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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 362: betray
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  Chapter 362 Betrayal

  Westeros, Northland.

  The blizzard has been going on for three days.

  As the coldest region among the Seven Kingdoms, the northern region often starts to snow at the end of summer, each time getting bigger and bigger, until winter comes, and snow covers everything.

  On a pure white wasteland, an army of nearly a thousand people is like a steel snake crawling out of its nest, moving forward in the deep snow and ice.

  The direwolf banner of House Stark froze into a slab of ice, frozen in the cold wind.

   Robb Stark grew a long beard on his young face, both because the march had no time to take care of it, and to keep his face warm.

  He wore strange shoes under his feet. This kind of strange long strips made of bent wood and straps were called bear paws by the northerners.

   Put the bear paws on the soles of the boots, so you can walk on the snow without stepping on the snow shell and sinking your thighs.

  Looking up, the land ahead has become a vast expanse of white, covering rocks, tree roots, and deep pits. The cold wind is blowing, engulfing rolling snowflakes, making every step dangerous.

  A neighing sound of war horses made Robb stop in his tracks. Robb turned his head and frowned as he watched the chaos of the baggage train behind him.

   "What's going on?" Robb asked.

  The team also stopped moving forward.

   Not long after, the herald came to report.

   It turned out that when the transport team passed through a waist-deep snow field that was undulating, they didn't notice the frozen pond hidden below. As a result, the pond couldn't bear the weight of the cargo and suddenly shattered, and the icy water swallowed three coachmen and four pack horses, as well as two rescuers.

  Although it was still early in the evening, Robb looked at the raging snowstorm and gave the order to camp in place.

   Afterwards, he came to the convoy with one foot deep and one shallow foot, and watched the people drag out several corpses from the icy water.

   "This one is still alive!" Someone yelled.

  Robb also ran over to help cut off the soaked clothes, wrapped the wounded in warm blanks, and ordered everyone to make a fire quickly.

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  The man's lips were purple from the cold, and his skin was as white as milk. Even being placed next to the fire could not change this.

  After trembling violently for half an hour, he fell into a coma with a high fever and never woke up again.

  Robb sat beside the fire with a dignified expression, staring at the jumping flames in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "My lord," the logistics officer came over and whispered, "Our food and grass can last for seven days at most..."

  Robb didn't move when he heard the words. After a long while, he nodded silently, indicating that he knew.

   But he knows what he knows, and there is nothing he can do about it.

  This war, which has lasted for more than half a year, is about to drag down the Stark family.

  In fact, at the beginning of the war, even in the face of the joint encirclement and suppression of the Lannister family, the Bolton family, and the princes of the valley, the Stark family was worthwhile.

  As the eldest son of the Duke of the North, even though it was his first time on the battlefield, he also showed extraordinary talent for leading troops.

  But as the enemy changed his strategy and stopped fighting his own side, the situation gradually became worse.

  Due to the fall of Winterfell, the army of the Stark family cannot get supplies and can only rely on the support of other northern families.

   Fortunately, Duke Eddard has great prestige in the northern border. Except for a few who are determined to follow the Bolton family, all major families in the northern border can provide logistical support.

  But as time went by, the major families in the northern border could not see the signs of the end of the war, and the support to the Stark family decreased day by day.

   Duke Ed was not too harsh on this. After all, winter is approaching, and the major families have to stockpile food for the winter, so he can't force them to provide food and grass support.

Two months ago, Duke Eddard no longer entangled with the Lannister coalition forces, and led his army north to try to retake Winterfell, but encountered stubborn resistance from the defenders of the Bolton family in the city. At the same time, the coalition forces formed by Lannister also Follow up and attack and harass them while they are attacking the city.

  Under this situation, it is definitely impossible to continue to attack the city, but when Duke Ed turned around and was about to fight the Lannister family, the opponent retreated back to the camp and could not hold on.

  The furious Duke Ed scolded Tywin for not being worthy of using a lion as a coat of arms, it should be changed to a mouse.

   You can scold him, and Duke Ed also knows that Tywin has found his biggest weakness.

  The Stark family who lost Winterfell became a tree without roots and water without a source. As long as this war continues to drag on, they will be defeated sooner or later.

  No matter how much the major families in the northern border love the Stark family, it is impossible to support them regardless of the cost, especially when winter is approaching.

  After spending more than a month under Winterfell, Duke Ed's army has become less and less, and food and grass are becoming more and more scarce.

  He knew that he could only wait for death if he continued like this, so he sent his son Robb to lead an army south to the riverland to ask for reinforcements.

The Freys of the Twins were still on their side, but the army was blocked south of Moat Cailin; although the old Lord Hoster of Riverrun had passed away, the Tullys were the Starks' in-laws, With this relationship, if Robb can get through the throat of Calim Bay, he should be able to get a lot of help from the riverlands.

  It's a pity that not long after leaving Winterfell, Robb's army going south encountered a snowstorm, and they were about to be trapped halfway. What's worse, the food and grass were almost exhausted...

   Just when Robb was at a loss, there was a sudden loud sound of horses in front of him.

   Not long after, I saw Sir Roderick trotting over, with unconcealable joy in his tone:

   "Master Robb, we have met the sentinels of the Dustin family! They said that Countess Barbara is leading an army to support, and they are now camping in the small town ahead!"

   "Great!" Robb quickly got up from the snow, turned around and mounted the horse again, "Quick, I'm going to see Mrs. Ballerina in person!"

  Bringing a team of cavalry, Robb traveled westward for six or seven miles under the leadership of the sentry cavalry of the Dustin family, and saw a military camp.

  The camp was set in a barren town where there were originally only a dozen farmhouses, a long hall and a watchtower. Now there are large and small tents and bonfires around.

   There is also a lake outside the town, and several soldiers are fishing through the ice.

  Robb walked into the watchtower, the wind and snow were kept out, and the warmth of the campfire in the house made him itchy all over.

   "Countess." Robb took off his hat and bowed, "Thank you for supporting the Stark family at such a difficult time, we will always remember it in our hearts."

  Countess Barbaret Dustin is over half a century old, tall and straight, wearing a black coat inlaid with squirrel fur, with two crossed black-handled rusty long axes and a black crown embroidered on her chest.

   "It is the honor of the Dustin family to fight for the throne." The countess smiled and invited Robb to sit by the bonfire, "and my husband admired Lord Ed the most during his lifetime."

"Father has always regarded Earl William Dustin as his best partner and comrade-in-arms. It is a pity that he died under the Tower of Joy in the War of the Conqueror. My father often mentioned that battle to us, saying that Earl William Dustin fought bravely, Die with glory."

   Robb was a little guilty when he said these words, because Duke Eddard never wanted to mention the battle at the Tower of Joy back then.

   Naturally, he did not praise how brave Earl William was.

   "That's right." Mrs. Ballet gave Robb a meaningful look, and passed a wine bag over, "Drink some, the brandy from Yingzui Island is the most suitable for fighting against the severe cold."

   Robb thanked him, took a swig from the wine bag.

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  The mellow and rich spirit exploded in the mouth and flowed down the esophagus into the stomach, as if a fire had been ignited in the body.

   "Good wine!" Robb thanked again, "Mrs. Ballet, how many people and food did you bring this time?"

   "Three thousand people, food and grass, should be enough for the first half of the year."

  Robb showed joy on his face, and he told him all the tasks that Duke Ed had given him, and then asked:

   "Ma'am, are you going to go south with me? Or go north to meet my father?"

   "Go north." The corners of Mrs. Ballerina's lips curled up slightly, "I haven't seen Mr. Ed for a long time, and I really want to catch up with him."

   "Okay, I believe father will warmly welcome you when you come."

   "Will he?" The smile on Mrs. Ballerina's face gradually faded.

   "Of course!" Robb said loudly, suddenly feeling dizzy, maybe the wine was too strong.

"Your father is not a passionate man. But your uncle Brandon is. Too passionate." Mrs. Ballet's tone was erratic, "I still remember the night he took my virginity, my blood flowed on his Physically. Brandon admired that scene, he said, the **** sword is the most beautiful sword."

  The smile on Robb's face froze, how could this conversation become so weird.

  He wanted to change the subject, but found that his mind was dizzy, as if rusted.

  Mrs. Ballerina continued on her own:

"He once promised me that he would marry me. Unfortunately, your grandfather had ambitions for the South, so of course he didn't want his son to marry the daughter of his vassal. So my father decided to marry me to Brandon's younger brother. , that is, your father Ed.

   As a result, Ed was also taken away by a woman from the south. Fortunately, I married the young Earl William Dustin, until your father took him away again..."

   "My father took your husband to the battlefield." Robb argued, the bonfire in front of him began to double, and he felt an ominous premonition.

"That's right. Everyone knows about the Snatcher's War." Mrs. Ballerina twisted her lips and showed an ugly smile, "My husband died in the battle for the Stark family, but Ed didn't even have his bones Brought back, just buried carelessly under the red ridges of Dorne..."

   "The situation was special..."

"How special? In order to rescue Lyanna Stark, who was kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar, seven northern nobles followed your father to the Tower of Bliss, and five of them died in battle, but your father only brought the bones of his own sister. Return to the North, is this how he treats the vassals who died for him!"

  Robb finally realized something was wrong, he stood up unsteadily:

   "Ma'am...Are you going to betray..."

   "Betrayal?" Mrs. Ballet snorted, "Are you still qualified to continue to be the Lords of the North? Winterfell is lost. A group of bereaved dogs still want to continue to be the wolf king."

  Robb stretched out his hand to draw his sword, but suddenly his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground with his head up.