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God of Tricksters

Chapter 1617: Trouble
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"Sorry, but can you give me some space with Rea?" Theo asked Agata with a serious expression.

"Sure." Agata walked away, knowing there was something she shouldn't know about. She was already aware of the Order from the way Theo talked, but she didn't have any idea what it was. At the same time, she was only a Supreme Rank Expert, so it didn't matter to her that much.

Now that Agata had left, Theo put up an illusion before he began to talk. "Alright. Let's continue with your lesson. Now that you have become a Queen, you should know a few basics."

Rea nodded with a serious expression, making sure to listen to every single word.

"What I want to talk about right now is the Five Stages, Four Seals, and your Order as a whole.

"First, it's about the Five Stages. Even I don't have any concrete proof about your five stages. I have a Reality Order, so my Five Stages are Assimilation, Magic Power, Illusion vs Reality, Reality Alter, and Reality Realm. Although everyone will be different, it doesn't change the basics of these five stages are…"

Theo paused for a moment before creating an illusion of one's body as well as another color of aura that surrounded this body.

"The first stage is fusion."

The aura and the body gradually fused with each other as this purple aura turned the body purple as well.

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"The Order will affect your Magic Power, resulting in a different color of Magic Power. Because the Magic Power is coming in and out of your body like breathing, it'll take time for your body to be able to adapt to this new Magic Power. It'll take six months, so you can take it easy for the next six months.

"Then the second stage is Magic Power."

"Now that the Magic Power of your body has been completely fused with the Order, your Order will now affect the application of your Magic Power."

The body suddenly pushed its palm forward and shot out a purple beam, telling her whatever she did now would be using this new Magic Power.

"I don't know about your Order and I won't help you in finding out your Order. So, you should focus these six months on figuring out your true Order.

"Without knowing it, you can't enhance your current attack with that Order after all. And I can assure you your normal power is far weaker compared to the additional boost of Order alone.

"Then, the next thing will be the third stage. At this stage, you can think of it as a way to…"

Theo continued talking about the five stages, giving her enough explanation. Of course, he chose his words carefully.

His explanation had to be neutral and didn't influence her too much. Although he had inserted his Reality Order into this, he toned it down a lot.

After the five stages, he continued to talk about the four seals and how to turn her weapon into an artifact.

And finally, they reached the last step, which was the explanation of the Order itself.

Rea had a lot of questions about Order, so Theo explained it to her the way Hel and the Lightning Saint explained it to him, which was the bridge comparison.

Rea never expected that this power would come from the world itself. No wonder they could be peerless. They managed to make this planet to defeat their enemies after all.

After listening to all his explanations, Rea used the rest of her time to memorize everything and asked Theo if she had another question.

Theo also didn't answer all her questions since it would cause a lot of transformation from her point of view. So, he wanted her to approach the Order and Authority from her perspective as purely as possible.

"Thank you, Teacher. I think that's all." Rea politely bowed to him. She didn't take a note in her Skylink as usual because Theo had asked her not to record it anywhere other than her mind.

He had told her how dangerous it was for normal people to know about Order since it would cause a lot of disruption that might lead to another apocalypse.

Rea made sure to remember everything. Even if someone asked her about it, she swore not to say anything.

However, their peaceful time didn't last until they returned to the base. They were only one hour away from the airport since they were near the coast of Florida.

Suddenly, Theo felt numerous presence coming toward them.

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"This is…" Theo furrowed his eyebrows before turning to the side and finding numerous birds flying toward them.

They came from the right side, following their airplane's speed.

Because the airplane's speed was slowed down due to the new engine that let out no sound, the flying monsters seemed to have no problem catching up to them. Of course, only Supreme Rank Monsters or above could reach them.

Seeing Theo's sudden move, people realized something was wrong.

The pilots, the stewardesses, and even Theo's group instantly turned their heads and found the birds.

"Monsters!" Rea was alarmed and raised her blade, wondering if she had to cut them down from this plane.

"Sir!" One of the stewardesses came to Theo to ask for his help, but Theo simply sat back and relaxed as if he didn't care about the incoming monsters.

"It seems that we're pretty unlucky… To think we would meet monsters in our flight path… Do we have sonar or something that could locate them?" Theo asked with a calm expression as if trying to calm her down.

"This is not the time for that. Sir, there are monsters over there!"

"It's fine. I don't have to make a move." Theo pointed at the pillar at the back of the plane. "That pillar will protect us."

"But—" Before she could finish her words, they suddenly heard a loud bang as if something had crashed into their plane. Without anyone seeing it, they knew a monster had hit them.

However, Rea widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Ah, a barrier?"

"Yeah. That's why I wanted to recover more of this thing… even a King Class Monster could only make this plane tilt a bit, so you don't have to worry too much as long as a World Class Monster doesn't come." Theo nodded with a calm expression.