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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 291: nobles of blood
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  Calillon hugged a damaged sampan tightly, rising and falling with the waves.

  The attempt to land on the island finally failed.

  His ship crashed into pieces on the reef, and the sailors with him also failed. Callillon just saw the other party's body floating on the sea surface with his own eyes, but now he was swallowed by the waves and disappeared.

  The seawater that he accidentally swallowed rolled in his intestines, and Carillon only felt that the temperature of his body was disappearing little by little, and the violent waves threw him up and down, playing with him wantonly.

  Calillon just hugged the small sampan, praying that the waves would not smash him on the reef, and he would have to die.

  Blood Reef Island is actually not far away from him, but this distance seems like a world away to Carillon.

  If the weather is calm, he can easily swim this distance, but in such a storm, it is impossible to swim over this distance.

  Mankind is so small and helpless in the wrath of nature, no, it should be the wrath of the storm god.

  Calillon can only pray.

   I don't know if his prayers worked, but the waves actually sent Caliron to Blood Reef Island.

   And miraculously did not hit the reef along the way.

  When Callillon was finally washed up on the shallows by the waves, he wept with joy, prostrated himself on the ground, and praised the protection of the gods.

   After calming down, Caliron began to walk cautiously towards the island.

  It was almost midnight at this time, and the sky was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

   Only lightning flashes across the sky from time to time, bringing brief and intermittent light.

  In the wild sea breeze, the voice of conversation can be vaguely heard.

  Calillon followed the direction of the sound, and soon saw a cave.

  But just as he was about to approach, there was a sudden sound of leather wings flapping the air above his head.

  Calillon raised his head suddenly, just when a flash of lightning flashed, he clearly saw the white dragon, and the white dragon also saw him!

  Seeing the white dragon swooping down towards him, Carillon was frightened and fled.

   There was a neighing sound behind him, and he could feel the heat even from such a distance.

  Calillon didn't dare to look back, and ran forward with all his strength.

   But the wind behind him grew louder, and the hotness became clearer and clearer.

  Calillon only felt a burning pain in his back, and the next moment, he found himself flying into the air.

  The sailors on Qingting Island, who were caught by the white dragon's sharp claws, yelled frantically, but their voices were instantly drowned in the oncoming wind.


  Calilon was thrown heavily and hit the boulder outside the cave, feeling that all the bones in his body were falling apart.

   "Are you Earl Paxter's subordinate?" Samwell jumped off the white dragon's back and asked the man.

   "Yes." Callillon took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his violent heartbeat.

Turning around, I saw a young man with black hair and black eyes standing beside the white dragon. He was wearing a simple bronze armor with a giant sword on his back, and a ruby-studded Valerian on his head. Substeel Ring Crown—

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   That is the crown of Aegon the Conqueror Targaryen!

  Calillon immediately realized that this person was the famous Caesar, but he did not expect that the other party actually put the crown on his head.

  Caesar became king?

  Samwell ignored Carillon, turned around and walked towards the cave.

  He had long guessed that the Qingting Island fleet was likely to be nearby.

After Stannis Baratheon buried the Royal Fleet in Blackwater Bay, the Arbor Island Fleet has become the most powerful sea force in the Seven Kingdoms. on a par.

  That's why Samwell chose Blood Reef Island as the meeting place, so that even if the Arbor Island fleet surrounded the island, large-scale landings would not be possible due to the dense reefs nearby.

   And this sudden storm helped him even more, the Qingting Island fleet couldn't even get close.

  In fact, Samwell himself is not afraid of the Qingting Island fleet besieging the island. After all, he has a white dragon, so he can leave whenever he wants.

   But not everyone else on the island.

   So now that the storm is coming, he plans to send the nobles of the Stormlands on Blood Reef Island, as well as the captives of the nobles from Dorne and Riverbend to the nearest Stormlands territory through the White Dragon—

   Tower of Weeping.

  Cleopatra is now almost the size of an adult elephant, and can carry up to five people across the strait at a time.

   So he has to make extra trips.

   Loading four Stormland nobles again, Samwell jumped onto the dragon's back, patted the white dragon's neck, and said:

   "Thank you for your hard work, Cleopatra, let's go."

   Not sure if he understood his master's words, Bailong snorted, flapped his wings, and soared into the sky.

  Calillon finally breathed a sigh of relief when the white dragon disappeared into the night sky. Just as he was about to move his body, he heard a cold snort from behind:

"do not move!"

  Calillon turned his head and saw a storm knight looking at him coldly, so he could only show a flattering smile:

   "Sir, can I go in the cave and get out of the rain?"

  The knight hesitated for a while, and finally stepped forward to pick up Carillon's collar, and dragged him roughly into the cave.

  A bonfire was raised in the cave, and the spreading heat allowed Karillon's stiff body to recover slightly.

  By the light of the fire, he carefully looked at the situation in the cave.

  The most conspicuous ones are the two corpses on the high platform. The head of the thin one was smashed to pieces, while the head of the tall one was chopped into two pieces, with burnt marks faintly visible on the fracture.

   More than 20 nobles from the Storm Land gathered around the bonfire, talking softly.

  The Dorne nobles and the Riverbend nobles crowded on the outside, they were all disarmed and bound hands and feet—

  The only exception is Prince Doran.

   It is probably because the Prince of Dorne can't even stand up, and he is not a threat at all, so the people in the storm are too lazy to tie him.

  Feeling Callillon's gaze, Prince Doran looked over and said:

   "Earl Paxter sent you, right?"

  Calillon was about to answer, but he saw a storm knight standing between them and scolded:

   "No talking!"

  Prince Doran had no choice but to shut up.

  Calillon also shrank his body, not daring to say more.

   After about two hours, the white dragon left and returned.

  It was the same this time, and four more Stormland nobles climbed onto the back of the dragon and left with Samwell.

  The storm is still raging, and as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer storm-land nobles in the cave.

  Calillon fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up again, it was already the next day.

  The storm outside the cave gradually subsided, and the sun shone on the Dorne Sea again.

   At this time, there are only the last three Stormland nobles in the cave, and the Dorne and Riverbend nobles are still there.

  Calillon was refreshed and immediately realized the turning point.

  Based on the current weather conditions, the Qingting Island Fleet can already release small boats and organize manpower to land.

  Although it is impossible to transport a large number of soldiers to the island at once, the island has no defense force. A few storm nobles alone cannot stop the Qingting Island fleet from landing.

   At this moment, the sound of leather wings stirring the air sounded again, and Callillon immediately knew that Caesar had returned.

   Sure enough, Samwell strode into the cave and said:

   "The storm is about to stop, and the remaining people probably won't have time to transport them away."

   Earl Selwyn Tars said:

   "It's okay. Even if Paxter really sends troops to attack, we, the last batch of Stormlanders, can leave. As for the people from the River Bend and the Dornish, since we can't take them away, we will kill them all!"

  Countess Marie Metellin immediately objected:

   "The Dorne people will hate us to death. Don't forget that we still have an army of 20,000 people trapped in Dorne. If we kill these Dorne nobles, what will happen to our army?"

  Earl Selwyn curled his lips: "Even if they don't kill them, the Dornish people won't be grateful, and they won't let our army go because of this. Instead, they will send a favor to the people of the River Bend."

  Samwell said at this time:

   "The Stormlands army was detained in Sunspear City, so as long as they bring Doran Martell to exchange for prisoners, it doesn't matter if the rest of the Dorne nobles are killed."

  As soon as this remark came out, those Dorne nobles immediately exploded.

   "Lord Caesar, oh no, His Majesty Caesar, please believe that we have no ill intentions towards you!"

   "Yes, we have no knowledge of this assassination plan, and it is all the Martell family's own initiative!"

   "Your Majesty, as long as you let us go back, we will find ways to help you redeem the Stormland Army!"


  At this time, Prince Doran couldn't help but reminded:

   "This is Caesar's provocation, don't be fooled!"

   "Shut him up." Samwell winked at Earl Selwyn.

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  Earl Selwyn immediately stepped forward, tore off Prince Doran's clothes, and stuffed them into his mouth.

  Samwell glanced across the faces of a group of nobles with many graces, and grinned:

   "I know you are innocent, but unfortunately, Paxter is now forcing me to kill you. If you want to survive, you must save yourself."

   "I am willing to be your envoy!" Earl Anders Yronwood shouted, "Please let me negotiate with Earl Paxter, I have a way to prevent him from attacking!"

   "Very good." Samwell showed appreciative eyes, "Sure enough, the Yronwood family is responsible. They are worthy of being the 'Blood Nobility', the High King of Dorne back then."

   High King of Dorne is a title that existed in Dorne long ago.

At that time, the Yronwood family was very prosperous and ruled a large core area in central and northeastern Dorne, until the Rhoynar came to Dorne under the leadership of the warrior queen Nymeria, and the Martell family of Sunspear City The Martell family, whose strength was greatly increased through the marriage, finally suppressed the Yronwood family and became the new ruler of Dorne.

  So when Earl Anders heard this ancient name and saw Samwell's eyes full of meaning, he immediately said comprehendingly:

   "Your Majesty Caesar, I will definitely live up to your trust, and please believe that the Yronwood family has no ill will toward the Caesar family."

   "I believe in the sincerity of the Yronwood family." After Samwell finished speaking, he drew out his giant sword [Dawn] and stepped forward to break the rope that bound Earl Anders.

   Earl Anders got up and saluted, and then followed the sailor Carillon of Arbor Island and left the cave.

  Samwell stared at the giant sword in his hand in a daze.

   This divine sword inherited from the Dane family has returned to its original appearance at this time. There are no red and gold lines on the sword, and there is no burning fire, only the original milky white, smooth as glass.

  Samwell reached out and stroked the sword, whispering to himself:

   "What? R'hllor, are you angry?"

  The body of the sword is as cold as water, no longer as hot as before.

  Yesterday he was resurrected from the dead obviously with the help of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, but Samwell knew that the other party had bad intentions.

  If it weren't for Melisandre's warning and reminder, he might have become a puppet of the Lord of Light just like Dickon and Azor Ahai back then.

  Now he also understands the reason why R'hllor insisted on controlling his younger brother Dickon to assassinate when he had obviously impregnated the red witch with a shadow when he attacked Storm's End.

   That shadow was actually prepared for the moment of coronation.

   R'hllor may have foreseen this scene at that time, but he did not make any reminders. Perhaps he was hoping that Samwell would die once, and then be resurrected and become a puppet.

   This time, he was able to get rid of the control of the Lord of Light, thanks to R'hllor's mortal enemy——

   Cold God.

   This also confirmed Dr. Marvin's theory that if he wanted to get rid of the control of the gods, he could only rely on the power of another god.

  Samwell said again:

   "If you don't always want to control Dickon, control me, maybe we can work together."

  A red-gold light appeared on the sword, as if responding.

  But at this moment, the bronze armor on Samwell's body also glowed pale and cold.

  The next moment, the two lights annihilated at the same time.

  As if nothing happened.

  Samwell twitched a sarcastic smile:

   "It's getting more and more interesting."