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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 199: Frank relative
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  Chapter 199 Frank relative

  The two servants cleaned up the ashes in the hall, and then left lightly.

  Caesar's retainers saw their former colleagues completely disappear from the world, and felt quite complicated for a while.

   But at the same time, they all felt the oppressive authority of the lord, and once again made it clear who the owner of Yingzui Island is.

  Even the gods cannot overshadow Caesar's brilliance in this place.

   "The incident in Gongga is a lesson."

  The voice of Samwell echoed in the silent hall.

  He sat high on the stage with a serious tone:

"Therefore, in order to prevent the management of the territory from abusing their power, I decided to set up a monitoring team to be responsible for supervising the behavior of all retainers including the chief of the territory. If any violation of the law is found, it can be investigated and the investigation results will be reported directly to me. , and I will make the final decision."

   Gavin's heart shuddered, and he could already imagine the heavy authority of this monitoring team. Of course, he didn't dare to oppose the lord's order, but asked carefully:

   "My lord, how many people are there in this monitoring team? Who should be in charge?"

"Temporarily set up three members." Sam Will said, "Sir Lucas Dane, Hal Hunter, and Ms. Timothy. The term of office is one year. After one year, according to your work situation, I will Consider letting you stay or dismiss."

  The three people who were named hurriedly stepped forward to salute the lord.

  The rest of the people looked different, and no one was surprised by Lucas Dane among the three. After all, this Dorne knight has always been valued by the lord, so it should be entrusted with important tasks.

   But the other two are interesting.

   Hal Hunter is the attendant of Knight Todd Flowers. It is understandable if he can be regarded as the representative of the River Bend people.

  But Timothy... Even if the lord is going to find a representative from among the wildlings, she won't be able to get her turn.

   Could it be that because of the case just now, the lord intends to compensate the wild woman?

   Everyone was thinking wildly, but no one dared to question it.

  Samwell didn't intend to explain too much.

  Whether this monitoring team can prevent the territorial managers from abusing their powers, in fact, he has no idea.

   But governance is to cross the river by feeling the stones, try more, and improve after discovering problems.

  After confirming the establishment of the monitoring team, Samwell looked at Brother Ivan again.

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  After Gongga was found guilty, the man remained silent, as if he had become a quail.

  Maybe seeing the great power of the white dragon, completely extinguished the idea of ​​fighting with the lord for power.

  However, Samwell will not relax his vigilance against this person because of this.

  The belief in Yingzui Island cannot be controlled by the Church of the Seven Gods, and a competitor must be found.

   "Everyone, let me introduce you." Samwell pointed to the red-robed woman standing on his right hand, "This is Melisandre from Asshai, a servant of the Red God R'hllor."

  Melisandre took a step forward and saluted everyone gracefully.

  Samwell continued: "Mr. Vido, you are in charge of organizing people to build a red temple in the territory. Ms. Melisandre will communicate with you about the specific temple style."

   "Yes, my lord." Vido took a peek at Brother Ivan, and found that he was still bowing his head, as if he hadn't heard the order at all.

   "Lord Caesar, the King of Light will bless you." Melisandre also expressed her gratitude.

At the beginning, she actually hoped that this prophesied prince could completely convert to the King of Light and expel those messy beliefs in the territory, but after getting along and testing later, she found helplessly that this Lord Caesar was a very assertive man. He is not willing to act according to her wishes, but he seems to be wary of the King of Light.

  However, Melisandre was not worried.

  She believed that as the end approached, the lucky one chosen by the King of Light would feel his own insignificance and powerlessness more and more, and thus completely surrender to the glory of the King of Light.

   "Gavin." Samwell called to his supervisor, "Tell me about the development of the territory during this period of time."

"The territory is developing very well, my lord." Gavin replied respectfully, "The population is increasing steadily, and the number has exceeded 70,000 so far. The savage tribes within a few hundred miles have all surrendered. Sir Mann is leading the troops on an expedition to the northeast mountainous area, and it is believed that the population of the territory will continue to maintain a trend of rapid growth.

The production of brandy has also increased, which can basically meet the requirements of distributors, and the previously planted vineyards have also begun to produce fresh grapes steadily. In this way, we can gradually get rid of the dependence on foreign raw materials and obtain higher income.

  The mining and refining of silver is also proceeding smoothly, and the current output is stable at 270 ounces per day..."

  Samwell listened quietly, quite satisfied with the development of the territory.

   Gavin is indeed a competent manager, helping him to take care of all the tedious affairs in an orderly manner.

  Samwell felt that he should give this loyal servant an identity.

  Although this person has not made any military exploits, his contribution to Yingzui Island is no less than that of the knights who charged into the trap.

   Just as Samwell was thinking about how to praise his manager, Gavin's tone suddenly became serious:

   "My lord, there is something quite tricky, I don't know what to do..."

"What's up?"

   "Workpoints are cashed out."

  Samwell frowned when he heard this.

The reason why Yingzui Island can develop at such a fast speed is firstly because of the two cash cows Brandy and Baiyin, secondly because of those lovely and respectable investors, and thirdly, thanks to Samway It's a means of predicting the future.

  The biggest "loan" is actually work points.

  Samwell used some meaningless numbers to fool thousands of wildlings into working for him, so his castle was built in such a short period of time.

   But the loan always has to be repaid.

  At the beginning, he made a promise that every work point was equal to a copper plate, and he said at the beginning that it would be fulfilled after the castle was completed.

  But when the castle was completed later, Samwell was in King's Landing, and Gavin used this as an excuse to say that he would wait until the lord came back before cashing in.

  When Samwell returned from King's Landing, the Iron Throne issued another war order, and the fulfillment was delayed again.

   But there are only three things. If it is delayed, it may cause dissatisfaction among the citizens.

   Although it may not cause riots, it is a great harm to Samwell's prestige.

  But if it is cashed out now, Samwell will not be able to come up with such a huge sum of money.

  When Duke Tywin promised to help the Dane family repay the debt of 70,000 golden dragons before, Samwell still wanted to use the money to cash in the work points, but now... the old lion is afraid that he would like to kill him, so how could he continue to fulfill his promise.

   "I'll think about it." Sam Will said.


  After the meeting, Samwell returned to his room.

   It's funny to say that since the completion of this castle that belongs to him, Samwell hasn't lived much, and has been running around.

  The room is very clean, and there are servants to clean it regularly. The furniture made of purple paulownia wood is not luxurious, but it is also decent for nobles. The large feather bed is covered with soft silk quilts.

  The side door of the bedroom leads to a bathroom, where servants have prepared hot water for him to bathe in.

  Samwell took off his clothes and sank himself into the bathtub.

  Wrapped in warm water, Samwell let out a comfortable breath, and the fatigue of the journey was instantly relieved.

  Cleopatra didn't seem to like the water, flapped the water a few times with her wings, and then flew out of the open window.

  Samwell wasn't worried. He had trained the white dragon very well. Unless provoked, he wouldn't take the initiative to hurt people, and he would only hunt wild animals when he was hungry.

  He lay in the bathtub, staring at the exquisite Myrish tapestry on the opposite wall.

   After an unknown amount of time, he heard the sound of the door being opened. He thought it was a maid who came to add hot water, so he ignored it.

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   Samwell didn't turn his head until he smelled the familiar scent of roses, and then saw Margaery Tyrell standing there handsomely.

  The girl's facial features are pure and picturesque, and her skin is as white and delicate as milk. She should have just taken a bath. Her long, soft brown hair is full of moisture and curls around her shoulders. She changed into a light green long skirt with a low cut and waist, which highlighted her slender waist and the imaginative snow-white groove.

  Coupled with a noble and dignified temperament and a sweet and gentle smile, it is really attractive.

   "Do you need help, Lord Caesar?" Margaret asked with a smile.

  Samwell's throat joint rolled: "What can I do for you?"

   "The work points are cashed." Margaret said, "That's a lot of money. Do you need the Tyrell family to lend you some money?"

   "Would the Tyrell family be willing to lend me money?"

   Margaery shrugged, and said, "We can go back and ask."

   "So you want me to go back to High Court with you."

   "Otherwise." Margaery pouted, "Don't you want to formally marry me?"

   "Of course I would. But I was worried about going to Highgarden, and the Duke of Mace directly tied me up and gave it to the Lannister family."

   "No." Margaery looked at the man firmly, "Unless father wants to lose my daughter. Don't you believe me, Sam?"

  Samwell was about to speak, but suddenly froze.

  Because, the girl in front of her suddenly untied the ribbon around her waist and let the long skirt slide off slowly.

  She was wearing nothing underneath.

   Delicate skin with a pearly luster, and exquisite and perfect curves made Samwell's blood rush and his breathing became short of breath.

   "Sam, let's be honest with each other." Margery had an intoxicating smile on her face, "Okay?"

  How could Samwell say badly.

   There was a familiar hissing sound outside the window, it was Cleopatra going and coming back, trying to get in.


  Samwell closed the window decisively, and then pulled the girl in front of him into his arms.

  The water in the bathtub swayed and splashed all over the floor.

   Recommend a very good Hokage fan, friends who like it can read it



  (end of this chapter)