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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 274: Queen
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  Chapter 274 Queen

  After a catastrophe, Highgarden was devastated and lost its former beauty.

  The roses took pain, tears, and anger, and started to build their garden again.

  People always look forward.

  Inflatable fish don't seem to need it.

  After the civil strife was quelled, the titular owner of High Court drank heavily all day long and slept soundly in bed, as if he wanted to use this method to escape everything.

   Fortunately, no one expected him to do anything.

  The old and spicy Mrs. Olenna has arrived in Highgarden, decisively took over the affairs, and arranged everything in an orderly manner.

  Of course, some wounds need time to heal, just as those gardens that were ruined by the ironmen need time to grow again.

  Samwell took Margaery's hand and walked in the bare garden, listening to her gentle voice recounting the nostalgia for the beauty of the past, but his mind was immersed in the property panel.

  Because, his title has become the Earl of Storm's End.

   There are also ten free attribute points at the back!

   It's exactly ten o'clock!

  Samwell was finally convinced that the correct way to open his attribute panel was actually to gain attribute points by raising his title, not the krypton gold he thought before.

  Of course, Storm's End is actually worthy of the Duke position.

   It is also a fief that has always been guarded by Stormland.

   But unfortunately, the Duke of Metz is not qualified to confer another Duke, let alone appoint a Guardian of the Storm.

   Therefore, Samwell can only "resign" to the position of earl now.

   This made him couldn't help but think about how many attribute points he would have if he could be legally canonized as a duke.

  Twenty o'clock?

   And what about the king?

  Of course, thinking about these is still a bit far away, and he is now hesitating how to add these ten points.

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  Should the strength and agility be distributed equally, or should they be added together?

   Since it is related to the number of swings of the giant sword, adding strength attributes seems to be a more cost-effective choice.

   But the spirit attribute seems to be quite good, after all, spirit can be transformed into strength and agility, and adding one is roughly equivalent to adding both. In case of an emergency, he can also decide which one to transform the spirit into according to the specific situation.

  However, this transformation has a time limit. After Samwell experimented, he found that this time is about ten minutes, and he cannot transform a second time in a short period of time.

  In this case, adding it to the spiritual attribute may not be the best choice.

   Perhaps it should be added to strength and agility, which is more realistic...

   "Sam, grandma is in front." Margery shook the man's hand, pulling him back from his thoughts.

  Samwell calmed down and stepped forward to salute.

  The servant brought fragrant tea and preserved fruit snacks to the two, and then quietly left.

   "The fake inflatable fish that entered the city last night, was it you?" Mrs. Olenna said straight away.

   "Yes." Samwell didn't deny it.

   "It's really courageous." Madam Olenna sighed, but then said, "However, you shouldn't kill Egwene Oakheart."

  Samwell explained: "If the betrayal really cost nothing, but gained a lot of benefits, then I am afraid that more people will follow suit in the future. Therefore, Egwen Oakheart must die."

"But if you kill people on the spot, aren't you afraid of angering the rebels?" Mrs. Olenna said without waiting for Samwell to continue to explain, "I know you want to say that if you kill Egwene, Togan will accept your favor instead. At that time, the two parties had reached a settlement agreement, and the rebels did not have the courage to go back. But no matter what, your actions at that time were risky, and you risked the lives of my sons and grandchildren.”

  Margery couldn't help but said: "Grandmother, Sam is the one who risked a lot to save Gaoting. It's unfair for you to say that."

  Samwell tightened his fiancée's hand and said with a smile:

   "The old lady is right, I was indeed a little too impulsive at the time."

  Samwell understood that it was better not to argue with the Queen of Thorns about this kind of thing, or she would definitely be stabbed all over her body.

  He could understand that Mrs. Olenna cared about her children and grandchildren, but to be honest, such weakness would lead to endless troubles.

Of course, it is also possible that Mrs. Olenna's anger came from him and the Ma Party's self-assessment. After all, the Ma Party was obviously manipulating the situation this time, and they were restricting and guarding against her, fearing that she would turn against the deer. Party, to trade Samwell's head for the lives of Highgarden and his sons and grandchildren.

   Being controlled by the Ma Party in this way, it is understandable that Mrs. Olenna has resentment in her heart.

   Fortunately, this civil strife has been resolved smoothly.

  The only trouble is that Valas Tyrell is taken hostage.

   But in the future, Willas will be free when he marries Sir Togan's daughter, but this marriage may not satisfy Highgarden.

  Mrs. Olenna glared at Margaery, apparently complaining that her granddaughter turned to outsiders.

  However, she didn't get too entangled in this matter, after all, Samwell did solve the rebellion problem and saved High Court anyway.

  Ms. Olenna said:

   "Okay, you don't have to worry about the follow-up of the rebellion from now on, let me handle it."

  Samwell nodded silently, thinking in his heart that the Redwyne family of Qingting Island might not have any punishment.

   Sure enough, as father said, the Tyrell family wanted to maintain balance.

   And Mrs. Olenna will definitely retain the forces of the Deer Party to prevent the Horse Party from dominating the Riverbend family, and even taking the Tyrell family out of the picture.

  Thinking of this, Samwell felt more and more that he should go back to Storm's End and take the Stormland into his pocket first.

   That is the power that can really be controlled by oneself.

   "I heard you asked Mace for the title of Earl of Storm's End?" Madam Olenna asked.


   "How can an earl rule the Stormlands?"


  Samwell bears the title of Earl of Storm's End, so it may not be possible to make the nobles of Stormland surrender sincerely, not to mention that he is still a vassal of the Duke of Highgarden, so it is always a bit embarrassing to hold the authority of Stormland.

  So, not only for attribute points, but also to control the Stormland in a legitimate way, he had better find a way to get a duke title.

"But now I can't find a king who is willing to canonize me." Samwell said with emotion, "The one on the Iron Throne is definitely not good. The Lannister family can't wait to eat my flesh and drink my blood. As for Stannis , this guy will definitely not be willing to reward me with the fiefdom of the Baratheon family."

   "After the last Battle of King's Landing, is there any news about Stannis? Is he still alive?" Margaery asked.

   "Alive." Lady Olenna said, "Stannis saved his life and has now returned to Dragonstone Island. However, he should not be able to cause any trouble."

   "The three northern regions should support him." Margaret said again.

  Madam Olenna sneered:

   "The northerners cannot protect themselves. Winterfell has already been captured by the Ironborn."

  Samwell frowned when he heard the words, and said:

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   "Ironborn can't hold Winterfell."

   "It's impossible to hold on. But the iron people have muddied the water, which is enough to make some dishonest careerists want to move."

  Samwell immediately thought of Lord Walder Frey of the Twins and Lord Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort.

   These two people betrayed the Stark family in the original book, and now they are probably among the dishonest guys that Mrs. Olenna said.

  In this way, the situation in the north is really not optimistic.

   "If the three northern regions cannot withstand the pressure of the lions, we should attack King's Landing as soon as possible." Samwell suggested, "We can't let the Lannister family go too smoothly."

   "Let's look at the situation first." Madam Olenna frowned slightly, "First, I went to conquer Dorne, and then sent troops to the Stormlands. The civil strife has just ended, and the river bend needs to recuperate for a while now."

  Samwell could only nod helplessly.

  If the call-up order is issued at this time, it is estimated that most of the lords of the river bend will complain.

  I hope the three-border coalition forces in the north will not collapse so quickly.

  Mrs. Olenna looked at Samwell who was deep in thought, and said: "Actually, if you don't want the three northern coalition forces to collapse too quickly, you should go to Doran Martell."

   "You mean the tens of thousands of northern troops detained in Dorne by the Martell family?" Sam Will said.

  Actually, after capturing Storm's End, he thought of the army of the Three Realms trapped in Dorne.

  Because there are many storm troops among them.

  If he can persuade the Martell family to let them go, it will not only help ease the situation in the north, but also help him win the support of the Stormland lords.

  However, Prince Doran's asking price will not be low.

   "Prince Doran will not easily release the army of the three realms." Samwell shrugged, "Unless I agree to his conditions and marry Princess Arianne."

   "The situation is different." Madam Olenna said, "Back then you didn't conquer most of the Stormlands, let alone occupy Storm's End. Prince Doran may not insist on the previous conditions."

   "Maybe you can try..." Samwell actually didn't think Prince Doran would be so easy to talk to.

  Madam Olenna glanced at Samwell and said, "If you don't have the confidence to persuade Doran Martell, maybe you can change the condition."

   "What condition?"

   "Give the Martell family a queen."

   "Queen?" Samwell looked puzzled, "You don't know about Princess Arianne, do you?"

   "No." Madam Olenna shook her head slowly, "I'm talking about Princess Myrcella Baratheon."

  Samwell suddenly realized.