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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 59
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Chapter 59


In ssmall corner of my heart I had known that waiting three months for the

rejection was just an excuse from Reuben. He never planned to rejectto

begin with. However, what I was unaware of was that he only wanted to keep me

around for the sake of his wolf. After listening to everything that Ella had to say,

I really appreciated the fact that our bond. would be dead the moment that they

marked each other. The need for rejection had suddenly lost its value, Reuben

had known that from the beginning but I was naive.

“Mommy,” Wyatt and Lori raced over to me, each clutching a handful of colorful

candy. “I bought it myself!” Wyatt declared proudly, handingback the


“Good job,” I smiled, affectionately ruffiing their hair. “What do you want to do


“I want to go play by the water!” Lori exclaimed, pointing eagerly toward the

ocean ahead of them.

“Alright, then let’s go!” I grinned back at them. Both children jumped up and

down in excitement, ready for their seaside adventure.

I had brought the children to Miami after abruptly leaving the Emerald Bright

Pack far behind us, with no luggage and nowhere to go. Thankfully, I had left my

purse and card in my car. I booked a hotel room then purchased sclothes

and other essentials. Of course, I had switched off my phone after confirming

the safety of the Wade Moon Pack through strusted sources.

Going to the Wade Moon Pack was definitely a tempting option, but I didn’t want

to bring trouble to Alpha Benjamin’s doorstep. I believed they were already on

high alert and upset after the destruction of their three

neighboring packs all at once. The recent attacks concernedgreatly as well.

Adding my situation to the mix would only bring more trouble for the Alpha.

More importantly, I knew that Reuben would findtoo easily there. Reuben

would likely search Wade Moon forfirst, if he foundhiding there it could

put the Wade Moon Pack in jeopardy. So, I decided to avoid the possibility of

that scenaaltogether.

I sat in the warm sand, watching Wyatt and Lori digging in sand and making a

sand castle. “Mommy, why didn’t daddy con vacation with us?” Wyatt

suddenly asked.

I discreetly curled my toes deeper into the sand while maintaining a neutral

expression. No matter how hard I tried to forget, little things kept reminding me

of him. Ceri had been heartbroken and deeply hurt just like me. Every k*ss, hug,

and promise that he made crossed my mind again, making my heart bleed. It

was all a lie. He was just using me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I just didn’t want to think about him. I didn’t want to see him. I just wanted to

close my eyes and erase those memories that I had made with him over the

past few weeks. I wished I could go back in tand stop myself from falling in

love with him again.

“Mommy, when will daddy cand join us?” Lori questioned this time. When

we left the Emerald Bright Pack I had lied to the children telling them that we

were going on vacation. It had only been a day and they had already asked me

so many times about Reuben. I already knew I was going to regret letting

Reuben get close to the children, and now they were missing him every second.

“He’s busy,” I lied.

“Then will he cwhen he’s finished with work?” she asked again.

My heart squeezed in my ch*st at her innocent question. Soon, I would have to

tell them that he was never coming to meet us, that we were never going back

to the Emerald Bright Pack. But for that to happen, I had to be able to escape

this country as soon as possible. I just needed tto think and figure out how

to do it without getting caught. The custody case was

still filed, if I got caught there was a good chance that I would lose Wyatt and

Lori. I decided to spend a few days here, calming my mind, then creating my

plan to safely return to Britain.

As I was lost in thought, my phone that was sitting besiderang. I recognized

the number as Sky’s. It was my new phone and SIM card, I had purchased it after

leaving Emerald Bright. I had switched off my old phone, not wanting to be

tracked. However, I had left a message for Sky with my new number so that he

wouldn’t worry about me.

As soon as I picked up the phone, his panicked and impatient voice cfrom

the other side, “Willow, where are you?!”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I assured.

“Honestly, I’m in no position to worry about you when everything here is so

incredibly messed up,” he replied anxiously.

His statement instantly worried me, “What’s wrong?”

“Alpha Reuben Emerald clooking for you!” he exclaimed, the tension in his

voice clearly audible.

My head abruptly snapped up as I looked straight ahead at the water. My

suspicions had been correct. Reuben had actually gone to Wade Moon looking

forbut now, the situation was even worse. I was well acquainted with

Reuben’s temper, and it was something no one could


“Oh ho ho! Trust me, that insane Alpha arrived here at midnight without warning

and broke our laws! Dad and Beta Ken had joined a meeting of the second–

ranking powerful packs after the mysterious attacks, so I was handling the pack.

He already hatesbecause of our previous heated argument and encounter.

So he didn’t believewhen I said you never cto Wade Moon. He

personally checked every corner of this pack himself and when he didn’t find

you, he dipped even further into the pit

of insanity. The entire encounter was nothing short of a government raid of a

criminal’s hideout! If he had found you in our pack, then trust me, he would

have sucked my soul or maybe swallowedalive!”

I clenched my fist at my side. “I’m sorry for everything, Sky. I’ve caused you guys

so much trouble.”

“It’s okay, Willow. Don’t worry about us, everything is fine here. I just want to

advise you that now that you’ve run away, don’t get caught! I won’t ask you why

you made that decision or why you took the children with you, but trust me,

after witnessing the anger, insanity, and obsession in Alpha Reuben’s eyes, I

advise you not to get caught. Don’t contact people you know, or they’ll get into

trouble. I admire that you dared to run away from him knowing how dangerously

insane he is.”

I was already aware of those facts, and that was the reason that I had avoided

seeking any help from Walter. He had no relation to my problems, and I didn’t

want to drag him into my mess.

“But you can contactanytif you need help or anything. I’ll be there for

you,” he promised.

“Thank you, Sky,” I smiled. After exchanging a few words, I hung up the phone.

Now after there was no way that I could call Sky. He had seen only a little of

what Reuben was capable of.

My hand tightened on my phone when I realized that Reuben was afterso

that he could snatch my children from me. He wanted to steal my reason for

living, and I was not going to allow that to happen!.Wyatt and Lori were mine. I

was going to keep them withat any cost.

“Children, let’s go,” I took both of their hands, as we started to walk off the


“Mommy, what are we going to eat for lunch?” They looked up at me, clearly

hungry after playing for so long.


“What do you two want to eat? I’ll buy it for you,” I offered.

A bright smile appeared on both of their l*ps. “I want sof that yummy

Cuban food!” Wyatt said excitedly, and then Lori chimed in, “I want churros with


“Alright, then let’s go and fill our stomachs with lots of delicious food!” I

exclaimed as we left the beach and headed back to our hotel room. After

changing into nicer clothes, I drove us to a restaurant close to the hotel.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I quickly found an empty table and ordered the food. Surprisingly, the food

arrived earlier than I expected, and we started happily digging in. Another

reason for coming to Miami was that it was far away from the Emerald Bright

Pack. The two were hours apart from each other. I had managed to escape

unnoticed, and by the tthey realized I was gone, I was already in another

city. No one could trackhere.

At the stime, I had carefully chosen a hotel that only catered to humans.

Everything had gone smoothly so far, I felt slightly satisfied after so much

turmoil in my mind. My children were safe with me, and I knew I could quickly

find a way forward.

I finished my churro while leaving a few messages for Lola. Wyatt and Lori were

eating slowly, but I needed to use the restroom.

“Wyatt, I’m going to the restroom and will be back in a minute. Take care of your

sister and yourself, and don’t go anywhere. Sit here quietly until I return, do you


“I understand, mommy,” he nodded obediently.

“Good,” I smiled, getting up from my seat and leaving my purse and phone on

the table before I turned to walk towards the restroom.

As soon as I took a few steps, I slowed down because I realized the restaurant

was completely empty. When we arrived it had been full of humans. There were

not even any waitresses, there was just an alarming

silence that had spread throughout the whole restaurant.

That’s when my nose caught the scent of something that wasn’t human. My

wolf’s senses immediately kicked in, and I froze in my tracks. It was… a

werewolf. Why… was there suddenly a werewolf? No, actually, it wasn’t just one,

but too many!

I immediately turned around to run towards Wyatt and Lori. I had to get them

and run away as soon as possible but just as I took a few steps, someone’s hand

cfrom behind and covered my mouth. I had been caught, but I struggled

against their hold as I watched Wyatt and Lori, who were watching me. I tried to

kick and thrash, aiming to free myself, but another pair of hands grabbed my

arms, preventingfrom breaking free. Then, the unmistakable scent of

chloroform overwhelmed me, then everything went dark.

“Mommy!!” Wyatt and Lori jumped out of their seats to run towardsas I

sl*pped into the darkness.

“No… my children…”

The last thing I felt was someone roughly throwingover their shoulder as I

heard my children calling out for and chasing after me.