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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 276: wedding
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  Chapter 276 Wedding

  Although the wedding was a little rushed, it was well prepared.

High Court, which has just recovered from the war, has become a sea of ​​flowers, brocades, and jewels. The festive atmosphere has washed away the remaining haze and uneasiness, as if to indicate that suffering and war have completely gone, and peace and joy will once again become this garden castle. the main theme.

With the help of the maids, Samwell changed into a gorgeous dress, a white fine linen shirt with gold piping on the neckline and cuffs, and a black velvet coat with red and gold stripes, embroidered on the chest. Wearing the coat of arms of a double-headed eagle, the cloak is the sky blue of the Caesar family, and the lower body is a pair of loose trousers, whose hem is tucked into black high boots.

  After dressing up properly, the maid opened the door and invited the Tully family who were waiting outside the door.

   "Sam!" Mrs. Melissa Florent embraced her son excitedly, and kissed his face twice heavily, "You are finally married! I am so happy!"

   "And she married Rose of Highgarden, Miss Margery!" Tara Tully also ran over to hug her brother, "Brother, you must be the happiest person in the world today!"

   "Brother, that's amazing!" There were two younger sisters bouncing around and hugging my brother.

  Finally, Earl Randyll Tarly, with a rare smile on his cold face, hugged his son and said:

   "Very good. The Caesar family is finally about to spread."

  Yes, the Caesar family will usher in a mistress, and in the not-too-distant future, they will also usher in an heir.

  Samwell appeased the family members with excitement and complicated emotions, but then took his father alone to the small room next door.

   "What?" Earl Landau was a little surprised by his son's behavior, "Aren't you nervous?"

   "Of course not." Samwell sighed, took out a letter from his arms and handed it to his father.

  Earl Randall took the glance and then frowned:

   "Crown Princess Myrcella Baratheon? Whose idea was that?"

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"It was Madam Olenna's idea." Samwell said with a gloomy face, "I felt something was wrong at the time, but I didn't refuse, I just wanted to see what Madam Olenna would do next, and Prince Doran's reaction... Now, Prince Doran also wrote back and agreed."

"Of course he will agree. Dawn is in an extremely embarrassing situation now. Although he still holds three prisoners in his hands, he can't exchange for tangible benefits at all. The Martel family does not have the qualifications and strength to participate in this current dispute. Now Send them a queen, and Doran Martell would be tempted, however prudently he may be."

Earl Randall changed the topic: "If this matter is successful, it will indeed promote the alliance of Dorne, the Reach, and the Stormlands, and even drive the Lannister family out of King's Landing, ending the current chaos. But for you But it is a sweet trap. If you tell me, you should be aware of it, right?"

"Yes." Samwell nodded, "I killed Joffrey Baratheon with my own hands in Sky and City. The reason I used was that he was not the blood of the former king Robert, and he was a false king. La Baratheon is eligible to inherit the Iron Throne, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?"

"Yes, once you recognize Myrcella as queen, then your act of killing Joffrey is not a dethroning, but a regicide. At the price of such a stain on reputation, get another one from Myrcella. The title of Duke of Storm's End might not be worth it."

  Samwell let out a long breath, and his face became more and more ugly:

   "Did Lady Olenna propose such an idea to weaken my reputation? It's ridiculous that I tried my best to help the Tyrell family quell civil strife..."

"I told you before. Don't be a hero in the Game of Thrones." Earl Randyll said coldly, "Lady Olenna will not be grateful to you for saving Highgarden, nor will she be grateful to you for saving her son Grandchildren. Not to mention that your self-assertion caused her most beloved grandson Vilas to go to the ancient oak city as a hostage. All she cares about is the interests of the Tyrell family, but your existence is seriously serious. Threats to the prestige and status of House Tyrell."

  Samwell did not refute this time. He lowered his head, his eyes flashed, and he fell into deep thought.

   "Sam! What are you doing inside? The time is coming, we are going to the church!" Mrs. Melissa's voice came from outside.

   "Okay, mother, we'll come right away." Samwell responded.

  Earl Randall patted his son on the shoulder and said:

"Go get married first. Regardless of what Madam Olenna planned for the queen's coronation, you must hold tight to Margaery Tyrell. If you really tear yourself apart in the future, she will It is your key to enter Highgarden and even control the Reach."

  Samwell nodded silently.

  Actually, putting aside those considerations of interests, he really wanted to marry Margaery, and also believed that she hadn't participated in Madam Olenna's conspiracy.

Back then in Skyreach City, he had just killed Joffrey and made a death feud with the most powerful family in the Seven Kingdoms, and at that time he had no dragons and was only a little baron, so Margaery was willing to go against the family rules. willing, eloped with him without hesitation.

  Such friendship deserves to be cherished and protected by Samwell.

  Out the door, Samwell suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, and smiled again.

  The beautiful high court looks peaceful and gentle under the twilight of the morning sun.

   A group of people came to the Seven Sacred Hall under the leadership of the maid.

There were seven knights waiting in formation on both sides of the gate. They had firm eyes and pious expressions. They wore uniform armor and dark green robes. When they saw Samwell, they drew out their long swords and held them in front of them. To show welcome.

   Behind the knights was the choir, who were singing hymns with the nuns. Several girls from the Tyrell family threw golden rose petals into the air and landed on the ground, covering the road leading to the sanctuary.

  Earl Randall took his wife and daughters around to the side door to enter, leaving the main entrance to Samwell.

  At this time, the white dragon Cleopatra suddenly appeared, circled a few times in the sky, and then swooped down.

  The scorching air flow caused the girls to scream and dodge.

  It stopped beside Samwell, stretched out its slender neck, and pressed its triangular head against its owner's chest.

  Samwell patted on its rough and fiery scales, signaling the white dragon to follow him.


  The melodious bell rang, and Samwell walked slowly into the church.

  Cleopatra leaned on her wings and followed behind, like a best man.

   It's just that it is already quite large now, but fortunately, the gate of this temple is wide enough to barely allow it to pass through.

  The hall is covered with a red carpet, extending from the door to the innermost platform.

  Samwell walked on the red carpet, as if walking on the clouds, and he could see the gilded statues of the Father and the Virgin, one of justice and one of mercy, as if he was watching everything that happened in front of him.

  In the holy church, many nobles from the River Bend who came to watch the ceremony had already gathered.

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  They were looking at the young earl who walked in with eyes of envy or awe.

   This is not only because he is about to marry the Lord of High Court, but also because Caesar has proved his strength with victories on the battlefield.

  The impregnable Storm's End was captured by this person, and it seems that this extremely tricky Riverbend Rebellion cannot become an obstacle for this person.

  People also have to believe that Caesar seems to be the chosen one, destined to become a legend.

   What's more, he also has a dragon.

   Moreover, it is a giant dragon with an astonishing growth rate.

  In the past, many nobles in the river bay felt that this white dragon might not be able to bring much help to Samwell, after all, it took time for a dragon to grow.

   But now it seems that it may not be long before this white dragon can reproduce the demeanor of the "Black Death" Balerion back then.

   And they may witness the birth of another "conqueror" with their own eyes.

  Mrs. Olenna stood in the front row of the crowd, looking at her grandson-in-law with a kind smile on her face.

  Samwell felt her gaze and returned a bright smile on purpose.

  Mrs. Olenna smiled more and more relieved.

  In the eyes of everyone, Samwell came to stand in front of the high platform.

   After waiting for a while, the heroine of the wedding, Margaery Tyrell, was finally led by the Duke of Mace and appeared in everyone's sight.

  She was wearing an ivory silk dress and a Mirish lace dress. The skirt dragged the floor and was gradually unfolded with layers of chiffon, dotted with golden roses, showing wealth and elegance.

  The thin tube top highlights the girl's perfect figure, and the bare shoulders reveal a white and delicate luster. In order to cover up the slightly raised belly, the skirt was designed to be looser, but even so, it still seemed that the girl's waist was slender and graceful, as if it could not be grasped.

  Wearing a winter snow rose wreath on the slightly curly long brown hair, a trace of imperceptible cold air escaped, lingering in the girl's hair.

  Wearing a white lace glove, the left hand is holding the hem of the skirt, and the right hand is being held by the Duke of Mace. He is stepping into the gate of the church and walking slowly towards Samwell.

  While walking, a pair of slender and well-proportioned beautiful legs loomed under the skirt, and the red high-heeled shoes inlaid with fine diamonds looked noble and lovely.