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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 278: banquet
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  Chapter 278 Banquet

  Samwell returned to the banquet hall with an impeccable happy smile.

  As if nothing happened.

   Margaery also changed her clothes at this time, and came over to hold his arm.

  After getting ready, the newlyweds walked out of the castle hand in hand.

  A group of girls from the Tyrell family are still strewing them with rose petals tirelessly.

   Followed by the Duke and Duchess of Metz and Lady Olenna, then Earl Randall Tarly and the nobles of the River Bend.

   Before reaching the gate of the castle, cheers came like a tide.

  Samwell and Margaery walked out of the castle, stood on the high platform of the garden square, and waved to the people of Riverbend who came to celebrate.

  The crowd became more and more turbulent, and the guards around the high platform tried their best to maintain order.

  Samwell heard people shouting his name, but more people still cheered Margaery's name.

  Her status in the hearts of the people in High Court is even higher than that of Mr. Inflatable Fish.

  Cleopatra waved her wings and hovered over the square. It flew very low, allowing the onlookers to see each of its scales clearly and feel the hot air brought by the wings.

  The power of the giant dragon made the people feel afraid, but more, it was a strong sense of security that was triggered by it.

   This is especially important for the people of the River Bend who have just suffered rebellion and plunder.

   As a result, the voices cheering for Caesar became louder and louder.

   "Want to ride a dragon?" Samwell asked his wife suddenly.

  Margaret was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily:


   "Cleopatra!" Samwell called.

  The white dragon swooped down and landed on a high platform.

  Samwell picked up his wife by the waist and jumped onto the dragon's back.

  Margaery let out an exclamation, and then giggled again.

  She stretched out her hand and touched the scales on the dragon's back carefully, and exclaimed, "It's so hot!"

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  Sam Will smiled immediately. He knew that it was not the first time for his wife to touch the white dragon, every time she was burned, but she had to touch it every time, in this respect, she was really silly and cute.

"hold me."

  Margaery quickly shrank her whole body into her husband's arms. Fortunately, she was petite, so this position was not uncomfortable.

  Samwell reached out and patted the white dragon's neck, and Cleopatra neighed, flapped her wings, and flew into the sky.

  The overweight feeling brought about by the sudden acceleration made Margaery close her eyes tightly, and immediately hugged the man even tighter.

  But after she got used to this feeling, she opened her eyes again, watching the crowd receding rapidly below, the castle in Highgarden rapidly becoming smaller and farther away, and the oncoming wind whistling in her ears, like a lover's touch.

  Margaery fell in love with this feeling almost instantly.

   "So that's what it feels like to fly in the sky!" she exclaimed excitedly.

  Samwell laughed loudly, and drove the white dragon to perform a few difficult moves in the air, causing Margaery to exclaim.

  Finally, the white dragon swooped down and almost passed the square above the heads of the crowd.

   This action aroused overwhelming cheers.

  The white dragon landed again on the high platform, and Samwell jumped off the dragon's back with his wife in his arms.

  Margaery let out a coquettish smile that was almost out of breath, completely ignoring that the hem of her skirt was scorched yellow and curled by the high temperature on the dragon's back.

  Mrs. Ellery stepped forward to help her daughter straighten her hair, complained in a low voice, and then urged her to go back and change her clothes.

  Margaery nodded obediently, and returned to the castle holding her husband's arm.

  All the nobles of the Riverbend also returned to the castle, and the guards began to distribute bread and wine to the crowd.

   At this time, it was approaching dusk, and the wedding banquet was next.

Margaery changed into a long silver satin dress with squirrel fur trim. The long tug-of-war sleeves with lavender plush almost touched the ground, and the sky blue cloak that Samwell gave her was still draped over her shoulders. I chose a sapphire necklace of the same color before, which is noble and elegant but also reveals a bit of cuteness.

  She came to Samwell with leaping steps, stood on tiptoe and kissed lightly, then smiled sweetly:

   "I hear my father has seventy-seven courses prepared, and there will be pigeon pie!"

   "The kind of pie that makes pigeons fly out when you cut it?"


   "Ugh—hope they don't **** in the pie..."

  Margaery slapped her bewildered husband angrily, and then she was too happy.

  Samwell came to the banquet hall with his wife on his arm.

  The guests stepped forward to express their congratulations.

  Samwell is actually not very good at dealing with this kind of situation, but fortunately, Margaery is very good at it.

She circled the crowd, complimenting Jenny Hightower on her beautiful dress, praising Earl Titus Peake for having a brave son, caring about the health of Earl Matus Rowan's elderly mother...everyone I can feel her sincerity and enthusiasm.

  Including those stormland nobles who followed Samwell, she did not forget to go up to greet and accept their blessings.

   The journey from the gate of the hall to the innermost platform took almost half an hour.

  Finally, the newlyweds walked out of the crowd and stepped onto the high platform.

  A long silk flag hangs from the platform, which are the golden rose of the Tyrell family and the double-headed eagle of the Caesar family.

  The Tyrell family deliberately placed the two flags side by side, implying that the Caesar family was placed on an equal footing with themselves, not vassals.

  If it weren't for knowing that Mrs. Olenna was secretly planning to kill herself, Samwell would definitely be grateful for such respect.

The Duke of Mace stepped forward to hug his daughter, then Lady Olenna and Lady Ellery also came to kiss Margaery on the cheek, Earl Landau also stepped forward to hug his daughter-in-law, and then Lady Melissa and Samwell three sisters...

  After a salute, everyone finally took their seats.

  After the waiter filled everyone's cups, the Duke of Metz raised his golden cup and said loudly:

   "To my daughter and son-in-law, may they be happy forever!"

   "To Earl Caesar and Miss Margaery!" Everyone responded, and thousands of cups slammed at the same time, announcing the official start of the wedding banquet.

  Samwell brought the wine glass to his mouth, but didn't take a sip.

  Although he knew that Lady Olenna was unlikely to be crazy enough to poison herself at the wedding in Highgarden, he didn't dare to take the risk.

  The musicians played cheerful wedding repertoire, and the maids walked briskly to deliver the first meal, which was a thick soup stewed with mushrooms and buttered snails.

  He turned his head to look at Margaret beside him, seeing that she only took a sip of the soup before pushing the golden bowl away.

   "Does it taste bad, ma'am?"

   "No." Margaery said with a smile, "There are still a lot of dishes in the back, and I can't eat enough."

   It seemed that she didn't want her husband to think that the Tyrell family was extravagant and wasteful, so she added: "These endless food will be given to the refugees outside the city later."

  Samwell smiled and said, "Then I'll have a portion with you."

   "Okay." Naturally, Margaery would not refuse to share the food with her husband, she picked up the bowl with a smile, and went to feed him herself.

  At this moment, Samwell heard Mrs. Olenna calling his name, so he turned his head and said:

   "Lady Olenna, you called me?"

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   "Prince Doran wrote you back?"

   "Go back." Samwell didn't show any abnormality on his face, "He agreed."

   "Very good." Madam Olenna nodded, and then kindly reminded, "But you still have to be careful, and don't agree to go to Sunspear City to participate in the coronation ceremony."

   "It's true that you can't go to Sunspear, the Dornish people don't have a good reputation, so if you don't know for sure, I'll be detained there." Samwell said.

Mrs. Olenna proposed again: "I suggest that you choose the place for the coronation ceremony to be held in the Sea of ​​Dorne. It is just between the Stormlands and Dorne. There are many small islands that nominally belong to the territory of Dorne, but In fact, no one lives at all. When the time comes, the two sides are required to bring only a few guards to the island for the coronation ceremony, and there should be no problems."

   "This arrangement is good." Samwell nodded with a smile, thinking about Mrs. Olenna's real purpose.

  It seems that the other party really wants me to participate in this coronation ceremony.

   "Can I go?" Margaret heard this, and asked as well.

   "You'd better not go, after all, your body is inconvenient." Mrs. Olenna glanced at her granddaughter's belly, as if she wanted her to rest assured to raise her baby.

   Margaret felt a little lost, and looked at her husband with pitiful eyes.

  Samwell kissed her forehead lightly, and said with a smile:

   "It's okay, I will take you with me when the time comes."

   Margaret then showed a sweet smile.

  Mrs. Olenna sighed helplessly, then called Loras Tyrell, and gave some instructions, apparently intending to let him follow her to take care of her sister.

   "The pigeon pie is here!" Margery suddenly became excited.

  Samwell smiled and led his wife up to the stage, took the long sword from the maid and handed it to Margaery.

   "Let's cut together!" Margaery turned her head and suggested to her husband.

   "Okay." Samwell readily agreed.

  He came behind his wife, hugged her in his arms, held the hilt of the sword with her, and then swung down with all his might.

  Silver sword light poured down like flowing water.


  The pie burst open, and seven white pigeons flew out with flapping wings.

  The crowd let out a cheer.

  Samwell whispered in his wife's ear.

   Not knowing what to say, Margaery smiled like a child.