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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 101: B-Tier Commander (2)
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Almond remained silent and trusted that Kimchi Warrior had everything under control. However, his viewers felt the sunease.

Even donations like this cin.

The commander didn't seem very trustworthy and the viewers agreed.

Almond felt a bit apprehensive and decided to probe.

"You said you got the strategy from Kimchi Warrior..."

He wanted to see if this commander understood the strategy even if he couldn’t entirely grasp it.

"Yes, right. Just doing that should get us a win rate of 80%..."

BornToB scratched his head with a dopey expression.

"Does it really seem like that?"

"It's kind of like taking a chance early on... if we do well?"

A win rate of 80% didn't seem like something that would rely on them maybe doing well, but Almond no longer had a choice.

The ghad already begun.

"Oh, right! I was told to remind you! Only cout when it's the archers!!"

Almond realized he had no idea how playing as a duo would work.

The commander left him with one final piece of cryptic advice that becetched in Almond's mind.

BornToB swallowed nervously.

"Just follow the instructions and it'll be fine."

If someone were to ask, "Were you not diligent enough?"

"That's not true. I tried..."

However, that wasn't the case.

In fact, his gcount was quite high compared to regular players and even national competition team members.

"Darn it."

Playing a lot didn't necessarily mean success. BornToB was a prexample of this.

Perhaps it was a kind of obsession? He wasn’t a professional gamer, but he always wanted to prove that he could reach A rank too.

Then, he received a very tempting offer from an acquaintance.

"Who would have thought a national team would need a B rank like me?"

The national team preparing for the competition sought a B rank commander. They proposed to teach the B rank commander their strategies and tactics, which would boost him to A+ rank with a win rate of 80%.

For BornToB, the offer couldn't have been better. There was just one condition. He had to play as a duo with another player and that was Almond.

Now, after learning the national team’s strategies, he was playing as a duo with Almond.

"… But will this really work?"

BornToB looked at Almond in front of him with a bit of curiosity.

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"From what I heard earlier, this person seems like a newbie."

Apparently, Almond was a famous streamer and hadn’t played the gfor long.

"Isn't this strategy a bit too extrfor someone so new..."

At that moment, BornToB recalled the first principle Kimchi Warrior told him.

BornToB smacked his own head.

"Right. Don't think. Let's just follow what Kimchi bro said."

He emptied his mind and only focused on Kimchi Warrior’s teachings as the gbegan.


At the beginning of the game, each side received ten residents who acted as villagers and workers. The gstarted with collecting resources and assigning how many workers to each resource.

"Let's do this."

BornToB looked tense as he waved his hand in the air. First, he directed five workers to mine gold.

"Gold is the most important. We need to upgrade to the second era to build the archery range."

Unlike the spearman training ground, an archery range could only be built starting from the second era. The second era meant upgrading the entire civilization from the barbarian era to the feudal era, lord era, and so on.

To build an archery range, one needed to be in the second era at least, which was the feudal era. This required a large sum of one hundred gold. That was why BornToB assigned half the workers to mine gold.

Five workers headed to mine gold and BornToB quickly gave separate orders to the other workers.

Next was wood.

"Then, I need to focus on wood. Archers require a lot of wood."

He needed wood to build the archery range and it would be continuously consumed as he recruited more archers.

Three out of the remaining five workers went to gather wood.

"I’ll keep food to a minimum for now."

Both the military and residents required food to be produced. It was the most crucial resource for increasing the number of residents, which also controlled the resource collection rate.

BornToB invested the least in this because he wasn't going to produce more residents, so he didn’t need to focus on food yet.

"Our goal is to quickly produce archers and charge ahead. We're not looking at the mid or late game. Once we reach the second era, we won’t have a problem producing archers even if we assign three of the gold miners to food."

He would readjust the distribution of workers when it was tto produce archers.

"Five on gold, three on wood, and two on food. I’ll put four on food, three on gold, and three on wood once we’re in the second era," BornToB murmured as if he was reciting the alphabet and rapidly moved his hands.

An enemy scout csnooping around, but didn't cause significant trouble.

Shortly afterward…

The amount of gold reached one hundred.

"Okay, let’s upgrade to the second era."

The upgrade to the second era commenced immediately according to BornToB's voice command.

"Now, two of the workers mining gold, switch to food!"

Two of the five workers mining gold moved to food and the rate at which food started to cin accelerated.

Then, the upgrade to the second era finished.

BornToB immediately checked the time.

He had entered the second era before five minutes even passed in the game.

"Wow. That's quick."

He had succeeded in the strategy that Kimchi Warrior mentioned.

Everyone knew a basic tactic like the fast second era strategy, but BornToB had never reached it at the four minute mark before.

As Kimchi Warrior instructed, BornToB pushed aside his thoughts and simply followed the memorized steps. Before he knew it, he managed to enter the second era before five minutes passed in the game.

BornToB briefly wondered, but quickly shook his head.

"Don't think! Hurry to the archery range!"

He picked three workers (one each from wood, food, and gold) to build the archery range.

Three workers immediately got to work on the archery range. Naturally, a building would get built faster with more workers.

The cheerful sound of hammers rang out and the archery range appeared within ten seconds.

Finally, archers could be recruited.

BornToB lost about five seconds as his thoughts wandered, but he still achieved this before five minutes.

He started recruiting the first archer before the five minute mark.

BornToB could breathe a little easier once he got this far. After all, Kimchi Warrior had told him so.


"Playing as a duo is a bit boring at first, huh?" Almond remarked, having never teamed up with a specific commander like this before.

He rested his chin in his hand and enjoyed the view of the map from the commander's perspective. A player couldn’t do much early on if the commander didn't recruit any attack units.

"Is this pace considered fast?"

Almond didn’t whether their current progression was fast or slow since he had never played as a commander before.

Just then, the message he had been eagerly awaiting arrived with dramatic flourish.

Recruitment notifications appeared first for the other player in the duo. This meant that Almond would be the first recruited archer.

Almond recalled BornToB's instruction to enter the gduring the archer recruitments. Even if BornToB hadn't said so, Almond felt bored enough to accept.

— Finally..!

— The legend of Almond begins!

— Let’s go!

Almond's character swiftly descended and appeared on the field with a swoosh.


"… Oh."

Almond momentarily looked around, disoriented by the sensation of suddenly dropping from the sky. As expected, he found himself in the archery range and took a moment to examine his attire.


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He discovered something unexpected that took him by surprise.

"This shouldn't be here."

He had mistakenly brought the Joseon Horn Bow, a weapon he invested all his fortune into. Considering the cost and benefits, it didn't make sense to carry such a weapon into every game.

A voice suddenly echoed out, “Almond, can you hear me?”

It was BornToB.

“Oh, just slightly tap your left ear while speaking if you want to respond.”

Could he actually respond like that? Almond curiously tried it and slightly tapped his left ear to speak.

“Can you hear me?”

“Whew, that's a relief. Yes, I can hear you! This is the two-way communication system for duos. It's only available when you're in a duo.”

The commander and Almond could directly communicate back and forth like this.

Despite various inconveniences, the ability to quickly share strategies through voice communication seemed like a significant advantage for duo play. They immediately took advantage of this.

“Almond, we will now execute a fast archer rush in the second era. Get moving!”

“Right now?”


Almond received a ping from the commander.

Almond had no choice but to start running toward the indicated location. A few archers who had been recruited along with him followed. BornToB continued to recruit archers and already had three in total.

"Ah, it's a fast archer rush. Do people still use this tactic?"

"Isn't the commander a B rank? What can you expect?"

"Well, at least the gends quickly, which is good."

Listening to them, the fast archer rush sounded somewhat outdated compared to the latest strategies.

“Ah, Almond. When you arrive, there probably won't be many enemy soldiers! Just pick off the workers!”

If they trusted such words and charged in only to find enemy archers waiting, distrust in the commander would only soar.

The archers behind Almond lamented.

"Hey? What's this? There are soldiers there? Isn't this supposed to be a fast rush?"

"It's supposed to be just us here."

Something felt off.

“Uh. This isn't right,” the commander sounded flustered as well.

The viewers' distrust and worries also grew.

All these concerns were unnecessary. The viewers still didn't fully understand that the key to this strategy was ultimately Almond.

BornToB’s job simply had to do with how fast he could recruit Almond. He had essentially finished doing his part after recruiting Almond within five minutes. Distrusting him now made no sense because he no longer played a role in this game.

Everything now hinged on Almond.

They didn’t have a backup plan even if they pulled back now. Shighly skilled players could recover from a failed rush early on, but BornToB didn't seem like that type of commander.

Thus, Almond made his decision.

“We're not discovered yet. I'm going in.”

He would proceed regardless of enemy soldiers. He couldn't start their ranked matches with a defeat, especially with the Joseon Horn Bow equipped.