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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 350: Colossal battle
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Jason was dumbstruck by the gigantic Hell Spider's appearance because he didn't know that their looks could be so different.

However, then he remembered that curses were able to change the cursed being's appearance.

As such he didn't pay that little detail anymore interest.

Instead, Jason stared at the small group that was slowly drawn towards the cursed Hell Spider, with complex emotions filling his mind.

He didn't know who they were and he was too weak to help them too, but Jason felt bad to let them die just like that.

If there was something he could do about it, he would most likely do it, but there was nothing Jason could think of.

Jason couldn't even perceive any strong mana fluctuations around him when he felt a strong gust of wind passing him.

He was almost pushed from the tree branch he was standing on and could barely grasp it to remain on the branch as he looked through the treetop with his mana eyes fully utilized.

There was a flying beast whose outlines were similar to that of a gigantic songbird which caused Jason's eyes to widen.

'Will the hunter become the hunted?' He could only think as he stared at the gigantic songbird.

The songbird's mana core was at the same rank as the Cursed Hell spider's and it had an extremely strong wind affinity.

At least that was what Jason could tell because the transmuted mana it had was a distinct emerald green that was stronger than most mana wind transmutations he had ever seen before.

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The songbird didn't waste any time and manifested several dozen, five-meter-long emerald-colored crescent wind blades which it shot through the treetops of the gigantic trees, cutting through them without any resistance.

The wood that fell on the ground dragged down the tugged threads which caused a domino effect, demolishing the forest's center in a matter of seconds.

Jason noticed everything from further away and couldn't help but awe the songbird's strength as it opened its beak to issue a pleasing, yet destructive sound that reverberated through the whole forest.

However, instead of feeling relaxed, light-hearted, or anything like that, shock was clearly visible on Jason's face as he held his ears that began to bleed.

'What is that thing??' He could only think terrified, trying to hold his balance to prevent falling from the tree.

If he didn't know better, Jason would be sure that his eardrums had been damaged which was fortunately not the case because he enveloped his ears with a thick membrane of mana which he had drawn out of the unique mana sphere bracelet Shane and Dalia had filled to the brim before he departed.

Thanks to the unique mana sphere bracelet and the fact that his mana eyes perceived that something was wrong, he could protect his eardrums from bursting.

Unfortunately for the small group that was already in danger, they couldn't protect themselves.

In addition to the poison that spread through their body, their eardrums burst open and they lost consciousness.

Before, Jason wanted to save the small group because they were fellow humans and the fact that they could remain unaffected from the bloody nightmare flower and faintly released curse which the Hell Spider radiated.

However, that changed substantially because Jason had to save his own life first.

The distance between the cursed Hell spider and the extremely strong songbird was several hundred meters.

But this didn't make a difference to either of them as the songbird manifested another batch of several dozen, five-meter-long emerald crescent wind blades which it shot towards the surrounding trees to cut them.

Without his mana eyes, Jason wouldn't know why the songbird cut the surrounding trees before doing anything else, but because he had them Jason could only nod his head approvingly.

The tree he was standing on was also cut, but this was something he had already expected after he saw that the first few trees had been cut.

He could tell that the songbird was trying to prevent being entrapped by the sticky cobwebs that were everywhere, which was probably the only thing it was afraid of.

As such, Jason used Artemis' wings to carefully descend to the ground as he searched for a better position to observe the fight.

It might be stupid of him to do that but he couldn't help but feel excited watching strong magical ranked beings fight against each other.

Furthermore, they seemed to be on the stronger side and Jason thought that they might be stronger than some Guardian ranked beasts.

At least their combat experience, affinity, and curse were superior to every magical ranked beast he had seen until now!

The Guardian ranked Goblins whom he witnessed fighting against Grandmagus ranks looked extremely crude in its fighting style compared to the songbird and Hell Spider's capabilities.

While the songbird destroyed the surrounding trees and sticky, poisonous cobwebs, the cursed Hell Spider didn't remain idle.

It cut the thread around the small group of humans that would die either way if nobody were to change before it retraced its curse.

This caused Jason to frown because it was weird to see, only for his mana eyes to perceive that the Hell Spider was gathering the curse inside its body before shooting it out towards the songbird that was the curses sole target.

'WHAT? Does that mean the Hell Spider can not only curse a large area but also compress its curse to focus on a single target???'

Seeing that something like that was possible astounded Jason who couldn't help but feel a trace of fear within him when he saw how dangerous the Mythic Garden really was.

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The death rate of 80% was not just for show and it was clearer than ever that this rate might even be an underestimation.

Focusing the songbird as the curse's sole target, the Hell Spider was able to distort the songbird's senses to a certain degree as it stopped flapping with its wings for a short moment.

Using this moment, the cursed Hell Spider shoots out a thick, sticky thread that was intertwined with mana to accelerate its pace and make it more endurable towards the songbird that could barely perceive what was happening.

Utilizing a majority of its mana, the songbird manifested one, compressed wind spear that glowed in a bright emerald color as it was shot towards the reinforced, sticky and poisonous thread.

Clashing with each other, neither the thread nor the wind spear seemed to have an advantage that gave the Songbird barely enough time to regain its senses.

Flapping with its wings, the songbird noticed that its mind was still chaotic, but it was better than a moment before.

Monitoring the fight, Jason figured out that the songbird was slightly stronger than the Hell Spider which balanced its disadvantage out thanks to the curse it harbored.

The songbird manifested another batch of several dozen wind blades which it shot at the Hell Spider instead of the surrounding trees.

It was the first time for the songbird to attack the Hell Spider directly and Jason began to wonder if the wind blades it shot out were strong enough to inflict serious injuries.

Jason doubted it and exactly as assumed, the wind blades inflicted only small injuries.

However, what happened afterwards astonished Jason because the songbird controlled one of the several dozen wind blades it shot at once, in order to target the Hell Spider's back where its sac of eggs was located.

The cursed Hell-Spider noticed this and used every means to evade the wind blade.

Unfortunately, it was too slow by a small margin and the wind blade pierced several eggs at once, destroying them without any resistance.

When the Hell Spider sensed that some of its offsprings had been killed, it erupted with all its mana while the glowing symbols embedded on its body seemed to burn, intensifying the curse that targeted the songbird.

'Now..this will be really ugly….'