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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 68
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Chapter 68


“For our future?” I gasped in confusion at his unexpected statement. “What do

you mean?”

He locked eyes withfor a couple of seconds, the silence growing heavy with

unspoken memories. Then, as if peeling back layers of the past I had been

unaware of, he began to reveal a story hidden in the depths of its shadows.

“Inheriting royal blood and being born with the title of Prince, I was supposed

to spend my life in the palace, destined to fight for the crown when the

appropriate tcame. I had no objection to the path that had been chosen for

my fate until you cinto my

life. Having you in my life madegreedy. I wanted to be with you, but it was

impossible because royal law would never allowto be with a she–wolf that

was not an Alpha.

“My father and the current King were identical twins, but in the realm of royalty,

only one could wear the crown. My father, the younger of the two, harbored no

desire for the throne. He willingly relinquished his claim, granting him the

freedom to establish and lead the Emerald Bright Pack without interference

from the royal family. However, my circumstances were not so easily navigated.

Even though our pack operated independently, our ties to the royal family

remained unshakable, and my identity as a prince was inescapable.

When I approached my uncle, the king, about assuming my father’s position as

Alpha of the Emerald Bright Pack and abstaining from the crown’s contention

with my cousins, I was presented with only one path to freedom. I had to prove

myself worthy by serving the kingdom for five years. During this time, I dealt

with countless treaties, faced deadly wars, and occasionally found myself

embroiled in the less savory tasks demanded by the royal family.”

At 18 years old, I was willing to do anything to ensure a future with you, so I

accepted the obligation of serving the royals for five years. This commitment

meant leaving the pack frequently, not for leisure or to interact with other she–

wolves, but to fulfill the tasks assigned by the king and return to you as swiftly

as possible. I kept my ties with the royal family and the reasons for my absences

from the pack hidden from you, knowing that revealing them would likely cause

you to panic and distance yourself fromeven further. You were already

fervently attempting to conceal our mate bond because of my status as the

alpha’s son, so I never dared to confide in you about these matters.

Additionally, you never expressed any curiosity about the reasons for my

departures. For five years, everything proceeded smoothly, until I entered the

final year of my obligation and somehow, my father discovered our



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In those two months following my departure from your house, after spending

that rut night with you, I encountered Elder Frank. I settled accounts with him,

but a month later, my father unexpectedly visitedwith evidence of our

relationship that I could no longer deny. Someone had sent him explicit photos

of us, including our intimate moments, and it was clear that Elder Frank wasn’t

responsible. It was the work of someone else entirely.

I confessed to my father that I was deeply in love with you and that I intended

to spend the rest of my life with you. It was my final decision, but he couldn’t

accept the idea of an Omega as my mate and future Luna of our pack.

Dad and I found ourselves in a heated argument right then and there. He

demanded that I expel you from the pack and forget about you entirely, but I

stood firm in my decision not to break things off with you. He was equally

resolute in his determination to either forceto end our relationship or

remove you from my life altogether, and I understood all too well what he

meant by that. Having witnessed since childhood how he dealt with Omegas he

deemed unworthy, I knew the extent of his threats.

In a moment of desperation, I issued a deadly warning of my own father,

declaring that I would kill him if he laid a hand on you. Knowing I wouldn’t

return for another two months, I was prepared to do whatever it took, including

issuing threats, to protect you in my absence.

My father understood that my warnings were not empty threats. He envisioned

himself meeting a violent end, perhaps even with the entire Emerald Bright Pack

going up in fiames. At that point, he realized that he couldn’t even think about

harming you without risking losing a lot more, including his own son. He knew

that my interests had never been tied to position or pack, but that I had

becobsessed with protecting both since you entered

my life.

His entire b*dy trembled with anger, but he knew he was powerless to act. In

the end, he agreed not to lay a hand on you until I returned to take over the

pack. However, he issued a chilling warning that if you becpregnant, he

would eradicate both you and our child. I understood the gravity of his threat,

but in the moment, I brushed it off, believing that once I assumed leadership of

the pack after those two months, he would no longer be able to meddle in our

relationship. That’s how I interpreted the situation.

Little did I know that during our rut, I had engaged in unprotected s*x with you,

and our children were already growing within your belly.

That’s why when you toldyou were pregnant, I was shocked and filled with

anger. I lost control and lashed out, saying whatever cto mind. I

vehemently opposed your pregnancy at that moment because, as per my

father’s warning, if you were impregnated by me, royal law dictated that the

she–wolf would be executed immediately. The royal law was

heavily biased in favor of men, placing all blon women for pregnancies,

regardless of the circumstances. It conveniently ignored the man’s role in the


I was fully aware of the dire consequences, and in that moment, I couldn’t bear

the thought of losing you. The reality of your unexpected pregnancy weighed

heavily on me, and I reacted with anger and frustration because there was no

way to turn back tand prevent

fi. it.

I felt utterly trapped, experiencing a sense of weakness for the first tin my

life, which was entirely unacceptable and infuriating for me. I could have chosen

a more selfish route, perhaps saving you by ending the life of the baby growing

inside you. But the mere thought of voicing such a notion was abhorrent to me,

especially when I could already feel the connection with our pup. That innocent

life, our blood and fiesh, stirred something deep within me, and I longed to

welcour first child into the world. Despite this, I felt like a pathetic excuse

for a man because I couldn’t save both you, my soulmate, and our child.

I was torn between you and our baby, unable to make a choice, and that

internal confiict tormentedthe most. My emotions overwhelmed me, leading

regret to this day. Even in the midst of our argument, as you cried and spoke

about our baby, my mind raced with thoughts of how to navigate the situation.

Suddenly, I received a mind link from my father. He demanded my presence in

his office. I didn’t know how, but he had somehow learned about your

pregnancy, and even the royal family was aware of it.

The royal orders had been issued, and the unthinkable was about to happen.

You, along with our baby, were scheduled to be beheaded in a matter of hours,

and the thought was something I simply couldn’t accept. When you followed me

out of the house, crying, and I shouted at you not to follow, it wasn’t because I

wanted you to stay away; it was my way of trying to protect you by keeping you

confined in the house where no one could find you.

I knew you would retreat into the safety of the house, and that’s what I needed

before I could resolve the situation and cback to you. I was willing to make

you cry for a while if it meant I could save you.

Upon leaving your house, I immediately headed to my father’s office, where

another ugly argument ensued. It escalated dangerously close to turning into a

deadly fight between father and son because neither of us was willing to back

down from our desires. I couldn’t


you how long our argument lasted, maybe an hour, but throughout it all, my

mind was consumed with thoughts of you. Through our mate bond, I could

sense your cries, your fear, and the anguish in your broken heart. The pain you

were enduring becunbearable for me, and I found myself losing my grip on


At that pivotal moment, when my father remained resolute in his decision and

refused to

intervene against the royal decree, I made a life–altering choice. I declared that

I would leave the Emerald Bright Pack with you and renounce my surname,

severing ties with my father and everything I had ever known. In a fit of rage, my

father ordered his warriors to stopfrom reaching you. I can’t recall how long

I battled them that night or how many lives were lost in the chaos, but when I

returned to your home, ready to depart the pack with you and start our life

together with our child in love and peace, you were gone. had fied from the

pack, leavingbehind, and you never returned,” Reuben recounted, his voice

trembling with the weight of painful memories as he shared his past with me.

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Tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably as I listened to Reuben’s

heartbreaking past I did not have any idea. It was almost unfathomable to

believe. Reuben had sacrificed his position, his surname, and everything he

held dear for me, for someone like me? Then if that night if I had not run…

I bit my l*p, struggling to comprehend his words. “But what about your fiancée?

The Alpha’s daughter you brought to the pack?”

Reuben’s frown deepened. “I never brought an Alpha’s daughter or any woman

with me,” he clarified firmly. “I arrived alone and immediately cto meet you

at your home. That day marked the end of my bond with the royal family, and I

had earned my freedom to lead the Emerald Bright Pack after my father. I

officially abandoned my claim to the crown. When I had our future together

secured in my hands, after five years of relentless effort, why on earth would I

bring a fiancée to the pack with me?”

His words sent my heart reeling with confusion. How could this be true? If

Reuben never brought his fiancée with him, then why did Ella claim otherwise

when I was leaving the house to meet him?

Blinking back tears of confusion, I gazed up at him and asked, “Then why did

you sign a marriage contract with Ella? If it wasn’t to secure the Alpha position,

why did you sign that contract in the first?”

Reuben’s expression transformed instantly into emotionless one when I

broached the topic of the marriage contract.

“It’s true, I signed the marriage contract first, but I was coerced into it. I had to

make that choice in order to secure my freedom because without signing that

contract, I couldn’t claim the Alpha position of the Emerald Pride pack. As an

Alpha, I would have had the power to act freely and it also meant I could look

for you without anyone’s interference. Every decision I made was with the sole

purpose of finding you. When Ella was presented with the contract to sign, I

made it explicitly clear to her that we were only engaged on paper and that

there would be no romantic feelings or relationship between us. I told her that

my heart belonged to my soulmate. I gave her the opportunity to back out of


the contract before she did so, but she accepted everything. She signed the

contract fully aware of her place in our fabricated relationship. After drawing

that line between us, I intensified my search for you. There wasn’t a corner or

spot in this country where I didn’t look for you, whether it was for six days, six

months, or six years. But I could never find because you leftwith no

intention of returning. You despised me. I’ve been consumed by guilt and regret

every moment since then. I’ve been living in torment without you,” he confessed

softly, his heart broken just like me, his hand gently caressing my cheeks.


“You are my past, my present, and my only future, Willow” he continued, tears

welling up in my eyes once more at his heartfelt confession. “I’ve never

betrayed you, Willow. I’ve only ever loved you.”