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Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 581: Preparation of a Big Figh
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One week later,

Alex and the others had regrouped with the others. At first, Alex was planning to make a surprise attack on the Black Devil Sect, but they were better than expected. Although they barely had 400 people, they managed to gather in a single spot to prevent Alex from killing them.

On the other hand, the people from Black Devil Sect felt sh*t. They never expected that the powerful sect would have this kind of situation. They hid on a small plain behind a rocky mountain area. Not only could it hide many people inside, but the mountain area also made it hard for normal people to get in. This would be the perfect hiding place for those who had the information about the area.

Moar decided to move the disciples here because of Alex's pursuit. Although he never heard about it, he knew that the disciples had been killed relentlessly by Alex's group. His only question was Alex's real target.

He even met with the other group leaders from respective influences, but only Chloe's group, who encountered Alex's group, and Ganga, who met Stina's group. They simply shared their experiences with him but didn't give a damn about his situation.

Only Moar and a few elite disciples could go out of this mountain to make sure they could come back alive. Unfortunately, the result wasn't really good because other influences had completely killed the monsters around them.

This made him angry, resulting in him gathering the elite disciples to discuss this.

"I need a solution to this problem. If you have any solution, say it. If you don't, just stay silent." Moar said in frustration, looking at the elite disciples. "Even though we have been careful to only send fifty disciples outside to gather monster cores, they could somehow ambush us again and again. Say, who is their target?"

The disciples wanted to say 'you,' but there was no proof. In the end, they could only stay silent rather than angering him. It wasn't like they believed Moar was the target, they just wanted to have a scapegoat to end this suffering. Besides, what would be the reason for Alex's group to slaughter more than six hundred of them other than revenge.

The only person who appeared in their mind was Moar. From his younger days, Moar was crueler than any others. Though they couldn't say they were good either because they had been slaughtering people to make blood pills, Moar was just that different. The first time he roamed outside the sect, he would kill at least a hundred people. It was when he was a Martial Grandmaster. His killing counts alone had already surpassed a few hundred thousand. This made many people want to kill him secretly since they couldn't kill him openly because of the protection of his elders.

In the end, he managed to become a Martial Emperor and every time his name was heard, it would send chills down one's spine. No wonder everyone would think it was him.

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Moar looked at the others with an evil smile. "How about we are going out together? With almost four hundred people, they couldn't handle us that easily."

"But the monsters have been cleared by other influences. If we go out, we wouldn't be able to acquire anything." One of the elite disciples said before his pale turned pale, thinking he had stepped over his bound.

Fortunately, Moar didn't berate him. Instead, he narrowed his eyes, thinking it was a good idea. Moar also had thought about this but abandoned the idea because he feared the target was him. After all, he heard that Chloe was no match against a mere 6-Star Martial Emperor while Ganga said he fought a 10-Star Martial Emperor, but couldn't stand a single blow from her. He feared the moment he came out, they would target only him before running away.

However, he had seen that Alex's group only ambushed the people that patrolled around. He thought Alex mustn't have enough people to fight this whole group. This thought gave him another confidence.

"Alright. Assemble all disciples and make them search the area before going out." Moar ordered one of them to notify the disciples while making a detailed plan with the rest. He needed to be extra careful when he went out because he knew Alex would kill these many people because he was prepared for it. And this was the perfect time to kill him.

Unbeknownst to him, his grim reaper already stood a bit farther from their hidden position. They were at the bottom of the mountain, looking at the tall mountain… no, the plain behind the mountain.

"Alex, how about our plan?" Anya came to him while glancing at his expression.

Alex pondered for a moment before asking her back, "If you are going to kill all of them, what are you going to do?"

Anya fell into deep thought while Alex walked past her and came to Anna, albeit he hesitated to ask her and pulled Narman's card. "I need information about the enemy such as their number, the terrain and other things."

"You can summon me, Young Master."

Without answering him, Alex channeled his Spiritual Energy to the card. "Summon."

Narman appeared in front of him while kneeling on one knee. "They are planning to move together outside the plain behind this mountain. I'm afraid we will have trouble fighting them outside the mountain range, so I believe we can destroy them tonight."

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Hoh… It's indeed better to have made a move on this mountain because the only way you can escape is the sky. We can just put the barrier there and lock them here to make them fall into despair. But… In order to do that, I need information."

Narman nodded. "Yes. First of all, they numbered 387 people with 13people above 8-Star Martial Emperor, with three of them being 10-Star Martial Emperor. Although they are not as strong as 10-Star Martial Emperor, that Moar is really different. Besides, some of them should have a Berserk Pill with them."

Alex narrowed his eyes as his expression darkened. As Narman said, they had met the people with Berserk Pill a few times in the past two weeks. It was hard to fight all of those people, so he was worried about it as well. He had a solution for that though.

"As for the terrain, I can give you a rough sketch of our current terrain and point out a few weak spots that we can use." Narman continued.

Alex thought for a moment before giving Narman a 'go'. Meanwhile, Anya appeared beside him and said, "Narman can draw fast and his quality is good. With this, we can get a good grasp of the terrain. For the time being, I shall explain a general strategy we can use."

Anna paused for a moment to get their attention before saying, "First of all, Alex will need to make a Special Realm in this area to trap them from moving. By using the complicated terrain, we can attack them from one place to another. We can even use his Space Element to teleport us not far from our position to make the people we move from that place. In that case, they will think the enemies are constantly moving, or there are more than a group of enemies."

"Hmm… How about if they use their Berserk Pill?" Alex asked mysteriously, wondering if she came up with the same strategy as him or not.

"Of course. It's your space element." Anya smiled.

"As expected, it's the only solution for us, huh…" Alex sighed. Looking at the confusion on the others' faces, he began explaining his plan, "This plan is related to the Special Realm that I will build to prevent them from escaping. The moment they eat the pills, we are teleporting outside the area and wait until the pill effect is over. They are going to die anyway, so using my Space Element isn't a problem."

"Yeah. We need to search around this area to make sure no one from other influences saw Alex's Space Element." Anya added with a grim expression.

"In order to do that, we will use the night and fastest method. This is what we are going to discuss." Alex narrowed his eyes.

"Are we going to use the True Spirit Body again?" Anna asked with a complicated expression. She was worried about the other influences because the True Spirit Body is their main trump card. If the other influences decided to attack them after that, they could only escape.

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Alex understood her concern but still nodded. "Yes. Don't worry. We are going to explore this vast barrier anyway. I don't really mind them coming at us. Besides, they shouldn't be too foolish since they know we have eliminated the Black Devil Sect unless they want to be the second one. The best they will do is to make a distance with us before reporting about it to their influences. At that time, we would be long gone."

"Alright." Anna nodded before noticing Narman had finished.

"Young Master, I have finished with the sketch." Narman showed him a rough but easy to differentiate sketch of their surroundings. The mountain, hill, or even plain could be in sight in 2x2 meters paper. Alex couldn't help but be astonished by the details. He didn't even need to clear the drawing as Alex had already grasped everything in this drawing.

He narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought before pointing at two spots. "These two spots are good. This first spot surrounded by mountains can be used to get a good advantage because it has a height advantage and is hard to be seen. The only way to get into this place is from the air… But this means we only need to target one direction.

"On the other hand, a bit further from the plain was a small forest that we can use to confuse them. If it were me, I would attack them from this mountain first, and when they try to fly toward the mountain, I will use my teleportation to go to the forest. Using the forest as a camouflage to hide my little number, we can bring confusion in their rank, forcing them to split their force to the mountain and forest. We can then eliminate the ones that are inside the forest."

"That's nice. We need to be fast enough to kill everyone inside the forest and target those who want to use the Berserk Pills. By the time the rest found out, they might use the pills before the battle. At that time, we will teleport and let them die. In case they target the barrier, we can use the Spatial Gate to send the attacks back to them." Anya smirked.

"Yeah. That's what I am planning to do. However, I need to set up quite a big array without them noticing. Narman, can you guide me around the area so I can finish the array before midnight?" Alex asked.

"Your wish is my order." Narman nodded in confidence.

"Anya, I will leave the plan details to you since I will be busy."

"Yes. Leave it to me."

Then, Alex and Narman sneaked around the area. Alex's speed in drawing symbols was fast. In fact, he only needed to reach 8-Star Martial Emperor before learning the rank 7 Arrays and pills. Though he never really had the need to make pills recently because he had enough money… from plundering the Joyful Union Sect.

It took them a few hours to finish the entire arrays because they needed to go around the moment they found a disciple patrolling the area. They didn't want to kill them just yet, to avoid being noticed. And luckily, the plan was progressing smoothly.

Alex and Narman came back to the meeting place, and Anya quickly explained her plan. After that, Narman disappeared to check their surroundings to prevent any influences from spying on them while Alex and the others could only wait for the night to come.