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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 8
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Chapter 8


“Alpha Alex is here, wanting to meet with you,’ he revealed.

“Me?” Surprise fiickered in my eyes.

“Yes, it caughtoff guard too. He showed up out of the blue at our borders,

requesting an urgent audience with you. I presumed it was tied to the peace

treaty, so I welcomed him in. Now, it’s in your hands, Willow. I’ll have him wait in

the study while you swiftly prepare to meet him,” he clarified.

Alright, I’ll be down shortly,” I affirmed, closing the door and swiftly making my

way to the bathroom for a quick shower. The unexpected visit of someone as

arrogant as Alpha. Alex, stepping foot into what was considered enemy territory,

requesting a meeting with me, was certainly not something I had anticipated!

This was my moment, a chance I couldn’t let sl*p through my fingers. No matter

the circumstances, I needed to secure his agreement, so that he would sign the

peace treaty. Clad in suitable attire, I made my way to the study where Alpha

Alex sat straight on the sofa, seemingly indifferent to the refreshments arranged

on the table.

His sharp gaze locked ontothe moment I entered, as if he were on high


“Alpha Alex, what a surprise,” I remarked, displaying neither excitement nor

surprise as I stepped into the room.

Alpha Alex rose abruptly from his seat, his tone direct, “Luna Willow, let’s

dispense with the formalities and dive into business.

I halted in my tracks, taken aback. “Luna?” I furrowed my brow, caught off guard

by the use of the unexpected title.

I observed the seriousness etched across his face, noting the dark circles

beneath his red, weary eyes. His appearance hinted that he hadn’t slept, it was

evident by the fatigue refiecting in his demeanor. The fact that he still wore last

night’s suit didn’t escape my notice.

Without addressing my query, he strode closer. “I’ve already signed the peace

treaty with the Wade Moon Pack,” he declared, extending the papers toward me.

The realization hitlike a bolt of lightning, he had already signed it!

Surprised, I glanced at the papers I had left in his care during last night’s ball.

AT that time, he had held them with an air of indifference. Now, as I looked at

them again, his pack seal and signature sat neatly beside Alpha Benjamin’s. The

treaty was official. This agreement meant the Shine Moon Pack was bound by its

terms, they had to refrain from attacking

19:09 Wed, 28 Feb FD.

Chapter 8

the Wade Moon Pack for the next decade.


“What suddenly made you change your mind?” I inquired, meeting his gaze. A

thought struck me, and my expression turned to a frown. “It’s not because of

Alpha Reuben’s infiuence, is it?”

Alex’s demeanor underwent a sudden shift at the mention of Reuben, fear

fiickered in his eyes. As he drew nearer, his words cut through the air, “I certainly

don’t want to risk tangling with Alpha Reuben because of you, Miss Willow.”

His blunt words leftreeling. “I had wanted you in my bed to secure my

signature on these papers, but I saw the fire in your eyes at that moment. I’m

certain that if Alpha Reuben had not intervened, you were close to slapping or

breaking my balls for requesting such a condition of you for the treaty. I’ve

signed this contract because of your compelling argument about the treaty.

You’ve earned it, Miss Willow. Additionally, I have no desire to face Alpha

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Reuben’s wrath for making advances toward his soulmate. So, I’m marking this

meeting as our last to avoid an unfortunate fate,” he elucidated, holding my

gaze steadily. Then, without another word, he passed by me. His transformation

from the previous night was striking.

“Wait, Alpha Alex,” I called out, halting his departure. He paused, turning back to

face me. “Since this marks our final meeting, I request that you refrain from

disclosing anything about Alpha Reuben and I. I can’t divulge details, but I’d

rather keep my personal life out of the rumor mill,” I stated firmly.

Alex’s eyes held a mix of surprised curiosity, yet he nodded in agreement. “Even

without your request, I wouldn’t dare meddle in Alpha Reuben’s affairs, let

alone his personal life, Luna Willow,” he replied respectfully before taking his


I furrowed my brow in annoyance. Why did he keep addressingas Luna

repeatedly? Pushing aside the thought, I focused on the treaty papers with a

faint smile. Leaving the study, I sought out Beta Ken, only to find he had left to

attend to spack matters. Handing the papers to the pack’s Gam ma for

safekeeping, I made my way to the grand kitchen in the packhouse, intending to

prepare breakfast for Wyatt and Lori.

Dismissing the Omega to handle other tasks, I took charge of the kitchen. Wyatt

and Lori were particular about eating only the food I cooked. I dedicated over

an hour to whip up a spread of pancakes, eggs, hfries, and fresh fruit.

Additionally, I prepared strawberry milk for them to drink.

“Mommy!” Lori dashed into the kitchen in her nightdress with Wyatt trailing

behind. her.

“My little ones are awake,” I smiled, bending down to plant a k*ss on their


“Yes, we’ve brushed our teeth already,” Lori chimed in proudly.



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Chapter 8


“Good job. Now, go sit at the dining table. I’ve prepared pancakes for both of

you,” I instructed. Lori and Wyatt hurried over to the dining table as I brought

out the food, setting the platters out one by one for them to enjoy.

“Mommy, when are we going to explore the pack?” Wyatt’s excitement was

written all over his cute little face. It was the reason he woke up so early this

morning. “Uncle Ken promised to showthe pack’s river and woods!” Both he

and Lori gazed atwith hopeful shining eyes.

Chuckling softly I replied, “First, finish your breakfast. Uncle Ken is occupied at

the moment. When he returns from doing his job, he’ll take you both for some

fun but you two are going to behave and obey him. No wandering outside alone

and no running around, okay?” I served their food and settled into my seat,

anticipating Beta Ken’s. return so that we could all have breakfast together.

“Mommy, won’t you cwith me?” Wyatt’s question held a note of curiosity,

sensing something in my words.

I hesitated for a moment, quickly conjuring an excuse. “I have swork to

attend to here, so I won’t be able to calong.” I explained, gently ruffiing

their hair. The thought ofappearing with Wyatt and Lori in the packhouse

raised concerns. The pack members had long been curious about the identity of

my children’s father. Their presence by my side might provoke gossip and

hurtful comments. It was the one of the reasons I had wanted to leave the Wade

Moon Pack all those years ago. I didn’t want my children to endure people’s

judgmental remarks.

Just five minutes later, Beta Ken’s enthusiastic voice echoed through the room.

“Willow, you did it, girl!” His excitement was palpable as he held up the treaty

papers triumphantly.

“Beta Ken,” I smiled, rising from my seat, observing his jubilation that was akin

to that of a child, embracing the papers tightly in his arms.

“You have no idea what a tremendous feat you’ve accomplished, Willow! You’ve

cleared. our biggest obstacle!” Beta Ken’s joy was infectious as he enveloped me

in a tight hug. “Thank you so much, Willow! The Alpha will be overjoyed when he

hears about this.”

Returning his embrace, I chuckled softly. “Thank you, Beta Ken. The Wade Moon

Pack is my htoo. I’m always ready to assist whenever our pack needs me.”

As he released me, a wide smile graced his face. “Alpha Benjamin’s surgery must

be concluded by now in Britain. I’ll go and make a call to share this fantastic

news with the Alpha,” he said, brimming with excitement, before hurrying off to

inform the Alpha.

“Beta Ken,” I called out, catching his attention. As he turned toward me, I

approached him with a hesitant expression. “Ummm… there is something I need

to inform you of.”

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Chapter 8

“What is it?” He maintained a bright smile.

Tm planning to return to Britain tonight.” I revealed.


The smile on Beta Ken’s face vanished instantly. “Why? You and the kids just got

here last night and you’re already planning to leave? Didn’t the Alpha request

that you stay at least a month or two? What’s the rush?” His displeasure was

evident in his tone.

“Actually. I have spending projects that require my attention back in

Britain,” I lied, feeling a pang of guilt but it was necessary. My initial plan had

been to stay at the Wade Moon Pack for a few days, but circumstances had

changed. Reuben’s presence and his discovery of Wyatt and Lori had changed

everything. If there was anything that unpredictable and dangerous in this

world, it was Reuben. Staying in America felt like dwelling in a tiger’s den. I

needed to leave as soon as possible. I’ll inform Alpha Benjamin about the

change in plans, I’m sure he’ll understand,” I continued, mustering an innocent

blink. “Please, don’t be upset, Beta Ken. I promise I will visit the pack next year,”

I promised, hoping to ease any disappointment Beta Ken might feel.

He couldn’t maintain his displeased expression and reluctantly conceded, “If

that’s what you want, then I won’t stop you. I just hoped you will stay until Sky

returns,” he murmured with a hint of disappointment.

I’m certain Sky will understand my situation as well. I promise to catch up with

him next time,” I assured, fiashing a convincing grin that seemed to sway Beta

Ken completely.

“Fine,” he finally relented, giving in to my playful insistence.

Thank you, Beta Ken,” I giggled appreciatively.

“But Mommy, we were going to have fun in the pack! How can we go hso

soon?” Wyatt protested, hopping down from his chair.

Beta Ken chuckled, scooping him up in his arms. “My little rascal, you’re in for

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loads of fun withtoday. Let’s go. We’ve got plenty of tbefore the fiight,”

he enthused.

“I’m coming too!” Lori dashed toward Beta Ken with quick little steps. “Mommy,

bye bye!” I couldn’t help but smile at their infectious excitement as they made

their the dining room.

way out

They deserved that much fun, at least. I took a deep breath, intending to head

back to the bedroom and start packing our luggage while they were distracted.

Just as I turned, 1 received a call from my assistant, Lola.

“Willow, the airline tickets booked for you for tonight have been canceled!”

Lola’s voice held a note of concern.


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Chapter 8

2 12% 0

“How and why?” My frown deepened. I had messaged Lola last night to book the

tickets, as I usually did for my travels. While leaving the Alpha Ball. I had already

planned. everything in my head, including my escape plan just to make sure

that Reuben could not findhere at the Wade Moon Pack.

“I’m not sure. The strange part is every tI try to book another fiight for

tonight or even for tomorrow, it keeps getting declined!” Lola explained with a

hint of frustration in her voice.

My grip tightened on the phone. Lola had been handling my travel

arrangements for years, and this was the first tsuch an issue had occurred.

A sinking feeling settled in my stomach, a sense of foreboding creeping in.

“Book a ticket for yourself from America to Britain, I instructed firmly.

“Okay,” the sound of rapid typing emanated from the other end before Lola’s

shocked. voice pierced through, “It’s booked! But it keeps declining whenever I

try to book for you!”

The hand holding my phone trembled uncontrollably. How was it possible that

only my tickets were being declined? I needed to fiy back tonight, but now I

was… trapped? But why? And who was….

Before I could process the shock, shouts erupted from outside. “BETA KEN!! BETA


I hurriedly rushed out of the packhouse to find a warrior urgently approaching

Beta: Ken. He sent Wyatt and Lori with the Gam ma back inside the packhouse

and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Beta Ken, someone has breached our territory and overpowered all the wolves.

guarding the borders when they tried to stop him!” the warrior exclaimed


“He entered alone?” Beta Ken was shocked. “Only someone insane would

attempt such a thing!” he growled in disbelief.

Someone insane, breaking in alone? My heart raced at the thought. Stepping

forward, I inquired, “Who is it?”

The warrior glanced at me, then hesitated before responding, “I don’t know. He’s

only calling out one name…”

Before the warrior could finish his sentence, a voice resonated through the air,


I gasped, my eyes lifting to see a figure entering the clearing, dragging two

wolves by their fur. My gaze widened in shock, “Reuben..

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