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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 312: Prince’s eldest son
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  Chapter 312 The eldest son of the prince

  Across the Narrow Sea, Essos Continent, Volantis.

  Quentin Martell stood on the pier, staring at the blue sea in a daze.

  He is not tall, but strong and strong, and his appearance is not handsome, but he looks very decent, and he has black eyes that are almost exactly the same as his father, Prince Doran, full of seriousness and reason.

  Because his uncle "Red Viper" Prince Oberyn killed Earl Yronwood in a duel, as an apology, Quentin was sent to the Yronwood family as an adopted son when he was very young.

  A month ago, when the news came back that Prince Doran and a group of Doran nobles were captured by Caesar, Quentin was also very anxious, and even had the idea of ​​going to Storm's End in person to negotiate.

   But a messenger from Sunspear stopped him.

   "His Royal Highness Daolan told me before going to Blood Reef Island, if he doesn't come back, let me come to you immediately." The envoy said so and handed Quentin a letter.

  Prince Doran's personal letter.

  Quentin thought his father had made arrangements in advance, but who knows, the letter didn’t mention how to rescue them from Storm’s End. Instead, he was given a strange task—

  Go across the narrow sea to find the most beautiful woman in the world.

   At first Quentin thought his father was joking, until the messenger came up with another secret engagement.

   It wasn't until this moment that Quentin knew that his elder sister, Princess Arianne, had already been betrothed to Viserys, the last prince of the Targaryen family.

   Unfortunately, Viserys has died on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

  Prince Doran decided to let his son Quentin marry Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys' sister, as a continuation of this contract.

   So now, Quentin must go across the Narrow Sea to find the Targaryen princess, marry her, and return to Dorne with her three dragons.

   Only in this way can Dawn be saved.

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  Prince Doran said so in his letter.

  Quentin didn't know why his father was so pessimistic about Dorne's future that he needed to be rescued?

  Although Storm’s End has detained the Dorne nobles, as long as Caesar still has reason, he will not dare to kill people.

  Otherwise, once Dawn is angered, he will wait for a flood of revenge.

   Just as Quentin was meditating, Sir Garris Dingwater, who had gone to inquire about the news, returned.

   "Quentin, I got it." Sir Garys said with a smile, "Your dream lover is in Qarth. Many sailors are telling the story of the silver-haired queen and her three dragons."

   "Quarth..." Quentin frowned tightly, "It's so far away, can our ship get there?"

"My suggestion is to find a large merchant ship to board." Sir Garys said, "From Volantis to Qarth, you have to pass through the waters near Valyria. There are many dangers there. I heard that there are pirates. Our best It’s better to find an experienced captain and ship.”

   Hearing the Valyrian waters, Quentin frowned even tighter.

  In Westeros, it is a taboo place.

And just coming to Volantis from Dorne has already caused Quentin, who is not familiar with water, to suffer enough. The humid climate, salty sea water, and shaking decks all made this man who grew up in the desert. The son of the prince hated it extremely.

   "Can you get there by land?" Quentin asked.

   Sir Garys rolled his eyes:

   "Do you want to check the map? Going from Volantis to Qarth by land not only needs to pass through the Devil's Road, but also passes through the Red Wasteland, which is a hundred times more difficult than the sea route!"

   "Okay." Quentin had to compromise, "Find a sea ship that is willing to take us to Qarth."


  After Sir Garys left, Quentin wandered around the pier bored.

  There was a sharp bend at the mouth of the Lorne, and the streets of Volantis curved accordingly.

  Vendors set up stalls on the side of the street, selling all kinds of gems, decorations, and clever little monkeys.

   Quentin suddenly felt that he should bring a gift to that Targaryen princess?

   But he doesn't know her preferences at all.

   He never met her either.

  However, Quentin never doubted that her father said that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  The appearance of the members of the Targaryen family has always been exceptional. They have silver-gold hair and violet eyes, and they are so beautiful that they are not like ordinary people.

  Thinking of this, Quentin suddenly felt a trace of inferiority from the bottom of his heart—

  Will she agree to marry me?

   She will. Quentin immediately cheered himself up.

   She needs Dorne's support to take back the Iron Throne after all.

   Not only Dorne, the secret marriage contract was witnessed by the Sea King of Braavos. If Daenerys does not want to lose the support of the Free Trade City-State, she should agree to fulfill the contract and marry him.

  Walking on the street, a discussion suddenly caught Quentin's attention.

  Because the other party is talking about news from Westeros, and news related to Dorne.

   "You said Storm's End agreed to release him?" Quentin asked impatiently after listening for a while.

  The sailors looked at this strange man, but they all closed their mouths, with undisguised vigilance in their eyes.

   Quentin had no choice but to take out a few copper coins, throw them to one of them, and repeated his question again.

  The sailor took the copper plate, and then replied with a smile:

   "Yes, my lord, Storm's End agreed to exchange the Dornish nobles for the prisoners of the Stormlands, and I heard that they have already completed the exchange on the Boneroad."

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   "What about Prince Doran? He is also among the hostages exchanged?" Quentin asked again.

   "Yes, I heard that he has also returned to Sunspear." In fact, the sailor didn't know about it, but it didn't prevent him from lying.

  The Dornish nobleman in front of him had paid after all, and the sailor felt it was his duty to keep him entertained.

   Of course Quentin didn't know that the sailor was talking nonsense, and he was relieved when he heard that his father was also released.

   It seems that sister Arianne is still quite reliable, Dorne's crisis is over.

   But the next moment, Quentin was stunned.

  Now that the crisis is resolved, does he still need to continue to Qarth to find the Targaryen princess?

   After all, Dorne doesn't need to be saved now.

   "Quentin!" Sir Garris beckoned him from a distance, "The good captain of the Lightseeker agreed to let us board!"

   Quentin hesitated for a moment, then strode forward.

  He still decided to continue his journey.

   After all, that is the most beautiful woman in the world, who would not want to marry her.

   What's more, she has three dragons.

  Caesar dared to call himself the Storm King with one dragon, but what if he brought three dragons back to Westeros?

  The "Conqueror" Aegon Targaryen had only three dragons, so he made the Seven Kingdoms surrender.

  If the Martell family can also have three dragons...

   Quentin thought smugly, and his steps became more and more brisk.

  Daenerys Targaryen, here I come!