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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 387: time reincarnation
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  Chapter 387 Time Reincarnation

  The setting sun has only a little afterglow, reflecting the western horizon blood red.

  The night has not yet fallen, but the Wutong Manor is already brightly lit.

  The lord of Golden Tree City, Earl Matus Rowan, wore a red and yellow striped velvet dress, and headed for the banquet hall, followed by his youngest son Noah Rowan.

   "So, His Majesty Caesar has made up his mind to attack King's Landing?"

   "Yes." As Samwell's attendant, Noah naturally knew how much preparation the Storm King had made for this march.

  He glanced at the frowning father, realized something, and asked in a low voice:

   "Father, do you think now is not a good time to attack King's Landing?"

  Count Matus shook his head lightly: "I'm in a hurry."

  Noah was hesitating whether to ask or not, when he suddenly felt a huge shadow shrouded his head.

  Earl Matus also stopped and looked up to see Caesar's white dragon hovering in the sky.

   "It's grown so big..." He couldn't help expressing emotion.

The white dragon's body covered almost half of the manor. The milky white scales reflected a faint golden luster in the afterglow of the setting sun. Every time the huge wings were flapped, they made a low sound of piercing the air, and the rolled up hot air dispelled the chill of late autumn. .

   Another loud roar sounded, and Earl Matus realized that there was a black dragon and a green dragon following behind the white dragon.

  The size of the black dragon is obviously much smaller, and the green dragon is one size smaller, but the sight of three dragons circling over the manor is shocking enough. All the nobles who came to the banquet stopped to watch, their eyes full of awe.

   "It seems that His Majesty Caesar has indeed made up his mind." Count Matus sighed.

  He knew that Caesar released the three dragons just to give the lords confidence. Of course, this is also a deterrent.

   Now, of course no one in the Stormlands and the Reach would dare to oppose Caesar, but not necessarily no one would secretly retain their strength.

   After all, winter is approaching, and many people are not very happy to start a war at this time.

  Earl Matus looked at the dragon for a while, then restrained himself and entered the banquet hall.

  The Wutong Manor looks ordinary, but the inside is extremely luxurious. The vaulted dome is made of century-old mahogany from the imperial forest, affixed with gold leaf, inlaid with diamonds, and hung with seven huge candlestick chandeliers.

  The painter used these precious decorations and light and shadow changes to depict the images of the Seven Gods on the dome and walls.

But what Earl Matus cares more about is the carpet under his feet. The exquisite Myr wool is soft and thick, and it feels like walking on the clouds. Moreover, the terrain of Westeros is vividly crocheted with silk threads of various colors. In the territory, every castle, village, town, river, and mountain in the Seven Kingdoms are clearly visible.

  The entire carpet is huge, covering the banquet hall. Standing on it seems to be stepping on the continent of Westeros, and there is a slight dizziness of time and space disorder.

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  First, there were three giant dragons circling in the sky, and then there was a huge map blanket in the hall. Earl Matus could feel Caesar's determination more and more, and at the same time guessed in his heart, what new tricks will come next...

   "Master Matus."

  Hearing the shout, Count Matus turned his head:

   "Lord Layton."

   Earl Layton smiled and pointed at the feet of Earl Matus, saying:

   "Are you looking at my castle and refusing to leave?"

  Earl Matus noticed that he had been standing on the "Old Town":

   "Haha, who doesn't covet the bustling old town?"

  After making a joke, he became serious again, saying:

   "Lord Layton, what do you think about attacking King's Landing at this time?"

  Earl Layton smiled slightly, and answered the wrong question:

  "Before Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros, he built a huge stone table on Dragonstone Island, on which the topography of the Seven Kingdoms was engraved."

   "Of course I am aware of His Majesty Caesar's ambitions, but is this time... suitable?"

   "There is nothing inappropriate." Earl Layton smiled, "Her Majesty Caesar is not asking for everyone's opinions, but just showing his determination. Lord Matus, once His Majesty decides to attack King's Landing, won't the Rowan family join the war?"

   "Of course to join the war." Earl Matus said immediately.

   "That's fine." Earl Layton looked towards the door, and the crowd there suddenly fell silent.

  Earl Matus also looked at the entrance of the hall, and saw Samwell walking in with his two wives.

The young Storm King wore a blue velvet gown with the double-headed eagle of House Caesar embroidered with gold thread on the chest, and the ruby ​​Valyria inherited from Aegon the Conqueror Targaryen on his head. The steel crown, with a high-spirited posture, looks powerful.

   Margaery Tyrell in a dark green silk dress is on her left arm, and Daenerys Targaryen is on her right arm in a red-patterned palace gown on a black background.

  The two queens, one gentle and sweet, the other noble and glamorous, each with their own style, instantly attracted everyone's attention.

   Today's "protagonist", Octavian, the eldest son of the Storm King, is followed by a maid, holding a red dragon egg in his arms.

   Behind the king was a fiery red shadow—the red-robed witch Melisandre.

   As soon as this group entered the banquet hall, they became the undoubted focus.

   "Time is a cycle." Earl Layton suddenly let out a soft sigh.

  Earl Matus was taken aback when he heard the words, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of déjà vu when he looked at the Storm King who was staring at him.

  The same crown, two queens, and three dragons.

  The same high-spirited, invincible, unstoppable.

  At this moment, he seemed to see the picture of the conqueror of the Targaryen family 300 years ago coming to the continent of Westeros.

  The conquerors of that year have become legends, and now, a new conqueror has come.

   Time is a reincarnation.

  Samwell stopped, just stepping on "King's Landing".

   Stepped on the place where Aegon the Conqueror set foot in Westeros.

  The maids walked briskly and brought up wine glasses filled with light blue liquid.

  Samwell took the lead to pick up a cup and said:

   "This is the latest brandy produced by Yingzuiyu Winery, which is different from any wine you have ever drunk before."

  Count Matus curiously took a glass from the tray in the hand of the maid in front of him, put it under his nose and smelled it, and it was indeed different from any wine he had ever drunk before.

   "Everyone." Seeing that everyone had taken the wine, Samwell raised his glass high and said loudly, "This glass is to my eldest son, my heir, Octavian!"

   "His Royal Highness Octavian!" Thousands of cups collided together, making a crisp sound.

Count Matus drank the wine in a gulp, the taste was spicy, bitter at first, then sweet, like cream and honey, but also like blood and milk, as if it had all the tastes he knew, but it was not any of them .

  The glass was empty, and he just felt that he was still unsatisfied, so he couldn't help blurting out:

   "Good wine!"

   Earl Layton on the side stared at the empty wine glass, thoughtful.

  He suspected that the wine was mixed with the water of night shadow—

   This is a magical drink from Qarth, which is the favorite of wizards. Earl Layton tasted it when he was studying witchcraft in his early years. Every time he drank it, he could see something that he couldn't see normally.

   "This wine will definitely sell well!"

  Hearing Earl Matus' words of appreciation beside him, Earl Layton smiled mysteriously, but did not tell the other party the truth.

  And he also noticed that the red-robed witch in the shadow behind the Storm King had blood-red lips trembling slightly, as if she was reciting something, and the ruby ​​necklace in her throat flickered, as if breathing rhythmically.

   "Everyone." Samwell said again, "Winter is coming, and the cold wind has blown from the north. It will soon bring icy darkness and terrifying demons."

  Everyone looked at each other and discussed in low voices.

  Samwell pointed to a boy in black next to him:

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"This is the brother of the Night's Watch from the Great Wall, and he brings news of the approaching darkness. Beyond the high walls, ancient horrors are being revived. Giants, mammoths, children of the forest... and the legendary White Walkers are all here Waking up to the sound of winter's approaching footsteps.

   Hundreds of thousands of wildlings have already felt the terror, and they migrated south under the leadership of Mance Rayder, the king beyond the Wall.

   This is an unprecedented threat, this is a once-in-a-million-year crisis.

  We must act, men and women, old and young, noble or poor, we all have to make choices!

  The gods have sent a revelation! "

   Speaking of this, Samwell stepped on it suddenly.

  The ground shook violently, and the whole manor seemed to shake.

  The nobles were dumbfounded, looking at the portraits of the Seven Gods on the dome of the banquet hall.

  They came alive one by one!

  Heavenly Father lowered the scales, the Holy Mother shed light, warriors had sharp swords, blacksmiths wielded sledgehammers, crones shone with bright lamps, maidens fluttered about, and the stranger who seemed human but not human turned into a pale shadow, covering the entire hall.

  The dome turned into light smoke, and everyone's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate through it, and saw the three magic dragons hovering in the sky.

  They let out a sulphurous roar, and the hot flames bloomed like fireworks in the night sky.

"Winter is coming, long night is coming!" Samwell's loud voice echoed in the hall, "ancient evil will bring destruction and disaster! The gods have issued a warning, we can no longer waste time killing each other, the seven great The kingdom must unite under one voice, one king, against the evil forces from the north!

   So, I decided to—”

  Samwell suddenly pulled out the giant sword [Dawn] behind him, and the dazzling brilliance instantly filled the entire space, and the scorching sword wind rushed towards his face, making people palpitate and urging people to surrender.

   "A month later, enter King's Landing! Who will walk with me and fight for justice?"

   As soon as the voice fell, Earl Matus Rowan said loudly:

   "I am willing to fight for His Majesty!"

  Followed by Lord Randyll Tarly, Lord Selwyn Tarth, Countess Tanya Merryweather...

   A shocked noble knight knelt down on one knee and echoed loudly.

  Earl Layton could no longer tell the difference between illusion and reality. Is all this in front of him the effect of the night shadow water, or some kind of illusion effect of the red robe witch, or the superposition of the two?

   But it doesn't matter.

  At this moment, he looked at the Storm King, who was guarded by a group of nobles, as if he saw the hero who led humans to defeat the aliens ten thousand years ago.

   Time is a reincarnation.

  Caesar is not only the new conqueror, but also the new savior.

   "The Hightower family is willing to fight for His Majesty!" Earl Layton shouted generously, and knelt down on one knee with everyone.

  Samwell stood leaning on his sword, with the phantoms of the seven gods surrounding him, and three dragons hovering above his head, [Dawn] shone brightly, brilliantly, as if it wanted to pierce the dark night sky.