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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 79
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Chapter 79


“Yes, she is Rathbone. The sRathbone family that has been wiped from the

realm eleven years ago!” he explained. I looked at him in surprise as he

continued, “She is the Rathbone that is the reason behind these mysterious

incidents in the realm, even our royal family has fallen into danger thanks to

her. I’m sure you’ve realized by now that the attacker is after her, and this

destruction won’t stop until he claims her. Every claim Elder Frank made has

turned out to be true. This woman is bad luck, on top of that a very dangerous

shadow is lurking after her, willing to wipe out every obstacle in its way to get to

her. She will becthe reason for both your and the Kingdom’s demise,” he

took a step closer, locking eyes with me. “Now it’s tfor you to make a

decision, Reuben. If protecting the world means getting this woman out of your

life, then that’s what you must do,” he stated, waiting for my answer.

I slowly lifted my head, touched

my forehead, and closed my eyes. Uncle looked at me, holding his breath.

Suddenly, I received a mind-link from Bix. “Reuben, Willow and the children

have not returned yet,” he said urgently. My eyes snapped open as he added,

“Ella has something to tell you. I am linking her with you. Hear her out.”

I frowned at the sudden mention of Ella but listened to her first. “Reuben, I

think Willow is in danger!”

“What do you mean?!” I mind-linked back with a growl.

“The other day I encountered a man at a restaurant who caught Willow’s scent

on me. He started inquiring about her. Sensing something was strange about

him and his aura, I lied that I did not know Willow. I then tried to get away from

him, however, the whole restaurant caught fire! I escaped but was unconscious

for two days. I think… that man is the one who is behind these mysterious

attacks and he has found Willow…”

The mind-link abruptly ended before she could say more, and my mind went

blank. The image of the man’s shadow that I had seen in the footage

immediately crossed my mind. Suddenly, I felt a third person’s touch on my

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mate’s mark on Willow’s n*ck, and my whole b*dy felt as if I was thrown into a

pit of acid.

“Willow…” I murmured her nunder my breath and immediately turned on



Chapter 79

my heels to leave.

“REUBEN!” Uncle yelled. “Are you going to save that woman? Are you choosing

her over the world?! Is this your answer?” he demanded.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. “Uncle, don’t tellyou think

I am skind of hero who is willing to sacrifice their love to save the world,” I

raised my hand, which started to glow as I gathered my internal powers that

were in my blood. “Of course, I am not the villain who burns the world either,” I

stated as an energy gathered behind me, stunning uncle.

“What the hell are you doing?!” his eyes widened as he watched my aura

darkening with the power I had been summoning.

“I’m Neither hero nor villain…,” I locked eyes with him as I declared, “I am a

monster that only awakens for her.”

“Reuben, don’t! Stop for a minute to think about this,” he growled, wanting to

get closer tobut the shining energy stopped him. “Are you thinking of using

our royal family powers to save that woman?! Don’t you know you can only use

it once in your whole life and you it on that woman. You should only use it when

your life is in danger!! ” he barked, looking atin disbelief.

should not n’t

“That’s exactly what I’m doing, uncle. I’m fighting for my life, that life is only

possible with her…” I began as Willow’s screams calling my nreached my



Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt him close to entering inside me.

Pressed under another man on the verge of ruin, only he cto my mind. His

touch, his smile and his love… “REUBEN…” I whispered his name, deciding to

end myself after this ruining was over. That was until I felt Dex making a

connection with Ceri.

I opened my eyes, feeling Reuben’s presence through our bond, and

immediately shifted into my wolf form. With a surge of adrenaline, I ripped off a

large section of the man’s hand, causing him to move away fromand raced

towards Wyatt and Lori at full speed in my wolf form.

“Ughh…” he growled slowly at the sight of his blo ody hand, then lightly glanced

atrunning away. “It turned out you like it messy and blo ody the sas

me,” his chilling voice entered my ears, carrying a double meaning that sent a

shiver down my spine. Though I couldn’t see his expression, I could feel the

smirk behind his



Chapter 79


That’s when a sudden surge of fire ignited aroundas I raced towards my

unconscious children a few meters away. My eyes widened at how the fire

appeared and from where. One thing I knew for certain was the fire was real and

my children could die in it too. They lay pitifully on the ground, vulnerable to

the encroaching fiames. With each step, I pushed myself to the brink, feeling as

if my bones might shatter with the strain.

Then, a looming shadow fell overfrom behind and panic gripped my heart.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the man right behind me, his hand

outstretched to grabonce again. Despite my desperate sprint, he seemed to

close the distance effortlessly which was impossible for a normal werewolf.

Stretching my hand to grab my unconscious children in my arms, I tightly closed

my eyes as I had no where to go and I got caught again, “Reuben…” I whispered

his nunder my breath, holding onto his memory in my heart as my only

solace in the face of being taken by another man.

Just as the man’s hand touched me, I felt the unmistakable presence of

Reuben’s hand and his powerful aura surrounding me, even though I couldn’t

see him. In the next moment, the man was thrown away fromas if struck by

lightning, and I was pulled into an unknown darkness.

The shock of it all leftbreathless, my heart ceasing to beat in my chest.

Stuck between life and death, my mind stopped functioning. My eyes grew

heavy as a tear rolled down from the corner of my eye. Was this the end for me?

Just as I was about to succumb to the darkness, I felt Reuben’s presence behind

me. “Willow…” His voice whispered into my ears, suddenly I was pulled back

from the brink, from darkness into the light. Gasping for breath, I found myself

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in an unknown place, cradled in Reuben’s arms.

“Willow…” Reuben’s face cinto focus, his expression filled with worry as he

repeated my name. He was covered in blood, but his eyes held a deep concern

as he looked at me. Was I dreaming? How could Reuben be here, when just

moments ago that man…

My vision blurred and darkness encroached once more as I fainted in his arms.





Chapter 79

Thrown away by the unexpectedly powerful energy surrounding Willow, I found

myself crashing into hundreds of trees, my b*dy tearing apart and every vein

feeling as though it was being sliced open, causing blood to drip from my

wounds. Eventually, my b*dy landed heavily on the ground.

“What was that?” I asked myself, raising my hand to bring it in front of my eyes. I

stared at the badly burnt, torn, and bleeding hand, still feeling the remnants of

the sacred energy that had ripped my Rose away.

“A Royal divine power?” Surprise fiashed in my eyes. Every wolf born in the royal

family was blessed with a different divine power. I recalled this divine energy

emitting from my Rose’s mate mark. That could only mean that…

“So he is one of the royals…” The corner of my lips rose into a furious yet

amused smile. My Rose had been marked by a royal wolf. My large claws dug

into the ground as my skin began to heal itself. Standing up on my half-bleeding

legs, I stared at the torn piece of handkerchief tied around my hand. “You

should not have escaped fromagain, Rose. Especially with another man. I

honestly thought of forgiving you, but now… it is going to be really messy and

blo ody just like you like.”

I shifted my gaze from the handkerchief to the place that she had disappeared

from. “had I heard her calling the name… Reuben?”