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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 245: Reek
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  Chapter 245 Reek

   "Really! Torun's Square City has been completely besieged by the ironmen! Lord Roderick tried to break the siege but was ambushed by the ironmen and suffered heavy losses. That's why he sent me back to ask for reinforcements!"

  In the hall of Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy said solemnly, "Where is Robb? I want to see him!"

  Sir Lambard said expressionlessly: "Master Robb will be here soon, you wait here for a while."

   After finishing speaking, he walked out.

  Theon suppressed his nervousness and found a seat in the hall to sit down.

   There was another person in the hall, wearing a gray sheepskin cloak, with disheveled hair covering most of his face, and an indescribable stench from his body.

  Theon really didn't understand how such a person came into the castle hall.

   "Hey." The man said suddenly, "My name is Reek."

   What an apt name. Theon thought, and didn't bother to pay attention to the other party.

   "I said, Lord Theon." Reek was persistent in wanting to talk, "Your scheme is too rough."

  Theon's face froze, and his heart beat wildly.

  Own plan was seen through by others, this fear made Theon tremble all over, and he could hardly breathe.

  He finally turned his head to look at Reek, but he couldn't see the other's face hidden by the long messy hair, only the blood red eyes.

   "What strategy are you talking about? I don't understand." Theon tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened.

  Reek smiled and lowered his voice:

   "It's your plan to use false news that Torrhen's Square City is in danger to deceive the defenders in the city, so that you can take the opportunity to open the city gate and let the ironmen capture Winterfell."

  Theon finally couldn't maintain his composure. He looked out of the hall in a panic, and he was slightly relieved when he saw that the guards standing outside hadn't moved.

   "Don't talk nonsense! Torrhen's Square City is indeed at stake!" Theon insisted, "And why would I betray Winterfell? I grew up here!"

Reek smacked his lips, shook his head and shook his head: "Theon, Theon. Do you really think Stark will believe your words? Yes, they have raised you for more than ten years, but your surname is Greyjoy after all, It's a sea monster, not a direwolf."

  Theon clenched his cheeks and growled:

   "Who are you? Why are you here?"

   "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is, Lord Theon, if you want to use such crude tactics to capture Winterfell, it is impossible."

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   "I told you, I never intend to capture Winterfell!"

   "Okay, you didn't, no." Reek leaned forward and leaned towards Theon.

  A stench came to the nostrils.

  If it was before, Theon would curse at the other party, but now, he only dared to back away a little:

"leave me alone."

   Reek ignored it, but moved closer and lowered his voice:

   "Do you know what would happen if you told Robb Stark this statement?"

  Theon hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking:

"what happened?"

"Robb will believe it, and immediately lead an army to support Torrhen's Square. You are secretly happy, thinking that Stark has tricked you, so when the army is far away, you want to secretly open the city gate in the dark-boom!" The guy suddenly slapped him and exhaled, scaring Theon into a wit, "The northerners will catch you on the spot!"

   "I will never do such a thing." Theon is still stubborn, but his heart is already overwhelmed.

  He suddenly felt that his plan seemed really unfeasible...

   "Of course, your plan is not without the possibility of success." Reek changed the subject and joked, "After all, the Stark family's brains are not very good."

  Theon couldn't help but look at Reek, and then saw a clear mockery in the other's eyes.

  He suddenly began to regret that he shouldn't be so reckless.

   Just when Theon was hesitating whether to proceed with the plan, Reek spoke again:

   "If you want to capture Winterfell, I have a suggestion."

   "What suggestion?" Theon asked subconsciously.

   He regretted it as soon as he said the words—isn't this revealing his intentions?

  But Theon always felt that the mysterious "reek" in front of him might not be his enemy.

   Reek hooked his fingers, motioning Theon to move closer.

  Theon took a few deep breaths, held his breath, and finally brought his head closer.

"You continue to follow the original plan. If the Stark family doesn't see through your plan, then you deserve to capture Winterfell. But if they see through, then you don't have to be nervous after you are caught. They will punish you." Interrogate, and then you tell them that the ironborn's real targets are Winterfell and Moat Cailin."

   "Moat Cailin?"

   "Yes. Calim Bay guards the northern end of the Neck, and is the main throat linking the north and the south. It only needs a few hundred elite archers to deter tens of thousands of troops. It is a real strategic location in the north."

   "Of course I know Carlin Bay." Theon said unconvinced.

"Now that you know it, you should understand that the importance of Torren's Square City is completely insignificant in front of Calim Bay. Stark may not care about Torren's Square City, but he will not allow anything to happen to Calim Bay. Once here Falling into the hands of the Ironborn, the northern army that went south was cut off from retreat.

  So, when you tell them that the Ironmen are going to capture Moat Cailin, whether it is true or not, Winterfell will definitely send troops to support it.

   Moreover, after seeing through your first conspiracy, their vigilance will be greatly reduced, and they will basically not doubt it. What's more, you were all caught, and no one opened the door for the ironmen outside. From Stark's point of view, the crisis in Winterfell was resolved. "

  Hearing this, Theon couldn't help asking: "But if I'm caught, who will open the door for the ironmen..."

   Halfway through the speech, he suddenly realized something: "It couldn't be you, could it?"

  Reek smiled lightly: "You're not too stupid. That's right, after you trick the garrison of Winterfell away, I'll open the city gate for you. You just need to tell me how to contact the Ironmen outside the city."

  Theon hesitated for a moment, and said: "I made an appointment with people outside the city to set a fire in the northeast corner of Winterfell. They will come to the north gate after seeing the fire."

   "Okay. I made a note." Reek nodded and sat back.

  Theon stared at the other party for a while, and couldn't help asking again:

   "Who the **** are you?"

   "I'll tell you when you capture Winterfell."

   "But you won't even tell me your identity, how can I trust you!"

   "I don't need your trust." Reek said lightly, "I just need you to remember that when you reach a dead end, there is someone who left a way for you."

  Xion was stunned for a while when he heard this.

  The hall returned to silence, and after waiting for about ten minutes, the eldest son of the Duke of Winterfell, Robb Stark, arrived late.

   "Theon, why are you back?"

"Robb..." Theon hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to continue with the original plan, "We were ambushed by the Ironmen outside Torrhen's Square, there were too many of them! We suffered heavy casualties, Lord Roderick sent me back to request support."

"okay, I get it."

  Theon stared into Robb's eyes, but didn't see anything. He didn't dare to ask too many questions, so he said:

   "Then I'm going to rest first. I haven't slept much during my journey these days."

   Robb nodded.

   I don't know if it's an illusion, but Theon always feels that his "brother" seems to be much colder.

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  He couldn't help but sneak another glance at Reek, then suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, turned and left.

   Robb turned to Reek now: "Are you Ramsay Snow's squire?"

   "Yes, my lord," said Reek respectfully, "you may call me Reek."

  Robb couldn't help touching his nose, chose a seat farthest from this person and sat down, and asked:

   "What did Ramsay ask you to do?"

   "Master Ramsay asked me to tell you a piece of news. Mrs. Donara Horwood is missing."

   "Ms. Donara is missing?" Robb frowned slightly when he heard the news from Reek.

Mrs. Donnara is the wife of the Earl of Hornwood, and in the previous war against Dorne, Earl Hornwood and his only son were unfortunately killed. This made this Mrs. Donnara very popular, and she suddenly had a lot of pursuits. By.

  Madam Donara is not a great beauty, but she is now related to the ownership of a castle, so of course someone is tempted.

Reek added: "Yes, Mrs. Donara disappeared on the way back from the banquet, which happened to belong to the Bolton family's territory, so Earl Mandalay believed that we kidnapped Mrs. Donara, and threatened that if we don't hand over If someone comes out, he will lead the army against the Dreadfort."

   Robb knew that this Mrs. Donara was also the cousin of Lord Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor.

   Regardless of whether the Earl of Mandalay is really worried about the safety of his cousin, or he also covets the territory of the Horwood family, this is a troublesome matter.

  It is very likely to cause chaos in the North.

   Now that his father is not in the north, he, as the eldest son of the Duke, must take care of these people.

   "I see." Robb thought about it, "I will send someone to mediate and investigate the disappearance of Mrs. Donara."

   "On behalf of Ser Ramsay, I thank you." Reek bowed and left.

  Robb sat alone in the empty hall for a while, with a complicated look on his face.

   After a while, he left, found his mother, Mrs. Caitlin, and relayed the news from Theon.

   "Do you think Theon is lying?" asked Mrs. Caitlin sharply.

   "I..." Robb showed pain on his face, "I don't know..."

   "No. You know. You just don't want to admit it." Mrs. Caitlin said, "You know Sir Roderick will never send Theon back for help. So, this must be a trap!"

  Robb's eyes were slightly red: "I grew up with him, and I regard him as my brother..."

   "But he's not your brother!" Madam Caitlin said coldly.

  Robb was silent for a long while before saying:

   "What if we really misunderstood Theon?"

   "Then try him out. You go to gather people, pretend to go out of the city to support, but don't go far. I want to see what tricks Theon is going to play."
