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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 426: Terminated
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They had arrived at the Shiabi clan and the Ariyor that had separated from the rest returned to their own camp.

At the same time, the captured Ifrytor and Ifry were left with a guard to figure out more information.

There was no need to ask why they had entered Argos because it was a useless piece of information, but more importantly was the number of Ifrytor and Ifry, their average strength, how strong the strongest Ifrytor was, and what kind of strategy they pursued.

All of that was important and Jason expected that the Shiabi clan was able to receive some information.

He was curious about the curse cleansing ability and his assumption that curses were more lethal on the Ariyor race than others.

However, Jason was sure that he would get to know everything soon enough.

Walking through the large yard the Shiabi clan headquarter had, he looked around and noticed several things that pricked his interest.

The number of strong humans was much more than he had expected them to be, while the variety of elemental transmutations Jason perceived within most humans was wider than it should be for a single clan.

It was said that most clans had two, at most three common elements they focused on!

This originated from the fact that the body refining techniques the clans had were focused on those elementals.

At the same time, the main family branch's descendants had mostly those two to three affinities when they had undergone the soul-awakening.

Yet, what Jason perceived were too many different affinities and more importantly, too many physiques that had been refined with different body refining techniques!

"The Shiabi clan shelters other big clans?" Jason mumbled, which was heard by Shane, who nodded his head.

"That's right. They're multiple big clans that decided to depart to the Shandra clan after they had been attacked and overwhelmed by an alliance of multiple big clans and the reinforcement from the foreign races they're contracted with!

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This alliance is also the biggest problem the Shandra country will have to face according to the captain of the combat unit we've been talking to!"

Jason didn't say anything to that because it was expected that some common foreign races would establish an alliance.

If they were unable to get their hands on the human race alone, dividing them with a few other races, they're in a peace agreement which would make everything easier.

As long as races that were hostile towards them didn't receive anything from this war, those races were fine with everything.

In the end, Jason was sure that multiple alliances of foreign common races existed.

Even those that wanted to gain nothing but combat experience would have to use this tactic to prevent being overwhelmed and annihilated.

Otherwise, their common combat units would be annihilated without gaining anything, and it was obvious how great of an effect this would bring forth.

It was useless and a waste of time, as such Jason assumed that all common races had or would establish an alliance with each other.

They had to fight against the higher races too and a high numerical advantage was sometimes great enough to outweigh pure quality!.

Less than 10 minutes had passed when Jason, his masters, and Emily had entered the Shiabi clan's main hall that looked like a huge ball hall.

There was nothing special inside and Jason was sure that the Shiabi clan had already taken away everything special in order to prevent anyone from taking anything away.

This might sound petty, but it was better to use all means to prevent a chaotic situation within their own rows!

What would happen if a young, yet greedy youth were to steal something because it looked beneficial for himself?

There was no need to bother about something like that as long as everything overly valuable was taken away.

Jason could see the remains of objects with very strong mana fluctuations and he assumed most of them to be weapons!

'Maybe they've taken the weapons away to use them during the war too.'

Everything was possible and it was great to have strong weapons in a way that might take a very long time.

Nobody could foretell what the next few years would bring, and Jason was glad that the Shiabi clan did not hold back from utilizing their heirlooms or treasured weapons.

Suddenly, Jason saw three, familiar young men walking through the clan hall with an unfamiliar girl next to them.

This caused him to smile involuntarily as he shouted out

"Milan, Isga, Yune, hello!"

Artemis' wings were still folded on his back, but he lifted one in order to show the three young men, who he had encountered within the Mythic Garden, where he was.

The group of four was astonished to hear someone shouting the three young men's names through the clan hall as it was frowned down upon if someone shouted in a clan hall.

However, when the three young men saw Jason, they were astonished for a short moment before they had already approached him with fast strides.

"Jason! How are you doing? But..why are you here, is your clan not doing well either?" Yune, who was one of the descendants from the Shiabi family, asked, not able to cover his worry.

They had sheltered lots of big clans and Yune was not sure how good it would be to accept another big clan, or even an ancient clan to seek asylum within their headquarters.

There were too many disputes with each other that Yune's head was aching if he just thought about it!

However, when Yune saw that Jason shook his head, Yune was relieved.

"Not really, I, my masters and another disciple of one of my masters were in the Shandra country. We though that it might be the best to inquire more intel about the recent happenings around the war.

At the same time, it might not be the worst idea to help out a little bit, right?"

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Jason smiled, but he was wondering about the fact that the clan Isga and more importantly Milan belonged to were there.

They might still be in a soul contract with the foreign races after all!

From what he could tell, the Jual clan was the bigger problem, which was mainly because he had no idea what kind of soul contract the Maldor clan had signed with the foreign race they had colluded with!

This caused him to eye his two friends for a short moment before Isga, who noticed Jason's vigilance smiled weirdly.

"You don't have to be worried about our clans or the foreign race we had been colluded with. We severed all soul contracts by receiving severe punishment.

Fortunately, our clan heads didn't include every clan member within the soul contracts we had with the Larzor race. Otherwise, not only the patriarch, vice-patriarch and a few higher authorities would have been punished, but all of us!

Nevertheless, the punishment was lighter than expected and almost all big clans could sever the soul contracts with the foreign races without many issues...They almost died, but that was something we could prevent! It was almost as if those races would have never imagined that the big clans would terminate the soul contract!"

When Jason heard this his smile widened while Shane and Dalia lifted their eyebrow because they began to wonder what kind of punishment the higher authorities of the Maldor clan had received.

However, when he thought about the clan heads being punished, Jason was involuntarily drawn to Milan.

Clearing his throat, he could only say

"What about your mother?"

Instead of beating around the bush, Jason would rather tear open a wound and ask straightforwardly, which was exactly what he had done.

Yet, differently than expected, Milan just said

"Both her soul and mana core have been badly injured, but with the right treatment and resources, she will get better!"

He said this, with an almost emotionless voice which was a big contrast to the Milan he got to know within the Mythic Garden.

'If it's not his mother, what has happened to him?'

Nevertheless, Jason didn't feel any pity towards Milan's mother because she was one of the members that had supported enslavement.

However, before Jason could ask, the girl that was together with the others, ignored the atmosphere that was about to turn bad as she stepped forward and introduced herself.

"Hello my name is Arya Melar, that's a nice tattoo you have there! The fortified soul conjunction with your flying soulbond seems to be strong too, but why do you look so young?? How old are you??"