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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 193: mission
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  Chapter 193 Mission

   "Lord Tywin." Duke Renly arrived soon, wearing a dark green velvet dress with a polite smile, "What do you want from me?"

  Duke Tywin signaled the other party to sit down, and said: "Just now there is good news from the sky and the city."

   Duke Renly thought of Sir Lancel who he saw outside just now, and said with a smile:

   "Did His Majesty conquer the sky and the city?"

"Yes. And the 'Red Viper' was captured alive." There was no sign of abnormality on Duke Tywin's face. "Therefore, I would like to ask you to go to Sunspear on behalf of the Iron Throne and tell Prince Doran the news. He, the Iron Throne, is willing to make peace with Dorne."

   "Peace talks?" Duke Renly was slightly surprised.

   "Yes." Duke Tywin said indifferently, "Our purpose of launching this war is to bring the 'Red Viper' to trial. Since he has already been captured, there is no need to continue the fight."

   Duke Renly nodded, obviously thinking that this was a good idea:

"You're right. There's really no need to continue the fight. Even though Sunspear City is right in front of you, with the character of the Dornish people, even if we conquer this city, they won't surrender. Then it will be Eternal War again." Endless rebellion, harassment, bloodshed... so it is best to negotiate peace as soon as possible.

  However, if you insist on trying the Red Viper, Prince Doran may not agree to a truce. Even if Dorn is unable to counterattack, the Martell family will never surrender to the Iron Throne from now on. "

  Duke Tywin nodded and said: "You can tell Prince Doran, as long as the 'Red Viper' is willing to plead guilty, I can allow him to put on a black robe and become a night watchman."

   "Night watchman?" Duke Renly was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It is difficult to defend the Great Wall, but at least the Red Viper can save one life. However, this condition alone may not be able to impress Prince Doran."

  Duke Tywin added: "You can tell Doran that as long as Dorne is willing to surrender, I can even marry Princess Myrcella Baratheon to the Martell family."

   "I believe Prince Doran will not refuse this sincerity." Duke Renly smiled happily, thinking that this condition should be satisfied, "Okay, then I will go to Sunspear City."

  Duke Tywin nodded in satisfaction, got up and poured two glasses of red wine with his own hands, and handed one of them to Duke Renly:

   "I wish you success."

   Duke Renly took the wine glass, touched Duke Tywin, and said:

   "For the Peace of the Seven Kingdoms."

   After speaking, he drank it in one gulp.

  Out of the camp, Duke Renly went back and changed his clothes, and then walked towards Sunspear with his attendant, "Knight of Flowers" Loras Tyrell.

  When he came to the gate of the camp, Duke Renly found that Duke Tywin had also sent two people to accompany him on his mission.

   "Sir Gregor, I didn't expect Lord Tywin to send you."

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  Duke Renly looked at the huge "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane beside him, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

   "Yes, my lord." Gregor muffled.

   "Okay, let's go." Duke Renly chuckled, thinking he had guessed Duke Tywin's plan.

During the War of the Reavers, Duke Tywin led an army into the city of King's Landing. It was the "Magic Mountain" who raped and killed Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's wife, Princess Elia Martell from Dorne. , also killed her two children.

   This blood feud has been remembered by the Martell family for more than ten years.

  Now Duke Tywin actually sent "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane to Sunspear City. Isn't this equivalent to throwing the wild boar into the den of vipers?

  It turns out that Duke Tywin gave such a big gift to the Martell family.

  Duke Renly was more confident about the peace talks.

   There are four people on this mission, and the last one is Duke Tywin's nephew, Davon Lannister.

  After the defenders of Sunspear City learned of the situation, they put down the hanging basket and pulled the four of them up.

When it was "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane's turn, the hanging basket collapsed directly for the first time, almost killing the knight of the West. Fortunately, the defenders quickly replaced it with a bigger and stronger one. It took nine bulls and two tigers to pull this giant to the top of the wall.

  Walking on the street, Duke Renly could clearly feel the undisguised hostility of the Dornish people.

   is literally undisguised, because the Dornishman roared it out:

   "Kill 'em! Kill 'em!"

  Prince Doran had to send soldiers to **** the envoy of the Iron Throne from the angry people of Dorne.

   "Lord Renly." In front of the Old Palace, Princess Arianne greeted her personally.

   "Your Highness Arianne." Duke Renly stepped forward politely and kissed the princess' finger.

   "Have you felt the enthusiasm of the Dornish people?" Princess Arianne asked with a smile.

   "I feel it." Listening to the endless roars and screams, Duke Renly smiled unabated, "It's as hot as the sun."

   "There are hotter ones." Princess Arianne winked at Lord Renly, and turned to lead the way.

  The swaying figure is looming under the thin gauze.

  Unfortunately, Lord Renly didn't look sideways.

  A group of people walked along the winding and narrow tower, and came to a heavily guarded curved gate.

  Then an embarrassing thing happened. The door was too small for everyone else to pass through, but Ser Gregor Clegane, the "Magic Mountain", got stuck.

   "You Dornish people are all rats!" Sir Gregor roared, trying to force his way in. His huge body knocked against the entire wall, shaking it slightly, and the fine sand and gravel fell down.

   "Sir Gregor, please go through the gate below." Princess Arianne said.

   "Magic Mountain" ignored her, and was still pushing in persistently, as if intending to forcefully burst the door.

  Duke Renly and others hurried forward to persuade them, and then persuaded the rammed goods to go away.

   Watching the "Magic Mountain" return the same way and walk down the tower, Duke Renly and others continued to move forward.

  But not long after they left, they heard loud shouts of killing coming from behind them.

   Duke Renly stopped in his tracks, as if he had anticipated this, and looked at Princess Arianne beside him with a half-smile:

   "Is this how the Dornishmen welcome their guests?"

   "This is the most enthusiastic way." Princess Arianne smiled, turned and walked towards the direction of the sound, as if she didn't want to miss the big show.

   Duke Renly and others also followed.

Under the city wall, Gregor Clegane, the "Magic Mountain", was already fighting with seven or eight Dornishmen. No, his enemies were not only Dornishmen, but also several Dornish vipers, spitting out letters and entwining them. on his legs.

   Gregor howled like a wild beast, and swung his greatsword wildly, cutting a Dornishman between the shoulder and the elbow.

  The head of that unlucky guy flew far away spraying blood and brains.

   This scene immediately frightened many Dornish onlookers, but it also angered even more Dornish people.

   Armed with spears, they rushed forward, leaving a dozen **** round holes in Gregor's huge body.

   "You rats!" Gregor roared wildly, swinging the huge sword in a circle, "You all die!"

  The spears were chopped off one by one, but the giant sword also slipped down.

  A Dorne knight thought that the "Magic Mountain" was exhausted, so he rushed up with his sword, trying to cut off his head.


  The long sword hit Gregor on the shoulder, but got stuck in the bone.

   Before the Dorne knight could draw out his long sword, the "Magic Mountain" had already charged over laughing wildly.

   Under the terrified eyes of everyone, the giant hand of the "Magic Mountain" has already embraced the Dorne knight in his arms, like a pair of lovers.

  The next second, the Dorne knight's eyes were snapped out by steely fingers, and then, his jaw was smashed by an iron fist.

  "Magic Mountain" laughed wildly, looking like a madman, and directly twisted off the incomplete head of the Dorne knight.

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  The Dornishmen were completely enraged, and arrows rained down like a rainstorm, shooting the giant of the Westland into a hedgehog.

   But the "Magic Mountain" was still alive, screaming wildly and rushing into the crowd, immediately setting off another bloodbath.

  Duke Renly felt a surge in his stomach, and quickly looked away, for fear that he would spit out his breakfast.

  The battle below became more and more frenzied, and the cry of "Magic Mountain" was no different from that of a dying beast.

  Duke Renly felt his stomach getting more and more uncomfortable. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. When he lowered his head, the contents of his stomach gushed out like a spring.

  Loras hurried forward to pat the Duke on the back to help him soothe his emotions.

  Princess Arianne saw this, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes: "Lord Renly, it seems that you can't accept the enthusiasm of the Dornish people. If this is the case, let's go in."

   "Okay." Duke Renly didn't want to hear Sir Gregor's mad and disgusting howl before he died, and fled with the help of Loras.

   A group of people entered the old palace and came to a living room.

   Duke Renly took a big sip of wine to suppress the nausea just now.

   He himself actually felt a little strange. Although the scene just now was bloody, it would not make him lose his composure.

   "Where is His Highness Doran?" Duke Renly asked, trying not to think about the embarrassment just now.

   "Father will be here soon, please wait for a while." Princess Arianne asked with a concerned look, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

   "No need!" Duke Renly waved his hand, and there was another turmoil in his stomach, and he quickly picked up the wine glass to suppress it.

   But unexpectedly, after drinking a glass of wine, it seemed to add fuel to the fire, and the tumbling vomit could no longer be suppressed—


  The disdain in Princess Arianne's eyes became even stronger: "Lord Renly, let me ask the bachelor to prescribe some medicine for you."

   Lord Renly was speechless.

  Loras Tyrell said for him: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

  Princess Arianne immediately turned her attention to the Duke's handsome squire, a young Tyrell who looks fine...

  She bit her lip and winked at the "Knight of Flowers", but the other party immediately looked away.

  Princess Arianne was secretly annoyed, but she still stretched out her hand to call for the servant. Just as she was about to order, she heard a thud, and Duke Renly fell off his chair and fell into the vomit, making him extremely embarrassed.

  Princess Arianne couldn't hold back her laughter, but soon, her smile froze on her face.

  Because, Duke Renly actually started vomiting blood!

  Blood mixed with vomit, flowing on the ground, forming a colorful oil painting.

  It is extremely dazzling.

  (end of this chapter)