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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 168: Lion of the West
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  Chapter 168 The Lion of the Western Territory

  Actually, from a military point of view, Midsummer Hall is not a place suitable for gathering large armies.

   There are actually more suitable towns in the frontier of Dorne that can be used as a rallying point for the army.

  But King Joffrey insisted on choosing Summer Hall.

  Of course, he definitely didn't choose this place to see the ruins of the Targaryen family's summer palace. Midsummer Hall is actually a "blessed place" for the Baratheon family.

  At the beginning of the outbreak of the Snatchers War, Robert Baratheon played three triumphant songs here in one day, making a perfect start.

   Joffrey chose to assemble here, probably because he wanted to borrow his father's good luck.

  Unfortunately, this stupid king soon paid the price for his rash choice.

   Midsummer Hall is located between the mountains, the roads are difficult and the logistics are inconvenient, and these are not the worst.

   The worst problem is, the water source.

   There is actually a lake in front of Midsummer Hall, but this lake obviously cannot meet the water needs of such a huge army.

  When the River Bend army arrived, the Midsummer Hall had already gathered an army of nearly 100,000 people.

  In addition to the 40,000 troops in the River Bend, there are also 10,000 troops from the Royal Land, 30,000 troops from the Western Region, and 20,000 troops from the Stormlands.

  In addition, the armies from the Northern Territory, the Riverland, and the Valley are still on the way. When these three armies arrive, the army gathered here may easily exceed 150,000.

  The eating and drinking of so many people has obviously far exceeded the tolerance limit of this small lake.

  The originally blue lake water has become cloudy and exudes a pungent odor.

  The beautiful lakeside scenery has long since ceased to exist, replaced by all kinds of garbage and human and animal excrement.

   "Whose bad idea is it to choose to gather in Midsummer Hall?"

  An angry voice resounded from inside the tent flying the roaring lion banner.

   It was the Guardian of the West who spoke, Tywin Lannister, Duke of Casterly Rock.

The most powerful lord in the Seven Kingdoms is now in his fifties, but he is still full of energy and strong in body. His hair is golden, his sideburns are also golden, and even his light green eyes are golden. .

   A foolish jester once joked that Lord Tywin's **** had gold in his shit, so he'd have to spend the rest of his life in the deepest dungeon of Casterly Rock.

"it's me…"

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  King Joffrey just started, Queen Mother Cersei quickly said: "Father, it was decided after discussion in the imperial council."

"Stupid!" Duke Tywin scolded mercilessly. "Are there only fools left in the imperial council now? What about Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King? He also fought the War of the Predator anyway, how could it be?" Agree with this decision?"

   "Lord Ed is opposed to this decision." The Minister of Finance "Little Devil" Tyrion Lannister gloated, "But our good king and queen mother insisted, so..."

   "Shut up! Tyrion!" Cersei glared at her brother, a little out of breath.

  Duke Tywin had already understood, turned his head to look at his eldest son, and said:

   "You don't persuade me at all."

   "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister shrugged, with a look of indifference: "I am not qualified to attend the imperial meeting."

   "Father, I did attend. If you would like to know, I will persuade you too." Brother Tyrion said.

  Unfortunately, Duke Tywin ignored the dwarf's youngest son.

   "Grandpa!" King Joffrey finally couldn't suppress his anger, and shouted, "What's wrong with choosing Midsummer Hall to assemble!"

   "What's the problem?" Duke Tywin squinted his eyes and stared at the king. "There must be running water near the army station! If you still don't understand this problem, go to the pond full of excrement and urine to experience it for yourself!"

"It's all because they defecated everywhere! And dumped all kinds of **** into the lake!" Joffrey blushed and argued forcefully, "I'm hereby ordering that it's forbidden to throw **** into the lake! It's forbidden to do anything by the lake. Easy!"

   "Really?" Duke Tywin pouted, "It turns out that this can solve the problem."

   "Why not?" Joffrey was taken aback for a moment.

   "I suggest that the soldiers should not be allowed to drink water and defecate, so that the lake will soon become as blue as before." Tyrion said in a humorous tone.

  Duke Tywin ignored his youngest son's ridicule, and didn't want to explain to his grandson any more. He turned his head to look at his daughter: "If you don't understand military affairs, you should listen to other people's opinions."

   "I don't understand!" Joffrey exploded. "What's wrong with my decision! I am the king! I gather my army wherever I want it!"

"Then why don't you gather at Sunspear?" Tyrion sneered, "I guarantee that if Prince Doran sees a hundred thousand troops gathered in front of his bed, he will be so frightened that he will run to your Majesty and kiss your toes." , I beg your forgiveness."

   "Shut up!" Joffrey yelled at his uncle, "You dwarf monster! Talk to me again and I'll pull out your tongue!"

"The last king who clamored to pull out other people's tongues was named Aerys Targaryen." Duke Tywin reminded his grandson coldly, "Everyone called him the 'Mad King', and I need to tell you what happened to him later. You?"

"What right do you have to teach me!" Joffrey yelled at Lord Tywin, "I am the king! I am the king! This is where my father defeated the princes of the Stormlands! He is the real hero! When he bravely killed the enemy back then, you only dared to hide in Kaiyan City and wait and see!"

  The audience was silent.

   Oh oh oh, there is a good show to watch! Tyrion thought excitedly.

  Duke Tywin examined his grandson silently, with golden light shining in his pale green eyes.

   "Joffrey," Queen Mother Cersei held her son's shoulders, with a rare expression of fear on her face, "quickly apologize to grandpa."

   "Why should I apologize!" Joffrey still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, "The king doesn't apologize to anyone!"

"Thank you for your motto, Your Majesty." The chill in Duke Tywin's words could almost freeze the ears of everyone present, "Jaime, the king is tired, send him back to the camp to rest. Let the bachelor drink some sleeping wine to help His Majesty fall asleep .”

   "I'm not tired!" Joffrey yelled.

  Unfortunately, Duke Tywin no longer pays attention to him.

  Jaime firmly grasped Joffrey's arm, and pulled the yelling king out of the tent.

   "Father, I'm sorry." After the king left, the queen mother Cersei quickly apologized, "Joffrey is still young, and he is a bit self-willed..."

   "Is it capricious or stupid, can't you tell the difference?" Duke Tywin said unhappily, "How did you teach this child?"

   Precepts and deeds. Tyrion thought secretly.

   "I didn't teach it," Cersei argued, "it's Robert's fault!"

   "Yeah, it's all due to a dead man." Tyrion sneered, "He can't argue with you anyway, so just put all the blame on him."

   "Enough!" Duke Tywin said, "No matter whose responsibility it is, you, as a mother, must teach him well. I don't want to face a Robert II."

   "This child is not Robert II." Tyrion gave his own evaluation, "He is the Mad King II."

   "Shut up Tyrion!" Cersei yelled at her younger brother, then turned to her father and said, "Don't worry, I will teach him well. He is only thirteen years old, and he will become more and more sensible."

   "I hope so. Don't let him issue any more orders in this war, Cersei, can you promise that? If not, take him back to King's Landing. There's no need for a troublesome king here."

  Tyrion suggested: "It's better to let our king return to King's Landing, otherwise he will make trouble sooner or later."

   Cersei stared at her younger brother with warning eyes: "Father, if you let Little Joe return to King's Landing now, it will deal a great blow to his prestige, and the soldiers will also think that the king has abandoned them. This is extremely detrimental to the morale of the army."

  Duke Tywin stared into his daughter's eyes: "You promise he won't interfere in military affairs again?"

   Cersei quickly assured: "Don't worry father, I will definitely take care of little Joe."

   "Okay." Duke Tywin nodded, ended the topic, and then said in an orderly tone, "Tomorrow morning, the army will go south to Black Harbor City to gather. We can't stay here anymore, or the plague will spread."

   "Yes, father." Cersei was as obedient as a kitten.

  But when she heard her father's next sentence, she immediately exploded.

   "In addition, I am going to marry you again."

   "Marry?" cried Cersei. "No! I won't marry again!"

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  She has just tasted the taste of power, how can she be willing to give up to be a husband and a child.

"Oh, my dear sister, beautiful sister!" Tyrion excitedly dangled his short dangling legs on the chair, "You are so young, so beautiful, and so fertile, that you will not be alone for the rest of your life." Stay vacant?"

   "Father!" Cersei trembled in fear, "I am the Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms, the Queen Regent! Not a mare who specializes in giving birth! I will not marry again!"

"You can step down from the post of regent at that time, and I will take over. You don't need a woman to worry about national affairs." Duke Tywin said, "Your responsibility is to marry and win allies for the family. I will give you two Choose, think about it, and give me an answer after the war is over."

   "Which two lucky ones can marry our beautiful 'Light of the West'?" Tyrion felt that today must be his lucky day.

   "Baron Greyjoy and Veras Tyrell." Duke Tywin spit out two names.

   "No! Don't! I don't want both!" Cersei paled.

  Smelly old squid and lame rose. Oh my father, how merciful you are! Tyrion took a sip of wine excitedly, and solemnly gave his suggestion:

   "I think Captain Baron is more suitable. You see, he just died of his wife, sister, you just died of your husband, what a match! And this way, we will no longer have to worry about the rebellion of the Iron Islands."

  Tyrion was so excited that he couldn't contain himself when he thought that his annoying sister would be sent to Pyke Island, which was not a bird to lay eggs, to enjoy the sea breeze.

  How will brother James react when he hears the news? Tyrion suddenly thought, this guy won't draw his sword and kill Pyke Island, right?

"I also think Balon Greyjoy is a better choice." Duke Tywin nodded in agreement, without any fluctuations in his tone, "After all, Duke Mace Tyrell may not be willing to let his heir marry a widow .”

   "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hearing this, Tyrion laughed so hard that he was about to explode.


   A loud slap interrupts the laughter.

   "Cersei, you!" Tyrion covered his cheeks and looked at his furious sister, and finally closed his mouth wisely.

   will bully the dwarf brother! He cursed inwardly. Why don't you lose your temper with your father?

   "Okay, Cersei." Duke Tywin said, "We'll discuss this issue after you calm down. I hope you can remember your responsibility, your responsibility to the family."

   "Yes, Father." Cersei said firmly. Then he left the camp without looking back.

  Duke Tywin finally looked at his youngest son: "What are you doing here when you're not in King's Landing? You don't need the Minister of Finance to charge in a war, do you?"

"Because I can only find you here." Tyrion spread his hands, "Do you know what a mess that guy Littlefinger left for me! The treasury is full of rats, the accounts are like a maze, oh oh, There is also a debt of up to six million golden dragons..."

   "I don't want to hear any complaints." Duke Tywin interrupted coldly, "Tyrion, haven't you always wanted a chance, and now I have given it to you. If you don't cherish it, then I can take it back."

   "Then I can only do some magic." Tyrion joked again.

  Unfortunately, his father ignored him.

   "Well, I will prove it to you, father." Tyrion jumped off the chair and said loudly.

  If it weren't for the short stature and the red palm prints on his face, he would be almost imposing.

  (end of this chapter)