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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 391: Poisoned wine
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  Chapter 391 Poisoned Alcohol

  Princess Arianne walked through the corridor, the night wind was as sharp as a knife, mixed with the fishy smell of the ocean and the burning of the desert.

  The castle is brightly lit, as if the sky is full of stars falling into the mortal world.

  Led by the maid, she came to the banquet hall.

  The hall is filled with the sound of harps, flutes, people talking and laughing, and the soft sound of knives and forks hitting the dinner plate.

Princess Arianne caught sight of the young Storm King sitting at the throne on the high platform, wearing a blue velvet coat and a ruby ​​Valyrian crown, casting black eyes as deep as endless abysses on her. to look at.

  Count Cletus was sitting on the left hand side of the king, and was talking attentively. At this time, he also saw Princess Arianne entering the door, and suddenly smiled and said:

   "Welcome to our beautiful Princess Arianne!"

  The chatting and laughing gradually subsided, and the guests all turned their attention to the once noble Princess of Dorne. There was not much respect in their expressions, but more joking, anger, and even coveting.

   "I'm not a princess." Arianne stepped forward, meeting Samwell's eyes, "I'm just your prisoner, and all I can do is to beg for your mercy."

   "His Majesty Caesar will give you the mercy you deserve." Earl Cletus announced, "As long as you are willing to cooperate."

   "How does Your Majesty want me to cooperate?" Princess Arianne asked.

  Be as well-behaved as a sheep.

  The people of the Martel family are sheep?

Obviously not.

  Not to mention the "Red Viper" Prince Oberyn, even Prince Doran, who seems to be the weakest and likes to compromise the most, actually hides an extremely vicious heart.

   At the coronation ceremony on Blood Reef Island, Samwell had already learned the viciousness of the opponent.

   From this, he became more and more convinced that the Martell family was a den of poisonous snakes, and how could there be sheep in the den of poisonous snakes?

  So, looking at the low-browed Princess Arianne in front of her, Samwell looked playful.

  He didn't speak, but Earl Cletus seemed a little impatient, and couldn't help but say:

   "His Majesty actually doesn't want to see Dorne's blood flow into rivers, and hopes that this conflict can be resolved peacefully. Therefore..."

   Speaking of this, Earl Cletus glanced at Samwell again, and seeing that the other party showed no objection, he continued:

   "So Your Majesty wants you to marry me."

  Princess Arianne's expression remained unchanged, as if she had expected this long ago. Her gaze was still fixed on Samwell, and she seemed to be persistently wanting him to speak in person:

   "Caesar, is that so? You want me to marry Count Cletus?"

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  Samwell smiled slightly, and finally spoke:

   "What I want is a peaceful Dorne, a submissive Dorne. If the marriage between the Yronwood family and the Martell family can achieve this goal, then I have no objection."

"Your Majesty Caesar is so right!" Earl Cletus echoed loudly, "Peaceful Dorne, obedient Dorne, this is exactly the blueprint I am looking forward to. Your Highness Arianne, as long as you marry I, the war in Dorne will naturally subside, and we will submit to His Majesty the Storm King."

  Princess Arianne looked at the fiery gaze cast by the young earl, feeling extremely complicated.

  If all this hadn't happened, Cletus Yronwood would be considered a good match for her.

  He is handsome, brave and good at fighting, and has a noble background. Three years ago, Princess Arianne might have accepted his marriage proposal without hesitation.

  Unfortunately, it's too late now.

   She killed his father.

  He also killed countless warriors of House Martell.

  The blood flowed like a river, and it was impossible to turn a blind eye.

  Hate piled up, and Princess Arianne couldn't let herself go.

  Every night when she closes her eyes, she can see her father drenched in blood, and her uncle on fire.

   She is Martell, and Martell doesn't forget the hate.

   "Okay." Princess Arianne said loudly, "I am willing to marry Earl Cletus. I only hope that His Majesty will forgive the Martell family."

   "That's natural!" Count Cletus stood up excitedly.

   Being able to marry the beautiful Princess Arianne naturally made him happy, but more importantly, after marrying Princess Dorne, he would be able to share the authority of Dorne with her in the name of her husband.

  In order to achieve this goal, Earl Cletus even deliberately forgot the hatred that Princess Arianne had killed her father.

   "Let's have a drink together, to celebrate this engagement, and to celebrate the coming peace in Dorne!" Earl Cletus announced loudly.

  The maid came forward with the jug, but was stopped by Princess Arianne halfway.

  With a charming smile, she took the flagon and said:

   "Let me pour you a drink."

   While speaking, she had already removed a ruby ​​from the bracelet and pinched it between her thumb and index finger.

  Princess Arianne clearly remembered the poisoning method her uncle taught her when she gave this gift.

  "Red Viper" is a master of poisoning, and although she is not the best student, but at this moment, she knows that she must be the best.

   Movement must be natural, smooth and agile...

  In the blink of an eye, the ruby ​​in his hand was crushed, and a drop of water as red as blood fell into the flagon and disappeared.


  Princess Arianne has never felt so steady and agile, and she believes that no one can see her little movements.

   Except the gods.

   "It's our honor to have Her Royal Highness pour the wine herself." Earl Cletus said with a smile, not realizing the problem.

  Princess Arianne walked steadily, with a smile on her face, and walked up to the high platform with a jug in her hand. First, she filled the wine glass in front of Samwell, then Count Cletus, and then several other main guests.

  Finally, Princess Arianne also poured herself a cup.

  Yes, she will drink this glass of poisoned wine too.

   In this way, there will be no doubts at all.

  Tonight, she had no intention of leaving the banquet hall alive.

  The repeated failures made her understand that she would never be able to complete her revenge on the frontal battlefield.

   Fortunately, the Dornish people's advantage has never been in the frontal battlefield.

  This can be known from the history of Aegon the Conqueror's failure to conquer Dorne three hundred years ago.

  Princess Arianne involuntarily looked at Caesar, at the terrible enemy that she could never defeat in a fair way.

  Samwell also happened to look over, showing a smile that made her flustered.

  Did he find out?


   "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for pouring the wine yourself." Samwell picked up the glass, seemingly not noticing Arianne's little gesture, "This one, to Dorn!"

   "King Dorn!" Everyone echoed in unison.

   "To Dorn!" Princess Arianne said loudly, and immediately drank the wine in her glass without hesitation.

   Sure enough, many people were staring at her, but as Princess Arianne drank the wine in her glass, their doubts were all gone, and they drank it all in one gulp.

   Except for one person.

   "Your Majesty Caesar," Earl Cletus also noticed that Samwell was not drinking, "Why don't you..."

  His words got stuck in his throat only halfway through, and then he clutched his neck in pain, making a frighteningly thin hiss.

   "There is poison in the wine!" The guards finally woke up and shouted loudly.

  The bachelor rushed to Earl Cletus, trying to save him.

  The maids screamed, the musicians were in a hurry, and the guests fell to the ground.

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  The banquet hall was in chaos.

   Only Samwell looked at Princess Arianne quietly, watching her turn blue, and watching her kneeling on the ground.

   His eyes were full of mockery and pity.

Why? why don't you drink Princess Arianne stared at the tall figure, wanting to ask questions, but couldn't say anything.

  Her neck seemed to be tightly strangled by steely fingers, unable to breathe.

  Her consciousness began to trance.

  When she was dying, Princess Arianne finally realized that her little tricks could not fool Caesar at all.

  But then she suddenly realized a problem—

  If Caesar found out that the wine was poisonous, why didn't he warn others?

  Why just don't drink it yourself, but let the people of the Yronwood family drink it...

   Could it be that he also wanted the members of the Yronwood family to die?

  In the blink of an eye, Princess Arianne finally woke up.

  At this moment, she just wanted to laugh out loud, laughing at herself for being ignorant, laughing at how she had actually done her enemy a great favor.

  Yeah, not only did she fail to complete her revenge, but she sent a big gift to the enemy instead.

  From now on, both the Martell family and the Yronwood family will withdraw from the stage of power in Dorne, and which family will fill this vacancy?

  A pure and pretty face immediately appeared in Princess Arianne's mind.

  Natalie Dean!

  Star Falling City...

  Where it all began.

   is also where it all ends.

  She suddenly thought, if she hadn't impulsively assembled the Dorne army to fight Yingzui Island in Starfall City, would everything have been different?

  Unfortunately, there are no ifs in the real world.

   She will never get an answer to this question.

  Princess Arianne took one last look at Caesar, the man she was destined to never be able to defeat.

  He was also watching her quietly, watching her take her last breath.

  In the deep black pupils, candle flames dance wildly.