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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 407: Control
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It didn't take long before they arrive on Canir, but Shane's entire mana core was dried up, even though it had been passively replenished.

After manifesting spatial portals for several hours this was only obvious and Jason began to wonder why exactly he tried so hard to arrive on Canir so soon.

It was not like they would have any problems if they had to do a short break to allow Shane to replenish his entire mana core.

In the end, it Jason found it disadvantageous that Shane's mana was completely used up.

If someone from a foreign race with a solidified prismarine crystals would arrive, nobody would be able to fight against it, while the same applied for hostile humans.

However, Jason thought that Shane had something in mind by rushing towards Canir so hurriedly while Dalia didn't say anything against it either.

As such they should have made a plan or at least a rough idea about what they should do.

"Let me rest for 10 minutes and we can continue" Shane said and Jason's prior thought seemed to be both somewhat wrong but right at the same time.

While Shane told them to take a short break, Jason looked around to see where exactly they were.

He assumed that the coast was nearby while their exact position was inside a small cave that had a small pond within.

This pond had a small tunnel at the base and probably lead to the ocean Jason's mana eyes perceived.

Despite living on an Island since young, he had yet to see the ocean because it was labeled as extremely dangerous and at the same time as nothing special.

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His whole life, Jason had lived in Artes city before he moved to Cyro-City.

Even by moving from Astrix island to Terebrean, Jason didn't really notice the ocean that had been below him while they had used lots of spatial portals.

Today was the first time he could see the ocean to a certain extent, but that was also on because of his mana eyes.

Before, when they were traveling through the spatial portals he had been deep in thoughts but now this was not the case and he could use his mana eyes to take a proper look outside.

At least that was what he tried to look at.

His mana eyes couldn't look through solid materials and the caver was surrounded by rocks.

Thus he was barely able to perceive all kinds of mana fluctuations, the fact that the whole ocean was infused with mana.

At the same time, there were thousands if not tens of thousand beasts his mana eyes perceived and they had all kinds of hues enveloping them, while their affinities were mostly based on elements they could use within the water.

This was probably an evolutional thing because of natural selection and the fact that fire affinities wouldn't help a beast to survive in the deep ocean that was filled with even more terrifying beasts than Canir and the Archipelago.

Thinking about it, a fire affinity might not be useless, but it would have to be extraordinarily strong or have unique traits that allowed flames to burn within the water.

While looking through the cave, which was probably not only near the coast but more like between the coast and the ocean, the stigma above his right eye began to glow faintly.

Absorbing mana from the surrounding, Jason began to notice that his sight became more detailed.

The mana fluctuations he had perceived faintly before became more vibrant while the mana fluctuations that had already been distinct, seemed to become visible to his bare eyes and he had to rub them to see if he was not hallucinating.

It felt like he could truly see everything that was infused with mana which included multiple beasts whose outlines he had only perceived before.

Their scales were faintly visible and most fishes he saw were nothing special as a six-meter-long, camouflaged fish shot out of the darkness below, devouring a few fishes out of the small swam a moment later.

This six-meter-long fish had a thin body, dark scales, and a distinct darkness transmutation in its mana.

However, Jason didn't care about any of those beasts because he could truly see it, even though there was a wall and more than 500 meters between them.

If that was not shocking, Jason did not know what shock truly means. Thus he explained his situation to the others, who could only look at him in confusion.

Nobody said anything for some time before Dalia hesitated for a moment when she said

"I don't know if this could be the case but your mana eyes had always been great and you were able to see mana fluctuations easily, right? Now, after your primal awakening, this should have been augmented a few times.

You also said that the stigma began to absorb mana and that everything became even more vibrant, which means that this could be the reason you can 'visualize' everything you perceive...To put it simply, every living being has its own mana fluctuations… That is something we know. As such you could also say that the mana fluctuations are a living being's identity! Your mana eyes might be able to decipher the information hidden within the mana fluctuation...maybe?

"So, It might be possible to tell information like one's appearance from a living being's mana fluctuations... But that would mean I know how to read the information subconsciously while deciphering them...how is that possible? Is that the stigma's doing?... But why would it do something like that? That doesn't make sense because the stigma feels more like an augmentation...Maybe my eyes that have been augmented through the activated stigma are able to read and transfer that information?"

Jason was again deep in thoughts. During the last few hours, he had already enough time to think about what the stigma can be used for.

In the end, Jason realized that it had multiple purposes but all of them had something in common. The stigma augmented almost everything around mana.

When his stigma had been absorbing mana it started to augment his mana absorption rate, the mana circulation speed, his mana eyes' overall capabilities.

Other than that it also increased the mana output Jason could release at once which would also increase his affinity's strength by a large margin.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

This was already extremely powerful, but this was not everything!

When Shane told them to rest for some time, his soulbonds emerged next to Jason without using the magic circles that would have normally been used to leave a soul world.

This was another perk and his soulbonds wanted to experiment much more with the stigma too.

They had already figured out that by using the stigma, they could see everything within the other individual they came in touch with.

Jason assumed this to be another perk of the stigma and not his mana eyes because his soulbonds were able to see everything inside each other too!

However, the most shocking fact Jason's soulbonds figured out was that their affinities would be enhanced while the stigma had been activated too!

It was not a high augmentation but more than enough to demonstrate how powerful the stigma they had obtained through Jason's primal Celestia bloodline awakening.

He had known that liquefying his mana to mana drops would allow him to undergo a drastic change, but the metamorphosis he had gone through was on a completely different level than he had expected.

Not only was it extremely shocking but Jason was also aware that it might be extremely dangerous if someone were to find out that he and his soulbonds had those stigmas.

Jason was not sure how many races had such stigmas but he could tell that they were powerful and not something every race should have.

Otherwise, the Shadow walker, Ganesia and Deepsea scion race would have had them too!

While Dalia and Shane were still pondering about Jason's words, he suddenly said

"I'm not sure how safe it is to enter a city right now….I have yet to learn how to control my Celestia aura, and the stigma seems to be stronger and more unique than I expected.

To learn more about it, which is a necessary step to conceal or retract it somehow, I'll probably need a few weeks…"

Both Shane and Dalia nodded their heads, while Emily was taking care of her Lesser typhoon Roc that was as needy as Artemis and his other soulbonds were.

"We know that, but there is something I need, and I don't think she will give it to me without seeing you...It's difficult to explain but I can promise that everything will be helpful to you… I know that you're uncomfortable by going out without being able to control your body, but can you trust me, please?"

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