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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 67: Special Mission (1)
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He threw a spear at each cavalry one by one. How absurd was this? It was hard to believe even as Almond's spear turned bloody.

Yes, she had followed Almond out of mere curiosity.

"Just because you look cute. That's why I followed you."

Jessie acted out of impulse more than reason. She was such a person. Thanks to her, the chat exploded and Almond's manager grew even busier.

Ju-Hyeok had to keep addressing viewers who crossed the line in the chat.

Almond stepped in to calm things down.

"Relax, everyone. It's just a translation error."

Almond made an unbelievable statement with an unchanging expression that even a baby wouldn't believe.

The chat room exploded even more as Almond spoke with the viewers and Jessie mistakenly thought he was zoning out.

"Is it that surprising? Even your personality is cute."

The viewers were busier being angry after hearing that, but Almond couldn't pay attention to the chat anymore because the enemy cavalry had noticed the death of their comrades.

"What!? Why is this guy dead!?"

The fellow enemy knights only noticed now because they had been busy setting fire to the watchtowers. They were perplexed. Death was common in war, but...


"How did he die? A spear?"

There seemed to be no apparent cause of death. Their comrades just suddenly died. The only evidence was the spears that had been thrown.

"Who is it? Where?"

"Look at the direction they’re stuck in."

"We can't tell. The spears could’ve turned while falling!"

Almond's location remained undetected. They couldn’t tell where the spears cfrom, at least for now.

What if he threw another spear? Then they would discover him.

Almond contemplated whether to keep throwing despite being discovered or to wait for a better opportunity. He was in a dilemma.

As Almond carefully watched the enemies, Jessie asked, "Will you continue? You've done your part by killing some."

Almond hesitated for a moment, but decided to pick up another spear.

“It’s one gold per kill.”

He immediately threw the spear with those words. Even if he died next, one gold per kill felt too good.

The thrown spear struck its target. Another cavalryman staggered and fell off the horse like the previous scene.

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Jessie applauded in delight.

However, her joy was short-lived.

"What! In the bushes! A spear-thrower!"

"There are two!"

Of course, the enemies noticed this tand four cavalrymen began to charge at them.

Jessie asked with bright eyes, "What will you do now?"

She looked at Almond with curiosity, thinking he already had a solution.

Almond simply stroked his chin while watching the approaching cavalry and didn’t offer any solution.

He had thrown the spear without a plan. This was a ridiculous situation, but the viewers already knew he was the type to act first and think later.

Meanwhile, the cavalry closed in on them.

Almond thought of an idea. He picked up another spear and said to Jessie, "You throw too. We might kill two if we both throw. We'll win If we can keep killing them."


Jessie becdumbfounded.

She had no choice but to comply as the enemies charged at them.

Now, the enemies were only about ten steps away.

"Throw!" Almond shouted and threw his spear.

"Th-Throw it?"

Jessie awkwardly threw hers without getting an answer back.


Unfortunately, the enemy knights survived. Jessie's spear missed completely and a shield blocked Almond's.

Experienced players could obviously block a spear thrown in plain sight because it wasn’t as fast as an arrow.

The enemy grew close at hand and thrust his huge lance with great force. The galloping horse added to the lance’s charging power.

Almond displayed his quick thinking.

He planted his spear into the ground with the blade pointing upward.


Almond and Jessie scattered left and right without hesitation and rolled away.

The galloping horse tried to suddenly stop.

The planted spear pierced so deeply into the horse that it cout the other side.

Blood spurted and gushed out. Each tthe horse thrashed its head in pain, blood sprayed through the air.


Of course, the knight fell off the horse.

Almond didn't miss this opportunity and charged.

The enemy blocked Almond's attack with a shield, which was quite a feat for someone who just fell.

They had a brief standoff and their eyes met.

The enemy knight spoke first, "You fight well without any proper armor. Are you a scav?"

A scav? Almond didn't know what that meant.

"What's that?"

"What, you don't know? Are you a newb?"

Almond and the knight circled each other, locked in a standoff.

Meanwhile, Jessie fought another knight. Surprisingly, she held her own against a knight on horseback.

Jessie skillfully blocked the attacks with her spear, but she would be overpowered soon.

She was being pushed back and their own outpost was nearly destroyed.

Almond focused on his opponent and fiddled with a hidden weapon inside his cloak.

The knight seemed interested in Almond and lifted his faceguard.

"You look Asian. What's your ID? I’m Bigma—?!"

At that moment, his vision in one eye disappeared.

"What the...! What's this?! A dagger?"

Yes, Almond had thrown a concealed dagger that pierced the enemy’s eye. He had been waiting for a chance to ambush the opponent and didn't miss the opportunity when his enemy, engrossed in knightly posturing, lifted his faceguard.

"Wow, he actually lifted it."

Almond fiercely thrust his spear toward the enemy with only one eye left.

The knight managed to block with his shield, but he began to lose his balance with only one eye. Eventually...

Finally, Almond slashed the arm holding the shield.


The knight’s shield uselessly fell with no strength left in his arm.

Almond seized the moment and threw his spear. The enemy instinctively reached out.

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Blood spurted out as the knight blocked the spear with his hand.

He yelled in rage, "This treacherous…!"

Throwing weapons and attacking during a conversation. However, that sneak attack was just the beginning.

Almond began throwing more spears that he set aside.

"This... Damn you! Fight with swords!"

The knight, struck by one spear after another, slowly beca pin cushion.

The knight cried out without a chance to engage up-close, "This gsucks! Hey, what's your ID!"

Those were his last words.

Soon, the knight went limp and collapsed.


The commander, MyDinner, scratched his head in frustration.

He currently found himself in a bad situation.

The enemy cavalry breached the spear line and almost completely devastated their forward outpost. In a completely different direction, archers occupied the hillside and disrupted the workers gathering wood.

As with most RTS games, losing workers was more detrimental than losing soldiers.

The enemy cavalry was a force worth over two hundred gold. He hadn't even spent fifty gold for his spear troops and hadn't expected such an intense push.

Instead, he invested heavily in internal affairs to boost defensive buildings and his resource-gathering speed. He was just about to upgrade his troops when the expensive enemy cavalry attacked. In short, he just needed to hold out a little longer but the enemy troops surrounded him.

Meanwhile, the enemy archers also took the hill. How? He had moved the troops defending against the cavalry and left the main base defenseless.

The enemy archers shot their arrows and skewered the workers. The truly frustrating and unjust part was that these archers numbered less than ten. They were causing significant damage by just successfully securing a position in his territory.

His resource gathering rate was steadily dropping.

His resource points had been overtaken. The enemy had more troops and now surpassed him. This was a bad situation.

He even received a message from the opposing commander.

The gdidn’t translate commander-to-commander chat because they would usually just insult each other. Not translating it didn’t stop that.

"Idiot. Living up to your nickname."

His hands and feet were trembling.


Commander MyDinner discovered an interesting scene.

"What's this? They killed three cavalry?"

Two spear soldiers that cost one gold each somehow managed to knock down an expensive cavalry team. They had killed four cavalrymen in total now.

"… This is it."

MyDinner saw a ray of hope there and rapidly tapped. His hands quickly moved over the keyboard to issue commands.