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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 43
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Chapter 43


“I am really, really sorry for not telling you that your model is none other than

Walter,” Lola’s panicking voice cfrom the other side of my phone. “Actually,

he volunteered to becyour model but askedto keep it a secret. He

wanted to surprise you. I never thought that he would appear where you are

staying unannounced!”

Amidst Lola’s repeated apologies, I ran my hand through my hair out of pure

frustration. The reason behind Lola referring to Walter as the “new model” in

modeling now becevident. Despite his role as a ton fashion show organizer

and Walter’s S*xy physique he had never worked as a model. Lola, constrained

by Walter’s infiuential position and status, found herself unable to offend him

in any way. Unbeknownst to her, beyond his billionaire facade, Walter concealed

the hidden identity of a formidable hunter.

“It’s all right, no need to fret,” I said calmly, ending the call. I turned my

attention to the dining table, where Wyatt and Lori had greeted Walter with an

enthusiasm akin to a reunion after decades apart. Spotting Walter from a

distance while they had been playing on the playground, they had eagerly

ushered him into the packhouse, inadvertently bringing him into further


“Uncle Walter, is this robot for me?” Wyatt inquired joyfully, while Lori’s eyes

gleamed with anticipation, clutching a doll in her arms. He had bought them a

lot of expensive


“Absolutely!” Walter affirmed, embracing the both of them as he always did. The

tbecengrossed in their endless chatter, seamlessly lost in the joyous

exchange for the past fifteen minutes.

I couldn’t overlook Reuben’s furrowed brow as he witnessed the undeniable

connection between Walter and the children. The trust and affection Reuben

had diligently cultivated over the past two weeks seemed to effortlessly redirect

its fiow toward Walter, having been established over the course of the last five

years, an outcthat did not sit well with Reuben.

Approaching the dining table at a measured pace, I observed Oran and Bix

seated on either side of Reuben, their expressions mirroring Reuben’s disquiet

as they observed.


“Wyatt, Lori, it’s tto head up to your rooms to play with your toys, I

announced. Both children eagerly extricated themselves from Walter’s embrace,

racing up the stairs.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

Chapter 43

with their toys in tow. As they departed, the palpable tension between Reuben

and Walter resurfaced, their gazes locking in an unspoken exchange.

“Walter, let’s go. I’ll take you to the hotel that Lola arranged,” I suggested,

gesturing toward the exit..

Walter approached me, questioning, “Didn’t you tell Lola that you needed to

collaborate on the design work with the model? You and I even have a lot to

discuss about the show as well ensuring that you remain anonymous to the

public. With the fashion show looming, there’s much to catch up on. Won’t it be

inconvenient for you if I stayed at a hotel?”

I had indeed said that, unaware that the model in question would turn out to be

Walter. While he was the perfect fit as a model, the packhouse couldn’t be

where he stayed.

“It’s alright, I’ll cto your hotel room tomorrow then we can…” I began to


“He can stay in my packhouse,” Reuben interjected, catchingoff guard. My

eyes widened in surprise. Had I heard him correctly? Was he allowing Walter to

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stay here in his pack? His gaze shifted slowly to me, before adding, “It will be


Wait! What was happening?

Locking onto his calm eyes, I realized he was honoring the promise he made

earlier, back when Wyatt and Lori had brought Walter into the packhouse.

Facing Reuben’s unreadable expression, I maintained a calm demeanor as I

began to calmly explain to him, “I know you don’t like Walter. He is bold and

crazy but I assure you, Walter is not an adversary, and he poses no threat to the

pack. However, this fashion show holds immense significance for my career.

Please promisethat you won’t harm Walter. He will only be here for two


Reuben fixedwith an intense look for a few heart–pounding moments, then

unexpectedly agreed, “Alright, I promise.”

“Really?” I replied, my eyes widening in astonishment.

“But…” he abruptly closed the distance between us, trappingbetween a tree

and his imposing figure. “What will I gain in return?” he inquired, his eyes

unmistakably lingering on my l*ps as he slowly licked his own.

I swallowed, a sudden warmth spreading through my b*dy especially between

my legs. I secretly clenched my thighs together, “What do you want in return?”

my voice barely rose above a whisper.


The Secret to Making More Money with Lass Effort: Laser Cutting

Chapter 43


He playfully bit his own l*p, maintaining silence as he looked deep into my eyes

before replying, “I’ll tell you later.”

With that he pulled away but I had read the meaning behind his words.

Uncertain about what he might ask, I felt compelled to agree at that moment.

Ensuring Walter’s safety while in the Emerald Bright Pack was my priority, I was

willing to consent to almost anything to get it. Yet, a nagging sensation told me

that agreeing to Reuben’s terms without understanding the full extent of them

might leadto regrets. later down the road.

Walter’s sudden chuckle, circumspectly directed at Reuben, joltedback to

the current situation. “Alright, I’ll gladly accept your offer of hospitality and stay

here, he stated. Then turning tosuggested, “Willow, how about assigning me

the room next to yours? It would be the most convenient.”

Considering there was an empty room next to mine I was about to agree, but

Reuben’s grave voice interjected before I had the chance, The guest rooms are

on the first fioor. That’s where you’ll stay. Carve it into your head.” His tone

carried an ominous warning, signaling to Walter that he should not venture

anywhere beyond the first fioor, especially in the vicinity of my room, not even

by mistake.

Walter’s emotionless gaze locked with Reuben. I couldn’t recall the last the

had tolerated a blatant offense. The Walter I knew was the nightmare of every

werewolf in Britain. No werewolf pack dared to offend him as doing so would

result in their complete eradication from Britain’s map. What set Walter apart

was his tendency to openly attack and ensure that the message he sent was not

only received by the intended pack but others as well.

Walter had earned the moniker of the grim reaper but unfortunately for him,

Reuben was the embodied death itself. The pure presence that these two men

wielded, even when standing a hundred meters apart, was unsettling for me.

The only consolation was that my days away, and Walter would be leaving


fashion show was just two

I positioned myself in front of Walter, bridging the distance between the two of

them. “Let’s go, I’ll show you to the guest room,” I gestured for him to follow


He smiled, grabbing his luggage. However, I noticed Ella standing in the door

frame. “So now this hunter is allowed to stay in the pack too?” She began

staring blankly at Walter.

“Your attitude and arrogance scream your identity as an Alpha,” Walter stood

face to face with her, his handsface radiating arrogance. “However, I don’t

believe you. belong here, Miss Ella Martin, the soon–to–be Alpha of Opal Moon


The Secret to Making More Money with Lass Effort: LaH Cutting

13-12 Thu, 25 Feb

Chapter 43

Ella frowned slightly in response. It wasn’t difficult for Walter to dig into

anyone’s identity. “Surprised?” he chuckled.


She smiled, “No, just wondering if you are staying here for two days does that

mean you. will be joining Willow’s welcparty tomorrow?” As she spoke, the

room fell into dead silence. Shit! Walter shouldn’t know about my welcome


Walter turned toabruptly. “Willow, is tomorrow your welcparty? Why

haven’t you invitedyet?”

I forced a smile and replied, “I was just about to invite you.”

I could feel my head on the verge of exploding under Reuben’s burning gaze. He

detested having his personal space invaded, and that’s exactly how he viewed

Walter joining the party. It was one of the reasons I had insisted on having

Walter stay at the


I swiftly guided Walter through the hallway before anything else could happen.

Once we were alone, I finally inquired, “Did you have a death wish? How could

you enter werewolf territory so boldly?” I demanded.

“To cvisit you, I would find a way to climb up to the heavens, you know,

right?” He smirked playfully.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Don’t you dare talk tolike this in front of

Reuben,” I warned him. “He is not the slightest bit welcoming of jokes.”

Walter’s feet slowed at my remark. “My feelings for you are not a joke,” his voice

was low and held hidden emotions, ones that I always pretended not to


I slowed my pace, choosing not to respond. Instead I stated, “All these rooms

are empty. You can choose whichever you like.”

He smiled, understanding that I didn’t want to delve into that forbidden

conversation, as always. “Life doesn’t usually offer so many choices, so I’ll take

my tin choosing a room if you don’t mind,” he remarked, slowly passing by

each room as we walked. together. “I never expected your husband to be an

Alpha,” he murmured, peering into at room through an open door.

The moment he mentioned Reuben, my husband, a different feeling stirred in

my heart. I should have corrected him, stating that we were not married and

were soon to reject each other. However, no words escaped my l*ps. It was as if

I didn’t want to refute his claim.

The Secret to Making More Money with Lass Effort: Las Cutting



Chapter 43

My eyes slowly drifted to my hand, which held the heat–prevention pills that I

had pilfered from Reuben’s pocket in the front yard during our earlier

conversation. I had rarely experienced my heat cycle during the past six years,

so now it was completely disrupted. Reuben’s proximity was fueling my irregular

heat, but I believed I only had to endure it for another four to five days until my

heat would be avoided for this month.

Ceri let out a frustrated groan in my mind. She was vehemently against taking

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heat- prevention pills, but I had no other choice.

When I didn’t reply, Walter continued, “The more surprising fact is that he just

so happens to be the strongest werewolf in America. He really has made the

hunters in this country pussies. I swear that when I looked into your location in

this pack carlier I honestly wondered if he had kidnapped you or something but

that push he just gavewas very personal. It’s what cluedin earlier that

he was into you. I always thought that you were a single mother but you turned

out to be a woman with such a strong man behind her. You really have hidden a

lot of stuff behind that beautiful face of yours. At this point, I feel as if I know

nothing about you even though I’ve known you for six years,” he commented


“I have always told you that you know nothing about my life,” I murmured,

pushing the door open to the room opposite to where we stood. I chose a room

for him on my own.

“I agree, he chuckled, followinginside; “yet, I have figured out another thing,


Ι you know what?”

“What?” I murmured, failing to discern Walter’s expression at that moment and

taking it as another one of his peculiar talks.

“Your husband does not trust you, he whispered into my ear, his words freezing

A moment later, I glanced at him to find a handssmile plastered on his l*ps.

However, it did not reach his eyes. It was the smile of someone who had just

discovered something precious.

“Am I wrong?” He pulled away fromonly to sit on his luggage, like a king on

his throne. “He let a hunter stay at his hjust because he didn’t want you to

go to my hotel room. A place where he couldn’t keep an eye on you. He gave me

a guest room that is on another fioor from your room. Is he afraid that

something will happen between us if I am next door to you?” He questioned.

I couldn’t deny that I was already somewhat aware of all of this. Reuben’s

obsession. kicked in whenever other men were aroundwith different

intentions and I was

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

Chapter 43

damn sure Reuben could smell Walter’s interest in me.

“This is not new for me. I’ve been dealing with this side of him for 11 years…” I

brushed Walter’s comment off, wanting to leave when he spoke.

“Don’t tellyou’re taking his attitude as jealousy because from where I’m

standing it was suspicion.”

My feet immediately paused in the door frupon hearing the most sensitive

word of my life. The memory of Reuben tossing the pregnancy report at my feet,

refusing to recognize our baby as his, stifiing my breathing.

Sitting in the dark room, Walter’s sea–blue eyes remained fixed on my

expression as he added, “Why does it look like this is not the first tthis has


As he spoke, the room fell into a dead silence. A couple of seconds later, I

walked out of his room without looking back or answering to him.

Unknown to me, Walter closed his eyes, throwing his head back and murmured,

“Just like I thought, they are not together. Two days should be more than

enough tto break something that is already broken, right?*

Walking out of Walter’s room, I could only manage to cross the hallway before

my legs refused to supportany longer. I curled up in a corner, breathing

hard, and clutching my chest.

That day….Reuben had never directly accusedof cheating on him. I still did

not know on that day whether he had doubted my character or my love.

That day…did he believeeven in the slightest?
