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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 296: revenge
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  Chapter 296 Revenge

  A group of nobles with many graces were brought into the meeting hall of Storm's End one after another.

  When they saw Lord Anders Yronwood returning from Sunspear, they gathered around and asked about the situation.

  After learning that Princess Arianne had agreed to change prisoners, everyone smiled with relief.

   The conversation was much more relaxed, and many people had already started to praise Earl Anders.

   And when Prince Doran was pushed into the hall in a wheelchair, most of the Dornish nobles just looked at him indifferently, and no one stepped forward to salute.

   It seemed that it was not their lord who came in, but just an irrelevant stranger.

  Although the few Dorne nobles still respected their lord, they did not act out of their own when they saw this situation.

  From Earl Anders, they have learned that Prince Doran was not included in the prisoner exchange plan.

   Obviously, Caesar did not intend to let go of the culprit who conspired to assassinate him.

  They immediately realized that if Prince Doran could not go back to Sunspear, then the political situation in Dorne would change dramatically.

  Princess Arianne alone cannot support the situation, and perhaps the decline of the Martell family will begin from then on.

  Earl Anders Yronwood seems to have become the most promising person to take charge of Dorne's future authority, so these Dorne nobles will start to curry favor in advance.

  Prince Doran was indifferent to the indifference of the Dorne nobles, and just quietly played with the cyvasse chess piece in his hand.

   But his hands trembled violently, and he didn't know whether it was because of the gout or because of his restless heart.

  In just a few days, Prince Daolan seemed to have aged more than ten years, and the exhaustion on his face could not be concealed at all.

  Footsteps sounded again.

   Then came the greetings of "Your Majesty".

  Prince Doran finally raised his head, and saw the young Storm King walking slowly into the hall.

  In the eyes of Prince Doran, Samwell's appearance has not changed much, except for the addition of a conqueror's crown on his head, but perhaps because of this, the whole temperament of this person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Reminiscent of this person's resurrection from the dead on Blood Reef Island, and a series of miraculous scenes that happened later, the bitterness in Prince Doran's heart became stronger.

  Samwell sat on the throne, his eyes slowly scanned the hall, and then he said:

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   "I have good news for you. Sunspear City has agreed to exchange prisoners. The 20,000 Stormland troops will be exchanged for forty-eight of you."

   "Doran Martell is not included in the exchange of prisoners." Samwell added another sentence.

  Prince Doran did not show any frustration or anger. He spoke lightly and asked:

   "Caesar, what are you going to do with me?"

  Samwell ignored him, but continued to say to the Dorne nobles:

   "Before letting us go back, there is one last request."

   "What request?" asked Lord Anders Yronwood.

  Samwell pointed to Prince Doran:

   "This man has put you in danger because of his own selfishness. Therefore, each of you can stab him with a sword, and you can return to Dorne."

  As soon as this remark was made, the hall was silent for a moment.

   "What if we don't stab?" Count Harman Uller asked.

   "Then stay and don't go." Samwell said.

   "Your Majesty Caesar." Earl Anders reminded, "If you detain the nobles of Dorne, I am afraid that Sunspear City will not agree to let the storm army back."

"Then suspend the exchange of prisoners first." Samwell waved his hand nonchalantly, "It doesn't take much food to raise more than forty of you, but Dorne will support an army of 20,000 for me. Let's see who is more urgent.

  Besides, I am not asking you to kill Doran, just to stab each of you with a sword. "

   "Where is the thorn?" Earl Anders asked.

   "Whatever you want." Samwell said, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, "As long as there is blood."

   Hearing that blood is only needed, the Dorne nobles who were still somewhat resistant were relieved.

   This does not seem unacceptable.

   Didn't he force himself to kill Prince Doran.

   Just a little punishment...

   What's more, they had already had resentment towards Prince Doran, and they just took this opportunity to vent it.

   "Don't be fooled." Prince Doran said, "This is an insidious trap. Once your hands are stained with my blood, Dorne will surely split..."

"Shut up, Doran!" Earl Anders Yronwood interrupted angrily, "Haven't you caused Dorne bad enough all these years? This time, you made your own claim and made everyone a prisoner. Now Is it too much for us to stab you with a sword?"

  Prince Doran turned his head, looked at Earl Anders coldly, and said:

"It seems that the Yronwood family can't wait to replace the Martell family. However, Anders, I must remind you that the establishment of prestige takes time, a long time. It is not easy to engrave the imprint of obedience on the minds of Dornish people." It's not that simple. Your ambition will not lead Dorne on the right track, but will only fall into the abyss of chaos, giving outsiders opportunities in vain."

   "No matter what you say, Doran." Earl Anders had strode forward and took the long sword from the guard, "This is the price you must pay for your mistakes!"

   After finishing speaking, he stabbed Prince Doran in the thigh with a sword.

  Prince Doran let out a scream, and blood flowed out.

  Although the sword was not fatal, it was by no means light. It pierced directly through Dao Lang's thigh. Such an injury was considered a serious injury for an old man suffering from severe gout.

  With Earl Anders taking the lead, the psychological pressure on the following Dorne nobles will be much less.

  Countess Delron Arion came out next, took the long sword, and did not forget to shout:

   "For Dorne!"

  The long sword pierced Prince Doran's left arm, and there was another scream.

  Sir Denzel Dart, Lord Tremond Gorgonlus, Lord Quentin Kogle…

  One after another, one sword after another.

  None of them dared to stab Prince Doran's body, but even so, so many sword stabs into arms and legs were by no means minor injuries.

  Although Samwell only asked for blood, the Dorne nobles basically did not take lightly.

   This is a subtle psychological trap.

  Individual injuries caused by each were not fatal, but together, they were enough to kill Prince Doran.

  But because this responsibility is shared by everyone, everyone can find self-comfort when they start—

  I did not kill Prince Doran.

   Coupled with the fact that Earl Anders, who was the first to attack, had the heaviest attack, it was equivalent to setting up an invisible threshold.

  The Dorne nobles who stood up next to him were also the group who were dissatisfied and even resentful towards Prince Doran in their hearts. They would definitely not attack lightly, which also strengthened the threshold of invisibility.

  When the Dornish nobles in the back came to stab this sword, even if they didn't want to hurt Prince Daolan, they would be worried about the pressure from other Dornish nobles, so they unconsciously lowered their hands.

  Blood has stained the wheelchair red, forming a large pool of blood on the ground.

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  Prince Doran was still able to scream at the beginning, but then he just hummed weakly.

   When Earl Harman Uller stepped forward, he saw Prince Doran struggling to point to his heart with trembling fingers.

   This is to ask him to kill himself and end this painful execution.

  Earl Harman avoided Prince Doran's gaze, hesitated for a moment, and finally stabbed the long sword towards the opponent's thigh.

  He dared not kill the Prince of Dorne.

  Even if he knew of this kind of injury, Prince Doran might not live long.

   But the deadly sword must not be thrust by him.

   All the Dorne nobles present are well aware of this.

  As long as the fatal sword is not stabbed, the death of Prince Doran is the result of their conspiracy.

  With so many people sharing the blame, does the Martell family dare to hold everyone accountable?

  Finally, all forty-eight Dorne nobles stabbed Prince Doran with a sword.

  Amid the strong smell of blood, they stood silently aside, not daring to look at their lord.

   "Very good." Samwell nodded with satisfaction, "You have won your freedom. Someone will send you to the Bone Road, and the prisoner exchange will be carried out there."

  After the guards took all the Dorne nobles down, Samwell got up and came to Prince Doran.

  The former ruler of Dorne was too weak to speak.

   "Doran, did you see that? How much your vassals hate you."

  Prince Doran seemed to want to say something, but after struggling for a while, he couldn't make a sound. A stream of blood gushed out of his mouth, and then he passed out.

  Samwell reached out to invite Maester Coburn:

   "How long can he live like this?"

  Bachelor of Coben smiled:

   "As long as you need, I can keep him alive."

   "No need." Samwell's eyes flickered, "Just make sure he can survive until he returns to Sunspear City before he dies."

   "Yes, Your Majesty, as you wish."