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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 46
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Chapter 46


A few hours ago

With no tto spare that morning, I departed the Emerald Bright Pack clad in a

simple square-n*eck crop top that left my waist exposed. Walter’s hand

approached the strip of bare skin, hovered mere inches away from making

contact with my waist.

“I dare you to touch me,” I asserted, standing close to his formidable 6.2 frame.

Adjusting the coat on his broad chest, I raised my gaze to deliver a warning

glare. “I wouldn’t mind if my model struts down the runway with an unsightly

scratch marring his face.”

“Ohh…you caughtagain,” he grinned, revealing his easy charm and retracting

hist bold hand in response.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, “I can smell your arousal. Can’t you get your

head out of the gutter for once and focus on work?” I shot him a stern look,

wondering how I managed to work with this man for five years.

The frequency with which this man got turned on aroundresembled that of

a werewolf, making his human identity questionable. This morning, when I went

to his room to wake him up and asked him to joinon the fashion show stage

for fitting and practice, he had been dealing with morning hardness. In the car

he shared his insights about car S*x, offering to havejoin in the fun. Just

now, after fiawlessly strutting the runway like a male deity when I con stage

for a final ch*ck on his suit, he was once again stirred by our proximity.

“Willow, I can’t seem to control myself around you,” he admitted, his gaze

lingering on my ch*st due to our close proximity. Biting his l*p, he continued,

“My mind veers into d*rty thoughts, I want to devour…”

I pulled away from him, rolling my eyes. “If you’re done with your d*rty

ideations, then go and change. It’s already evening, the party is about to start.

We need to get back to the pack as soon as possible,” I stated, grabbing my

purse and exiting the hall.

“Where are you going?” his shout echoed in the empty hall.

“Shopping!” I shouted back, making my way to the shopping mall I had spotted

on the way. Although it was a five-minute walk, I opted to take my car.

I had initially purchased a dress for my welcparty with Mia, but anticipating



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hu, 29 Feb

Chapter 46

by the tI reached the pack it would be too late to change I decided to buy a

new dress. Additionally. I picked a few things for Wyatt and Lori.

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Fortunately, Walter, as the organizer of the fashion show, had grantedthe

opportunity to have him practice on the stage in the actual location that the

event would take place tomorrow. Everything seemed to be aligned in my favor,

I harbored hopes of winning this show as well.

As I concluded my clothing shopping, my gaze drifted towards the men’s

section. The memory of Reuben’s apology from the previous night lingered in

my mind, as if he were present, embracingin his arms, his warm breath

whispering in my ears. My feet moved automatically, leadinginto the shop

Half an hour later, I returned to the fashion show building and entered the

common room where I had left my belongings since morning. Placing my dress

on the chair intended for a pre-departure change. I glanced at the small box in

my hand. I couldn’t explain why I bought it, but once my eyes landed on it

thoughts of him and how he might look wearing it crossed my mind.

I closed the small box. neatly placing it in my purse, only to catch sunusual

sounds. emanating from the bathroom. Alarmed, ed my gaze to the

I bathroom door. Who could possibly be in there? I was certain I had locked the

room the last tI entered around noon. The room’s potent air freshener

effectively masked any other scen

Walking cautiously toward the bathroom. I pushed the door wide open, ready to

confront a potential intruder. However, my intentions were thwarted as I was

taken aback by the sight of a n*ked Walter standing under the shower. He

casually looked over atand quipped. “Wanna join me?”

Stunned. I averted my gaze but not before spotting a coffee stain on his

discarded shirt. Just as I was about to make a hasty retreat, I felt a firm grip on

my wrist, pinningto the wall beside the bathroom door. It was Walter. He

had emerged from the shower completely n*ked!

“What are you doing, Walter?!” I demanded, steadfastly making sure to avoid

looking anywhere beyond his face to his exposed form.

“Willow, you’ve been aware of my desire for you for five years, yet you are here

alone with me. Isn’t it because you wanttoo?” he asserted.

“I don’t want you, Walter.” I replied, meeting his gaze with unwavering

determination. “And you’ve known that from the start.”

“Why, because of Reuben?” His expression shifted to one of displeasure. My



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Chapter 40

seemed to provoke him, “Am I not handsome? Am I not rich? Am I not….

“You aren’t Reuben,” I candidly replied. “That’s all.” His eyes betrayed a mixture

of emotions, grappling with both the sting of rejection and the weight of his

unspoken. feelings.


A silence settled between us, after a couple of seconds, Walter loosened his grip

on my wrist. I lowered my arm, tore my eyes away from him, and walked away

from him towards my dress. Determined to change in another room, I chose to

distance myself.

“He doesn’t love you, Willow. A man who doubts his woman is not a man you

should love,” he asserted.

The hand that clutched my dress, halted at his statement. I felt Reuben’s warm

embrace envelopingas I whispered, “That’s what I assumed in the past, that

he doubted my love or purity but it was only my feelings that he doubted.”

“What if I prove it to you?” Walter demanded, turning to face me. My hand

trembled slightly in anticipation of what his proof might entail. “Will you leave

Reuben and accept my love?”

However, I never anticipated that Walter would employ such audacious lies to

provoke Reuben.

“What the heck did you say, you motherfucker?!” Reuben barked, seizing

Walter’s collar. “What do you mean by “Willow does the same? What exactly do

you mean?”

“Are you seriously askingwhat that means? Willow and I have been together

for years. We are both consenting adults, everything we do is out of love. Do you

really wantto delve into the details of our private personal moments?”

I desperately wanted to interject, to tell Reuben that whatever Walter was saying

was a fabrication, but Reuben’s expression frozein place until he noticed my


Walter pulled away from Reuben’s grasp and departed, castinga meaningful

look. that seemed to assert that he had proven his point.

As Walter left, Reuben and I stood staring into each other’s eyes for a long time.

For sreason the distance between us seemed cavernous and the fear in my

heart started to dominate my whole being. I felt an unimaginable amount of

pain through our mate bond that was a result of him being emotionally hurt. My

heart ached, when he took slow steps towardsuntil we were a step apart

from each other, his eyes were

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13:13 Thu, 29 Feb G.

Chapter 46

sad and voice weak, “It’s a lie, right?” his voice shook along with the pain rising

in hist heart, “He is lying, right? You two are not…”


My heart squeezed in my chest. He believed it. He believed every single lie that

Walter. had told him.

He doubtedagain, just like he had six years ago.

“Everything he said is true,” I lied, forcing my tears back. Reuben froze at my

statement. When the trust in our relationship no longer existed leaving nothing

but suspicion. between us, did I really need to clutch at the disintegrating

thread from my end. “Walter and I are together,” I tried to keep my voice strong.

“I have given him my heart and b*dy…”

“THAT’S A LIE!!!” Reuben suddenly burst out grabbingby the arms. “I DON’T

BELIEVE THAT MY WILLOW COULD BETRAY ME!” he growled, pullingcloser to

him. I gasped seeing tears in his red eyes. He was suffering, he was trying to

endure it, as he died under the strain of my lie but refused to let his faith waver

for even a little bit, “If you still wantto believe in your lie then I will do it. I

will believe in your lie but…” he touched my cheek and made a connection with

Ceri completely entangling my heart with his, “I will never let you go,” he


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My own eyes watered at seeing the trust in his forbut that day…the memory

of him. refusing to accept our babies fiashed in my minds’ eye.

“Stop it…” I clenched my fist. “Stop pretending,” my tears threatened to pour out

ofas I broke free from his grip, “You don’t trustReuben! You doubted me

six years. ago!!” I screamed, turning on my heel to leave.

Biting my l*p into an attempt to grasp the last thread of my control that was

preventing a breakdown, I dashed towards the packhouse only to get caught by

Reuben. He stood before me, looked deep into my eyes. “I never doubted you,”

he confessed.

I shook my head refusing to fall for his words again, “You are lying.”

“I am not,” he shook his head, wiping away my tears with his thumb. “That day…

out of fear of losing you….I said svery harsh things. That day my fear was

greater than the news of our babies. I decided to be selfish, to live my life in

that way, and said. something that I regret to this day…” he confessed and I saw

the truth in his eyes.

Fear of losing me? What did he mean? Why was he going to losethat day?

“During no stage of my life have I ever doubted you Willow,” he looked into my

confused eyes full of love and cupped my jaw. I broke into tears, his hand

getting wet

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Chapter 46

with my warm tears..

“I never thought my words broke you to this level,” Reuben silently watched my

tears. and gently k*ssed them, “There is no way that I could ever doubt my other

half. I can doubt my shadow but…never you, Willow,” he confessed, slowly

capturing my l*ps.

I looked at his closed eyelids, feeling his soft k*ss while freely letting my tears

fiow down my cheek.

Reuben….never doubted me.

He never….stopped believing me.

He never…

My heart quickened to the point that I could not bury my feelings any more.

“Please trustthis once, Willow. Trustthis once…” he begged between the

k*ss, “Kiss me. Please, k*ss me.”

My heart cased a bit with his pleading. Feeling his soft k*sses, my hands

automatically clenched his coat as I moved my l*ps and k*ssed Reuben back.