batter.
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If you can dish it out then you must be able to take it too. If the gods don't expect him to retaliate then they are in for quite a shock.

"Don't break now old friend," Aeternus said to his quivering claymore.

His claymore is not the only thing quivering from the energy overload. His soul is also being pushed to the limit of his ability trying to parse the attack. His soul reached its limit and came up short. There's just too much information and factors to consider if he intends to replicate that attack and even enhance it.

The attack of the GodSlayer is not some simple spell or even a complicated spell. He will take any type of spell right now. At least, spells have structures. Unfortunately, the attack of the GodSlayer is no spell. It is not a divine ability either. It is a chaotic phenomenon. It is 8 grand gods, 2 Celestials, and 5 Authorities smashing into him. How is he to copy the action of a getting to collide?

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Even worse, the attack is a physical phenomenon turned magical and maybe spiritual. Aeternus cannot copy physical attacks. He can only copy magical attacks using his POWER OF ENVY. He can reflect all types of attacks using SPITE OF ENVY but he cannot reflect something of that level. It is too large. He will be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, he is not the only one trying to parse and analyze this attack. The tree father is giving him close-up and in-depth information about it. He is also using his sin ability to the best of his ability to acquire information. All that information is then analyzed by all the 9 minds of Legion. 2 good heads are better than one. 9 excellent heads can create a miracle.

Different processes are taking place within Aeternus's mind right now. Ideas, concepts, energy functions, and constants are swirling in a whirlpool of chaos in his mind. He can control Chaos energy but what he is asking Chaos to do is insane so he has to dictate each step of what he wants down to the nitty gritty.

Chaos energy might be able to do anything and everything but it needs instructions and a template to adhere to. Aeternus is trying to form the template but what he has in his mind is a whirlpool of instructions. The instructions need to be connected to one another into a viable structure that is similar to that of the incoming attack if he intends to replicate it.

This whirlpool is beyond his ability to control but 8 other tethers are pulling on the edges of the whirlpool and giving it structure. All 9 of them are easing knots, performing enormous calculations, and assembling instructions as fast as possible. The whirlpool of chaos was forcefully given form.

Finally, a ball started to rise from the whirlpool. This ball is the order that has been given to Chaos. Chaos can form anything and it has been made to form this ball. It didn't do it willingly but its willingness was overridden by force.

9 excellent heads can replicate an attack constituting the physical collision of 8 grand gods, 2 Celestials, and 5 Authorities converted into an All-Existensial attack. They can't enhance it but they can do it fast enough for Aeternus to counterattack which is more than enough for their plan.

The golden string within the attack of the GodSlayer finally spoke broking the silence.

"Impressive. I feel the change in the strings of fate." It said to the green flame, "It was nice working with you. We'll see soon."

The tree father snorted and ignored the god of fate. He focused on the most important thing right now which is Aeternus's strike. He didn't let the fact that the god of fate can tell that Aeternus succeeded to get to him.

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Aeternus swung his claymore at the attack with all his might. His claymore now glowing a black light rose and fell. It took some of the flames burning on Aeternus's body with it as it fell and produced a black wave that rose up in opposition to the attack of the GodSlayer. The wave morphed into a terrifying Black skull. The black skull has five horns, each with a different symbol etched on them. The symbols are a string, a flame, a hammer, a scale, and a star.

The Black skull rose up to the sky to meet the 5-colored wave of energy crashing down from the heavens. The two attacks clashed violently and shook the world with a loud thunderclap that is akin to a giant clapping. The world brightened because of the explosion of light then it darkened when the firmament was torn asunder. The sky was ripped apart and the light of the sun disappeared into the void of space through the years.

The resulting thunderclap rocked the world and deafened all who heard it. The earth shook and the sands of the desert were kicked up into a hurricane. Fragments of the two attacks fell and scattered into the plane where they wrought destruction to lives and properties. Fire and brimstone fell to the earth. It looked like the world was ending.

The plane suffered and will continue to suffer the repercussions of that collision for some time to come. The entities within the attack of the GodSlayer are not having a nice time either. A collision with something of equal power occurred and it occurred outside of the core of their target. It is against the script. A terrible gift was to be forced onto Aeternus but they got something in exchange. They were not up to participate in such a macabre trade by batter.

The two conceptual phenomena suffered as the two attacks that embodied them sought to eradicate each other. The gods that formed the energy had their very being destroyed. The pain they felt could not be measured, quantified or qualified. It couldn't be measured against anything else because the only thing they felt is pain. Pain became their whole world but this isn't the end of it. More things that can cause pain are on their way.

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