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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 613: Acquaintance?
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GOR Chapter 613 Acquaintance?

There were still countless unresolved questions within Chen Xiaolian’s mind. How could he simply allow the thin man to flee? Seeing the thin man run tens of step forward, Chen Xiaolian got up to pursue him.

However, after only taking a few steps forward, the street before him suddenly blew up. Fragments of the asphalt road and concrete scattered about as the head of a large monster punched its way out from beneath the ground, howling.

Chen Xiaolian had intended to pursue the thin man. Unfortunately, the place where the monster’s head emerged just happened to be right in between Chen Xiaolian and the thin man. Thanks to this obstruction, the thin man was able to make a turn into a corner.

The monster turned its head to look at Chen Xiaolian. Next, it opened up its large mouth to spray out a stream of flames at Chen Xiaolian.

“What the Hell?!”

Chen Xiaolian had been in the process of getting information out of the thin man, but this monster had broken out of the ground at this critical juncture. His critical undertaking interrupted, a fire surged up into Chen Xiaolian’s head. He did nothing to dodge the incoming stream of flames. Instead, he simply stood straight as he positioned the long blade before him.

The incoming stream of flames was of a blue colour. One glance was enough for him to tell that it had an extremely high temperature. However, when the stream of flames was only half a metre away from the long blade, it split into two and spilled to the left and right side of Chen Xiaolian, respectively.

The two sides where the flames had spilled upon instantly melted down. In but a blink, two deep gullies were formed. The flames continued spraying forward for tens of metres before finally fading away. As for Chen Xiaolian, he continued wielding the long blade as he stood in between the two split streams of flames, like an immovable mountain.

The long blade in his hand was just an ordinary weapon that he had snatched away from the thin man. Should the long blade be tossed into the monster’s flames, it would likely turn into molten steel in seconds. However, it was in Chen Xiaolian’s hand. A faint golden light glowed upon its surface and it had split the incoming stream of flames into two.

The flame attack lasted for over 10 seconds. It was only after the flames had faded did Chen Xiaolian get a good look at the monster’s appearance.

It had the height of two people combined, a head like that of a dinosaur, a long tail, and rough scales covering its entire body. Appearance wise, it looked just like…


A smaller version.

Most importantly, Chen Xiaolian had seen this type of monster before.

During the battle which led to Zero City’s fall, Thorned Flower Guild initiated several probing attacks against Zero City’s defenders. However, when they finally got serious with the attack waves, they had sent out a monster resembling Godzilla. The monster was capable of taking countless cannon blasts and could casually stomp several Thunderstorm Tanks and over 20 Sentinel mechs.

In the end, the monster had self-destructed, taking with it half of the shield generators set up in the central square.

For Chen Xiaolian, among all the battles that he had participated in, Players excluded, that monster was the strongest non-human lifeform he had ever encountered.

Thankfully, this monster before him appeared slightly different compared to the one from Zero City. Additionally, it was far inferior in size.

The monster that attacked Zero City was a good eight storeys tall and was capable of blasting out blue beams of light from its mouth. Before the might of its blue beams, the Sentinel mechs’ shields were like a piece of paper.

The monster presently standing before Chen Xiaolian was only three metres tall. And although the stream of flames it spouted out had an extremely high degree of heat, its destructive power was still far inferior to that of the blue beam.

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So… this one must be a low-tier one; or perhaps a low-quality version of it.

It would appear that the smaller Godzilla had expended all of its stored energy with the flame attack. Seeing the flames from its attack dissipate while Chen Xiaolian continued standing there unharmed, the monster lifted its head and howled to the sky. Next, it abruptly crouched down on all four before charging at Chen Xiaolian.

“What the Hell?! In movies, Godzilla is supposed to be bipedal!”

The monster’s form of movement took Chen Xiaolian by surprise. He had assumed that it was a bipedal monster whose movements were sluggish. Unexpectedly, the monster was capable of moving so quickly. Despite its massive body, the nimbleness it displayed was comparable to that of a predatory cheetah.

To the present Chen Xiaolian, however, even if the monster were to become a notch faster, it was still incapable of becoming a threat to him. The monster had only managed to give him a momentary shock. With a light leap, Chen Xiaolian evaded the monster’s charge.

“You, can you think?”

The monster charged past Chen Xiaolian, failing to hit home. It quickly turned around and let out another roar. It did not reply Chen Xiaolian’s question.

“Forget it.”

Chen Xiaolian sighed.

He had not placed too much hope in that anyway. Still, seeing as how he was being held down by this monster, he would no longer be able to find the thin man anymore. Since this is just a monster with no intellect or possibility for communication…

Chen Xiaolian stood his ground against the monster’s second charge. With an emotionless face, he swung the long blade in his hand.

Suddenly, time seemingly slowed down around him…

The monster had been charging forward at an incredibly fast velocity. However, when it approached Chen Xiaolian, its speed suddenly fell to the point where it seemed almost immobile.

As for Chen Xiaolian, his movements did not slow down at all.

The monster slowly leapt through the air, charging at Chen Xiaolian. Its palm swung slowly at Chen Xiaolian.


The sound of a blade cleaving into flesh rang out.

The sharp blade cut into the monster from its right shoulder and cleaved it into two, like cutting a huge pile of dough.

Next, a heavy impacting sound could be heard coming from the ground behind Chen Xiaolian.

Chen Xiaolian flicked the blood off the surface of the blade and turned to give the split monster corpse a glance. Next, he turned to look at the corner that the thin man had turned into. He gave a gentle sigh.

Why did this monster have to appear right then?

Be it the timing of its appearance or the position where it had appeared, if there was just a slight difference within any of those factors, the thin man would not have been able to escape from him.

He had captured someone who could provide him with information. However, he had only managed to ask a few questions of the thin man. There were many other questions which remained unanswered.

Chen Xiaolian felt a stifling feeling in his heart. Walking up to the monster’s body, he gave it a few kicks to ensure that there were no longer any signs of life. After that, he turned around and looked at the bottom part of a high-rise building. It was the one with the collapsed entrance to the underground parking garage. A pile of collapsed concrete greeted him.

Earlier, the jeep that the thin man was chasing after had driven into the underground garage before his energy blasts caused the entrance to collapse.

Although Chen Xiaolian was unclear if there was any other exit for the underground parking garage… … the people inside the jeep were now Chen Xiaolian’s only source of information.

The entrance had utterly collapsed and was inaccessible. After giving it some thought, Chen Xiaolian simply kicked down the high-rise building’s main door – made of glass – and stepped inside.

It would appear that the high-rise building was an office building. Appearance wise, it seemed the battles in the instance dungeon prior to it being sent here had not affected the building much. It appeared relatively intact. However, the elevator’s control panel was all dark, bereft of all moving capabilities.

Chen Xiaolian had already anticipated that. He moved around the first floor of the building quickly and found the emergency stairs. Next, he descended down the staircase.

After making his way one level down, he pushed open the door and saw that the parking garage was covered in darkness. No matter how much better Chen Xiaolian’s vision may be, there was no way for him to see anything in such darkness.

“Damn it.”

Chen Xiaolian swore inwardly and crouched down. Carefully feeling about, he slowly made his way forward. Although he was able to retain his strength in this ‘World’s End’, his personal system and his storage space could not be accessed.

Despite having several lighting devices in his storage space, Chen Xiaolian was unable to retrieve them.

After taking over 10 steps forward, he finally felt the touch of cold metal.

He had finally found a car.

Chen Xiaolian felt excited. Quickly feeling his way to the car window, he then shattered it with a punch before opening the car door. As a result, the car alarm was triggered and it rang continuously.

Chen Xiaolian sat himself down in the driver’s seat. After breaking open the cover beneath the steering wheel, he proceeded to hotwire the car.

After Chen Xialian succeeded in hotwiring the car, the alarms stopped. Next, he turned on the car lights to provide illumination.

It was just an underground parking garage for an office building. When the instance dungeon was in progress, the building did not suffer much in terms of damage. The parking garage was almost completely filled with cars. However, Chen Xiaolian saw no signs of life.

Hopefully… … that jeep had not left.

Chen Xiaolian thought to himself. After starting up the car, he recalled what he could of the corresponding layout and drove it to the collapsed entrance.

Reaching the collapsed entrance area, Chen Xiaolian saw that there were two tire marks there. Judging from the tire marks, Chen Xiaolian surmised that the jeep had managed to make it into this underground parking garage and was not buried under the rubble.

Unfortunately, the tire marks only stretched out a distance of roughly 10 metres before disappearing. All Chen Xiaolian could do was to slowly drive around the parking garage in the general direction.

After driving around for over 100 metres, Chen Xiaolian turned the car around a corner and finally saw the jeep. It was stopped in the middle of the pathway.

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Chen Xiaolian quickly stopped the car. Making use of the lighting provided by the car lights, he carefully observed his surroundings while slowly making his way to the jeep.

At that moment, the only source of illumination was the headlights from the car behind Chen Xiaolian. Other than the jeep before him, the other areas around him remained shrouded in darkness. Given how little time had passed, Chen Xiaolian estimated that the people who were inside the jeep could not have gone far. However, he was unable to guess where they had gone.

After reaching the front part of the jeep, Chen Xiaolian saw that all four of the jeep doors were wide open. As expected, the jeep was empty.

He crouched down to carefully examine the interior of the jeep. The firearms used earlier had been taken away. Bullet shells were all he could find littering the jeep floor. Those must have fallen down when they were shooting at the thin man earlier.


The sound of guns being racked came from behind Chen Xiaolian followed by a cold voice. “Don’t move.”

Chen Xiaolian smiled. He obeyed the instructions given by the voice and maintained his position.

“Turn slowly, put both your hands where I can see them.”

Chen Xiaolian turned around and raised his hands up high. A bullet shell, which was in his hand, fell to the ground.

He was able to faintly notice four figures standing in the darkness, two on either side. He was unable to get a clear glimpse of their faces.

“Who are you? Why did you come after us?”

One of the figures on the left asked. It was a male voice, with an agreeable and steady tone.

“Don’t panic, I mean you no harm. I have just arrived here. I do not know anything, so I wanted to ask some questions. That is all.” Chen Xiaolian revealed a gentle smile and maintained a non-threatening posture.

The other party fell silent. It would appear that they were regarding Chen Xiaolian and contemplating the credibility of his words.

“By the way, the one who was chasing you fellows just now had run off.”

Hearing that, the one on the left gave a soft hum and said, “You are… … the one in the sports car?”

“Yes.” Chen Xiaolian nodded his head. “I heard some sounds and drove to find you people. For some unknown reason, that fellow attacked me. That fellow and you people… … is there a grudge between you two?”

“Huh…” The man muttered wryly and made a palm downward gesture at the people behind him. “Put down your guns.”

Chen Xiaolian watched as three figures behind the man lowered the weapons in their hands.

The man then took a few steps forward. He sighed and said, “We too, know nothing of that man. He had suddenly appeared and attacked us. Thankfully, he was alone while we were all inside the jeep. If not for that…”

As he spoke, he continued walking forward until the light from the car shone upon his face. Seeing his face, Chen Xiaolian became shocked.

“Mr Bluesea? You… … how could you be here?”
