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God of Tricksters

Chapter 1635: Hidden Plan
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Rea was still confused why everyone agreed to her plan. She was walking together with Agata. The atmosphere was awkward because Rea had messed up earlier. "Sorry, Agata. It seems I've made trouble for you."

"It's fine. This is your first time commanding a battle of this scale. So, I can't blame you. You might be good at leading a small group or creating an overall plan to get the best result, but you're still lacking in experience. I'll be with you for the time being." Agata smiled while patting her shoulder.

It was fine to mess up, but she had to learn from this mistake.

"I've talked too big, I guess… I said I wouldn't disappoint him, but it seemed I couldn't fulfill it. I couldn't even understand why they agreed to my plan, especially the War Saint."

"To fool your enemies, you have to fool your ally first. To fool your ally, you have to fool yourself first."

"Mhm… I'm sorry for being too dumb."

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"No, that's not what I mean. If you don't understand why they agreed to your plan, it means you've fooled yourself earlier. That's why those three couldn't understand it either and your enemies would surely not know about it as well. Do you understand why I asked Sir Leonardo and Zhao Jia instead of anyone else?"

"No." Rea shook her head.

"Because Sir Leonardo knew Theo well. Then, do you remember what Sir Leonardo said to Zhao Jia?"

"She hasn't surpassed her teacher because she hasn't understood the plan. Well, I know he's talking about the mind battle, but what does that mean?" Rea tilted her head in confusion.

"The Heavenly Sovereign is Theo's ally, and he is known as a wise sovereign. If the Heavenly Sovereign was the one in the call, he would consider your words as Theo like what the letter said. And do you think what Theo said about knowing you well was a bluff or flowery words? He can't lie, we know it. So, those words were fact."


"It seems that you've understood it a bit. Yes. The Heavenly Sovereign knew Theo would predict your plan. That's why your words are his words. And giving you the right to give the plan itself was the hidden plan."

"But I still can't understand what the hidden plan is."

"It's simple." Agata raised her finger. "There must be a mole somewhere. I don't know much about the situation, but the fact that he doesn't give an extraordinary plan must be because he knows the mole will inform the enemies."

"Ah?" Rea gasped. "So, with me giving the plan means they're going to intercept us with another plan. Everyone knows that my plan is flawed, but because this plan is considered Theo's plan, the enemies will be forced to adjust their move immediately.

"Meanwhile, Teacher's real plan is still hidden from everyone. Even the mole doesn't know about his real plan. When the time comes, Teacher's real plan will be revealed, and the situation will be overturned. Now that I think about it, this is how he usually fights… The more disadvantageous the situation is, the easier for him to turn around the battle and win.

"Ah, I almost forgot that he told me he was preparing something… So, that's how it is…" Rea gulped down. "He predicted how his allies and enemies would react to his plan and came up with an even more amazing plan to gain victory. Sorry, this might be a dumb question, but is he playing 4D Chess?"

"Who knows? Even I don't know about his real plan." Agata shrugged. "Though, this situation is indeed similar to my Mota Family and Pata Corporation."

"That's right. There were many moles in your Pata Corporation, and your first few losses allowed him to let the enemy guard down. And that's when he struck them from behind." Rea clenched her fists. "He knew I would mess up…"

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Agata smiled. "There were two directions when we shared our plan with the headquarters. First, the mole will inform the enemies, but the latter is still confident and doesn't change their plan, which means this will be a success for our plan. The second possibility is that the enemies change their plan and reach the current situation.

"Still, the possibility might be divided into two, but these two possibilities will merge back into one and give an exact outcome." Agata smirked while sweeping her thumb on her neck, making a gesture of someone dying.

Rea gulped down, never expecting Theo to place this kind of trap in his plan. "I've lost… How in the world can I even surpass a teacher like this?"

"That's the thing. You can't. But chasing after him is interesting, isn't it? After all, there is a saying, 'If you're going to dream, dream to the seventh sky. Even if you fail, you'll still fly among the stars.' That's why I haven't stopped improving myself.

"In the past, if Theo proposed to me, the people would report it like this, 'The most beautiful woman in the world loved a man who once fought her in the Grand Gaia Competition.' But now, it will be like this, 'The hero of humanity, Theodore Griffith, will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.'

"If I stop chasing after him, the people won't know about me anymore. That'll be the time I lose everything. That's why, Rea… Don't ever stop chasing after him if you still want the world to know you as Nagasawa Rea instead of Theo's student or Sword Saint's daughter. Understood?"

"Yes." Rea nodded with a serious expression. At the same time, her heart moved. She couldn't help but mutter inwardly, 'Haha… There's no way I'm going to win against her. No wonder why there is only one woman in his heart. No one will be able to grab his heart as long as Agata is by his side…'

Agata smiled and took out her Skylink, calling Felix and Ruth.

"Alright, it's time for both of you to make your move."