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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 19
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Chapter 19


“How dare you call my children bas tar ds?!” I struck Bix with so much force and

violence, it was as if he were one of my sworn enemies.

Bix had always possessed an eccentric personality, a foul mouth, and a

penchant for bold actions, but labeling my children ba st ards had crossed

every line. In that moment, my wolf took control, overriding the knowledge that

Bix was one of my closest friends.

Amidst Ella’s fearful scream, Willow shota startled look as Wyatt and Lori

rushed back to her. Willow instinctively pulled them close, covering both of

their ears. When our eyes met, I noticed her eyes were slightly red. The word

‘bas ta rd’ seemed to affect her more profoundly than it did me. It became

apparent that she had faced similar situations before, where people

derogatorily referred to Wyatt and Lori as ba st ards.

I clenched my fists at my sides as I stared into Willow’s slightly watery eyes.

Anger welled up inside me, directed not only at Bix but at myself as well for not

being there for Willow during those challenging times. Our emotions

intertwined through the mate bond and I felt every emotion she harbored in her

heart. I noticed her eyes change. when she sensed my hatred for myself.

She began to turn away from me, prepared to usher Wyatt and Lori to safety,

when Oran, who had been absent until then, arrived in a fiash.

“What’s going on here?” His wide eyes first fell on Bix, whose face bore evident

injuries and bleeding. Bix’s mind had gone blank with my attack and he was

struggling to comprehend the scene around him. From there Oran shifted his

focus to my office broken wall and my bleeding fist, locking eyes with my wolf’s

dark expression.

Without needing an explanation, he pieced together the situation. “Bix, what

the heck did you do?” His voice was a growl.

Bix coughed a few times, struggling to find his voice. “Oran… did they are

Reuben and Willow’s children?”

you… did you know

Oran’s eyes widened in realization, understanding the root of this violent


“F ucking shut your mouth if you don’t want to die!” Oran forcefully silenced Bix

with. his words, gripping his collar, and dragging him away. “Ella, you’re coming

with me,” Oran firmly commanded, addressing the woman whose wide brown

eyes were fixed on Wyatt and Lori as if she’d seen a ghost.

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


13:06 Thu, 29 Feb & B

Chapter 19

“Willow… how…” Ella’s pale face held questions about Willow’s pregnancy from

six years ago. The curiosity was evident, but Willow pressed her hands against

her children’s ears, shielding them from Ella’s impending inquiries.

Dex growled in my mind at the look Ella had been giving my children and my

mate, “They’re mine, that’s all outsiders need to know,” I interrupted firmly,

cutting off Ella’s line of questioning.

“Outsiders…” She gazed atin disbelief, incredulous but I couldn’t care less.

Disregarding her, I turned to Oran. “Oran, mind-link the omegas incharge of the

kitchen and get food ready. Wyatt and Lori need to eat.”

“Okay,” Oran nodded. I moved closer to Willow and lifted Wyatt and Lori into my

arms. and then grabbed her hand.

“Let’s go,” I whispered. She looked from my hand then back to me. Her eyes held

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a mix of emotions as I held her hand and ushered her and our children out,

ignoring the others in the room. She followeddown the stairs without any

protest or trying to get free from my grip on her hand.

I felt Wyatt and Lori’s gaze on my face all the way. I looked at them and smiled.

“Did daddy scare you two?” I softly asked, realizing that I had unintentionally

frightened their innocent minds.

“No, daddy! You’re really cool when you half-shift!” Wyatt’s childish voice

brimmed. with excitement, his green eyes sparkling with surprise and

admiration as he finally broke his silence. So they were not actually scared back

there? My children knew when and where to speak, showing their sensible


“Yeah, daddy, you were like a prince charming fighting for your princess!” Lori


I couldn’t help but laugh at Lori’s comparison ofto a prince charming for

Willow. “My children have better sense than speople,” I remarked, glancing

at the she-wolf walking beside me.

Willow caught the meaning behind my words and pulled her hand back right

away, “Yes, that’s what they call an innocent mind. They can’t see the devil

hidden behind the mask of prince charming,” she commented, heading to the

dining table ahead of us.

Wyatt and Lori hopped down from my arms and settled onto the chairs that the

Omega had just pulled out for them after serving the food. I turned to respond

to Willow, admitting. “True, I’m a devil behind a prince charming mask.” Placing

my hand.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

13:06 Thu, 29 Feb & B·

Chapter 19



on the back of her chair, I continued, “I’m the worst, and I don’t regret it. It’s just

that speople don’t understand me.”

Willow looked up at my eyes that were full of sincerity but suddenly as if she

recalled something her eyes grew emotionless as she stated, “Even your fiance

doesn’t understand you?” My eyes instantly went blank when I heard her using

the word fiance. “You used my children and the Wade Moon Pack to drag me

back here in order to complete a rejection. A rejection that you can’t marry her

without. So how is it that your fiance doesn’t understand you?” Her words were

laced with venom meant just for me.

I knew that once this particular bit of information was known to Willow, she

would hatemore than ever. That was why I had hidden it in the first place. I

wanted to reveal it to her myself once everything had been started going well

between us but Bix and Ella showed up out of blue f ucking with my plan.

Being paired with another she-wolf by Willow caused Dex to growl in my mind.

“Willow, letclear something up for you,” I dug my nails into the chair, leaned

down. towards her face, and whispered, “There is nothing between Ella and I. We

are engaged. only on paper,

There was a sudden change in Willow’s eyes after hearing that statement. “On

paper? How?”

My heart tingled when she was finally ready to listen to me, “Yes, it is just on

paper. Years ago, I faced a situation where I had to sign those papers, but it

meant nothing toor Ella. I don’t love Ella,” I raised my hand to touch her soft

cheek. “She is just a friend just like she was years ago. She knows about it as

well and she does not like or loveeither. I am not marrying her…” I revealed

the whole truth. Willow’s hearbate intensified as she silently stared at me. Dex

got excited in my mind as I felt her emotions being soothed, there was no more

hatred in her eyes for me. “I only want you…

“Reuben,” Oran arrived in the dining room, interrupting me. Willow saw Oran

and quickly pushed my hand away from her cheek and sat up straight in the


I was close to make Willow believeif Oran had not come. I gritted my teeth

at him, “What?”

“There’s an urgent matter,” his expression was serious.

I took a deep breath to control my emotions and responded, “I’m coming,” Oran

nodded and left the packhouse. I turned back to Willow. At this point, I had no

idea if she believedeven a bit or not. She had started eating like I had said

nothing, “I’ll be back late tonight.”

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


Chapter 19

She paused and glanced at me, “Why are you telling me?” She looked confused.

“So that you don’t wait for me, I clarified.

It took her a couple of minutes to comprehend. “I’m not staying in your room,

Reuben,” she firmly declared.

I frowned and leaned closer, placing a hand on either arm of her chair, and

meeting her intense eyes, “Impossible.”

She also looked atfirmly and said, “then I’ll stay in the guest room,” she


“No,” I firmly disagreed..

Then on the first fioor,” she argued.

“That’s not happening.” I shook my head.

She gritted her teeth, glaring at me. “Then I’ll be staying next to Wyatt and Lori’s

room, and that’s final!” she firmly announced.

“Done,” I smiled.

She was taken aback by my sudden agreement. After a moment’s thought, she

realized the room she had chosen was actually the room that was between the

childrens room and mine. We’d be separated by just a wall. “You…” She caught

on to my trickery, opening her mouth to protest, but I ruffied her hair and

walked away. “I will be late. Don’t wait for me…

“Who’s waiting for you?!” she growled at my retreating figure. I chuckled and left

the packhouse to meet Oran, who had been waiting forin the garden.

“Reuben, don’t sever ties with Bix…” Oran approachedin a panic,

momentarily forgetting the urgent matter that he wanted to discuss. He had

witnessed how effortlessly and ruthlessly I could cut people out of my life. Once

I made that decision, there was no turning back. “That guy doesn’t know when

to keep his mouth shut,” Oran added when I didn’t respond.

I lit a cigarette, observing him. Oran and Bix were the sons of my pack’s former

Beta and Gam ma. We had grown up together, but Oran never appreciated

mediating our confiicts. He’d always step in to resolve things, but this time, he

understood the gravity of the situation. He had to step back, and it frustrated

him. Judging by his appearance, he had likely sent Bix to the pack hospital

before coming to see me.

“Reuben… you know why Bix acted out like that, don’t you? These last six years


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


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Chapter 19

been tough on all of us, watching you change like this… So he lost it in the

moment and

said snonsense…

“Just tell him not to cnearanytsoon, I interrupted, taking a long

drag from my cigarette.

Oran breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, “Okay.”

“What was the urgent matter you wanted to tell me?” I exhaled a puff of smoke.

Oran’s expression turned grave as he remembered the original reason for this

conversation. “The Silver Moon Pack has been wiped out,” he informed me.

“Wiped out?” The hand holding the cigarette stopped abruptly. The Silver Moon

Pack was among the top five packs, they had not an enemy but our ally for

decades. We had numerous treaties and a strong friendship. No other pack

dared to even make a noise in their presence, let alone declare war. How could

the Silver Moon Pack have been wiped out? “How did that happen? Who dared

to attack them?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

“I don’t know. Actually, nob*dy knows. Word has it, the entire pack was

celebrating the Alpha’s birthday last night, but by morning the pack was found

engulfed in fiames,” Oran explained.

“In fiames?” I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Yes, what’s more, when the neighboring pack arrived to assist in extinguishing

the fire, they discovered no bodies or remains of a single member of the Silver

Moon Pack!” Oran exclaimed, surprised by the shocking nature of the


“How in the world is that possible?” I questioned incredulously. “An entire pack

burns and there’s no trace of the bodies? Did the corpses or bones just walk

away or bury themselves?”

Oran remained silent, givinga meaningful look. “Reuben, all the packs are

terrified after this mysterious incident. If a powerful pack like the Silver Moon

Pack can be wiped out in such a manner, then anyone can. There’s something

else at play here that we’re not able to see,” he concluded.

“Indeed, I agreed, turning to stare at the first fioor of the packhouse, where

Willow’s room was located. “This isn’t a normal incident,” I remarked, observing

Willow as she arranged a plant on the windowsill in her room.

“So what do you think?” Oran asked curiously.

“I believe this is just the beginning…” I paused when Willow spottedtoo.

The Secret to Making More Money with Lesa Effort: Laser Cutting


Chapter 19

Oran followed my line of sight. As Willow’s and my eyes locked, she looked at

Oran looked at my reaction. I crushed the cigarette in my palm. So… she did not

believe what I had said earlier, “You have finally made Willow stay by your side,

Reuben. Though the sword of rejection seems to have gotten sharp at your

n*eck after revealing your impending marriage with Ella.”

My muscles tightened as I looked down at

how much she hatesat this moment, rushed cigarette in my hand. “No


regain her love over the next three months,” I dropped the cigarette on the

ground and looked at the window again, “Three months…”
