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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 314: revenge
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  Chapter 314 Revenge

  Because he couldn't adapt to the wind and waves of the narrow sea, Tyrion Lannister couldn't sleep at all.

   In desperation, he had no choice but to get himself drunk, and just got drunk all the way from King's Landing to Sunspear City.

  When he stepped onto the yellow land of Dorne with his stunted short legs, he couldn't hold on any longer, and he swayed and passed out.

   When he woke up again, Tyrion found himself sleeping on a soft goose down bed.

   This was the most peaceful sleep he'd had since leaving King's Landing.

  Tyrion wanted to stay in bed for a while longer, but he finally remembered his mission and turned over.

  The room is very dark, but through the gaps in the blinds, there are still streaks of golden sunlight shining in.

  Tyrion, still swollen from the effects of the hangover, staggered across the intricately patterned Myrish carpet, climbed awkwardly onto the ledge, and opened the window.

  Outside was a quiet courtyard, tall palm trees blocked the view, but Tyrion still saw the majestic Sun Tower with golden vaults at a glance.

  After confirming that he had indeed come to Sunspear City, Tyrion relaxed slightly.

   After changing into decent clothes, he went out.

   The oncoming wind is full of weird spices.

   "Dwarf, you're finally awake." Bronn was the only guard who could talk to Tyrion in this tone.

  He looked reluctant, as if he didn't want to come to this place at all.

   "Good morning, Bronn." Tyrion smiled and waved his hands, "Which one of the Martell family went to greet you yesterday? I hope I am not too rude."

   "It's Sir Manfred." Bronn said, "You're doing well, and you just vomited all over him."

   "Manfred Martell? I remember he is the acting castellan of Sunspear, right?" Tyrion staggered, "Let's go, let's say hello to the master."

   Bronn followed in silence.

  Tyrion asked again: "By the way, who is in charge of Sunspear City now? Is it Princess Arianne?"

   "I guess."

   "So, Prince Doran is still detained in Storm's End?"

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   "No, Caesar has returned him."

   "Then why is Princess Arianne still in charge?"

   "Because Prince Doran's situation doesn't seem to be going well."

   "Not so good?"

   "It's about to die." Bronn said bluntly.

  Tyrion paused and turned his head in surprise: "Did you die? Did Caesar do it?"

   "No." Bronn shook his head, "It is said that the Dorne nobles did it. Before Caesar changed the prisoners, he asked the Dorne nobles to stab Prince Doran with a sword. So..."

   "This move is cruel enough!" Tyrion frowned, "If Prince Doran dies like this, then Dorne will definitely fall into civil strife..."

   Right at this moment, a rapid bell sounded suddenly in the distance.


   At the beginning, it was only the bell tower towards the old palace, and soon the bell towers in the whole city were ringing.

  The voice was hurried and sad, and it seemed to be full of uncontrollable anger.

  Bron shrugged, said: "It seems that Doran is dead."

  Tyrion immediately quickened his pace as if waking up from a dream:

   "It's a pity. I wanted to meet the Prince of Dorne, but I was one step too late. But now, we must persuade that Princess Arianne not to let her mess around."

   "I heard that she is a hot-tempered woman, are you sure you can persuade her?"

   "It just so happens that I am a man as gentle as water." Tyrion was not so much comforting Bronn as he was comforting himself, "and I am very good at persuading people."

  The two came all the way to the church, and saw that Prince Doran's body had been placed in front of the Stranger's sculpture, and several silent sisters were helping him sort out the remains.

   "Lord Tyrion." Sir Manfred came over to say hello, "I'm sorry that this happened so suddenly. Please forgive me if the hospitality is not good."

   "I can understand your feelings." Tyrion stepped forward to salute, then went to light a candle for Prince Doran, and prayed silently for a while.

   Then he glanced around the room, but he didn't find Princess Arianne. Instead, he saw his niece, Princess Myrcella.


   "Uncle!" Myrcella smiled and asked curiously, "Why did you come to Sunspear?"


  Tyrion was thinking about what to say, but saw a maid running in panting, and said loudly:

   "That's bad! His Highness Arianne wants to kill the nobles of Dorne to avenge Prince Doran!"

  Tyrion immediately stepped forward and asked, "Which Dorne noble is she going to kill?"


   "Is she crazy!" Tyrion thumped in his heart.

  Sir Manfrey has rushed out.

  Tyrion also hurriedly followed.

  When he came to the Old Palace, he saw more than forty Dornish nobles kneeling on the ground in unison, their hands and feet bound by iron chains.

  Princess Arianne's eyes were red, her hair was disheveled, and she held a long sword in her hand, as if she was about to kill someone.

   Fortunately, Sir Manfred stopped her and tried to dissuade her.

   "They must pay for their father!" Princess Arianne's voice was hoarse, but she was extremely determined, "Anyone who hurt father! They must pay for their lives!"

   "If you kill them, the Martell family is over! All the Dorne families will lead the army to attack Sunspear City and avenge their lord!"

   "No. The Dornish people will support me." Princess Arianne said, "They will never follow these traitors who killed their own king!"

"Your Highness Arianne." Tyrion also stepped forward at this time, persuading, "I can understand your pain, and I understand your desire to avenge Prince Doran. However, Sir Manfred is right .If you kill these people, Dorn will definitely fall into civil strife. And this is exactly Caesar's conspiracy."

"Then help me quell the civil strife!" Princess Arianne looked at Tyrion with piercing eyes, "I know why you came to Sunspear City, you want to marry me, right? Then let the Lannister family send troops, Help me get rid of these traitors!"

   "The Lannister family can't send troops to Dorne now." Tyrion said helplessly.

   "Then don't stand in front of me!"

  Seeing that Princess Arianne was about to raise her sword and start killing, Tyrion quickly stopped her and said:

   "If you must kill, don't kill them all."

"What's the meaning?"

  Tyrion motioned Princess Arianne to lean over, then whispered in her ear:

  "The Martell family can't bear the price of rebellion throughout Dorne, but if only a certain family is rebelling, it will be much easier to deal with.

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  So, I suggest that you only kill one lord who is the greatest threat to you, such as Lord Anders Yronwood. Just as I heard he was the first to swing a sword at Prince Doran.

   And pardon the rest... Take it easy, hear me out first.

   Kill Earl Anders. If the Yronwood family rebels, you will ask the rest of the Dorne family to send troops to suppress it. With so many lords in their hands, most of the Dorne families should obediently send troops to cooperate with Sunspear City.

   And those who refused to send troops, you just declared them rebellious and killed their lords.

   In this way, although the civil war in Dorne cannot be avoided, at least the Martell family is no longer fighting alone. "

  Princess Arianne was still dissatisfied after hearing this:

   "Those traitors who are willing to cooperate with sending troops to conquer the Yronwood family, should I just let them go?"

   "Is that why you want to kill them all?"

   "Of course! Every one of them has my father's blood on their hands!"

   "Then don't kill here." Tyrion said helplessly, "After the rebellion of the Yronwood family is put down in the future, we will slowly deal with the rest of the lords."

   "But didn't you already ask me to pardon them?"

"Are you so brainless?" Tyrion said, "It's just that you can't kill them on the charge of murdering Prince Doran. You can also find other excuses. For example, the battle is not good, such as not paying taxes on time and so on. In short, you can't Find yourself too many enemies at once."

  Princess Arianne pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly:

   "Little devil, although you don't have a strong body, you do have a good brain. If you can help me kill these murderers who murdered my father, I will marry you."

   "All?" Tyrion raised an eyebrow.

   "All!" Princess Arianne said firmly.

  Tyrion was a little discouraged: "You might as well just reject my marriage proposal..."

   "Be patient, Tyrion. As long as you assist me well, the sooner you help me complete my revenge, the sooner you can get me." Princess Arianne gave Tyrion a charming smile.

   Then he raised his sword and moved forward.

  Amidst the begging of the Dornish nobles, she pierced the chest of Lord Anders Yronwood with a sword.

  Tyrion looked at the blood-stained Dorne princess with a dazed gaze.

  He suddenly began to suspect—

   Such a wife is really what I want?