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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 640: Mythical grade
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Seeing the small pile of manuals inside his spatial ring, Jason could only shake his head as his next thought was to immediately lament at his stupidity.

'I could have sold them already to gain a fortune to customise my soul world before starting to forge!… But will the merchant give me the correct price, or should I test the auction house for this?'

After his first thought, he immediately questioned whether the merchant would bring him the biggest profit, which was unlikely to be the case.

Nevertheless, knowing that quick cash was more important right now, Jason decided to sell the worst techniques he had at hand to the merchant, while leaving the Terra, Intermediate, and Advanced techniques inside his spatial ring.

Rather than worrying about losing out on too much profit, Jason wanted to sell them at the auction house, where many Manyrs without an affiliation were searching for suitable techniques with which they could cultivate, refine their body, or increase their combat prowess through martial art techniques.

Apparently, even those with an affiliation were often seen browsing through the auctioned items in order to not miss the possible chance of finding an even more suitable martial art technique, or similar technique they could use.

Thus, with his mind set in stone, Jason called the merchant assistant, who greeted him politely, without asking who Jason was.

As such, his messenger card's contact details had already been saved, only for an awkward moment of silence to occur as the assistant heard Jason's voice.

The merchant's assistant had been frozen for a second, only to take a second look at the contact information.

He was astonished to hear a male voice through the call of a messenger card that clearly belonged to the City Lord and her subordinates!

This was shocking, but keeping up with his professionalism, the merchant's assistant tried to retain a calm mind.

"How may I help you Sir? Is there something Sir wants to purchase, barter or sell?"

Jason noticed the confusion in the assistant's voice, but instead of bothering about that, Jason simply stated the reason for his call.

"I want to sell several martial art, cultivation, and body refinement techniques at the Terra-Basic grade, in addition to a peak Lique stage weapon with the fire attribute that can be manifested by all three cultivation veins!"

Jason forgot the names of the weapons that could be used by all three cultivation paths, and it was evidently not the prefix Mana-, or soul.

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Thus, he could only state what his weapon could do, while making a mental note of asking Pera about the basic nomenclature for certain things.

While Jason was in his thoughts, the merchant's assistant was already asking a few things, trying to figure out which appraiser they had to send out to evaluate Jason's goods and set the price they would pay.

"How many manuals does Sir want to sell, and is the weapon Sir mentions a special-grade weapon or a mythical-grade? It's not clear through the stated description!"

Not knowing what exactly those two grades meant, Jason just answered the first question while trying to talk around the second one.

"There are less than 100 manuals I would like to sell, and the weapon I mentioned is probably something between the special and mythical grade. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure about the precise evaluation."

The merchant's assistant went silent for a while before replying,

"I just sent someone over to the City lord's abode. She will arrive in the manor and appraise everything. I hope this is fine with Sir."

After Jason stated his approval the call ended.

In the end, the entire call was completed in less than three minutes, but Jason could only exhale deeply once the assistant had hung up.

With the messenger card in his hand, he called Pera, who was not inside the auxiliary tower anymore, asking her what the special and mythical-grade the merchant's assistant had been talking about was.

"The merchant assistant I called earlier said something about special and mythical grades, but I haven't read anything about that in the library books in the entire week.

Just what are those grades?"

Pera had already been confused about why Jason hadn't called in the last few hours, but instead of complaining, she had just continued with her task, only to receive a call just when she had finished.

"I assumed that you're already aware of the grading system of unique weapons. In the end, it's quite simple, and mostly one word as a prefix is added before the exact rank of the weapon is shared.

As a matter of fact, the grading system just adds a little bit more details to the ranking.

For example, a Mid Lique ranked weapon might be well forged, and extremely powerful owing to specific characteristics such as the fire attribute of the dagger you forged when you arrived.

However, on the other hand, it's also possible for a mid Lique ranked weapon to be ordinary, with nothing great about it except the material it had been forged with.

Such weapons don't get a prefix, because they're deemed 'common.'

Special grade weapons are weapons that have, at least, one unique characteristic such as extraordinary endurance, sharpness, or other means that enhance the weapon above the standards of an ordinary mid Lique ranked weapon.

Unique traits of a weapon are mostly gained through runes that have been inscribed, but that is not a trait the weapon gained innately.

As such, they're called half-step special grade.

By undergoing purification, metals change innately and become more endurable, while the blades made out of highly purified materials are much sharper.

To put it simply, all weapons and tools made out of highly purified weapons are special grade because they gain at least one unique characteristic.

As for perfectly purified goods, they're almost always called Mythical graded ones, but that comes with the requirement that all three cultivation veins can use the weapon.

In your case, with the elemental attributed Tanadan ore you've mined as well as your ability to purify them greatly through the Origin flame you own, the final result will most likely be half step at the Mythical grade, or already considered a Mythical grade.

This is, however, mostly owing to the unique trait the Tanadan ore has, which is its external usage of attributes, even if one cultivates in another cultivation path.

The three cultivation veins inside the Tanadan ore are interlinked after all!"

Jason found Pera's explanation to be extremely helpful, and he thanked her before hanging up as he mumbled.

"So every weapon I forge will at least be a Special-grade, if not Mythical grade? That sounds quite good!"

Meanwhile, his Emperor Eyes perceived the arrival of someone at the Peak Prismar stage.

The woman he saw was about to reach the manor so Jason quickly left the auxiliary tower while releasing his mana to show where the woman had to fly to.

She was an Aeus, which made Jason wonder if it was a problem that he'd exposed himself to her.

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With that, he clearly showed that the City lord accepted his existence in her proximity as well as the fact that he was considered to be affiliated with her.

Thus, he should be worried about his own safety, which was however not the case, because he could clearly see that there was no hue indicating danger around the Aeus.

The moment the woman saw him, she arrived in front of him, flapping her large white wings before she halted.

"Hello Sir, my name is Jule, and I'm here to appraise the manuals and peak Lique stage weapon whose grade is still unknown."

She retained her professional attitude, and Jason simply nodded his head before entering the manor where they used one of the smaller rooms to appraise everything.

Jason didn't even bother taking a look at Jule, the Aeus, and without wasting any time, he took out a total of around 100 Terra-Basic grade manuals that had a wide variety of uses.

Most of them belonged to the Ifrytor race, and wouldn't be worth a lot, but instead of worrying about the exact price he would receive for the low-ranked techniques, his focus was on the longsword which he took out as the last object.

'It should be at the Mythical grade, or is it just a half step Mythical grade because it's not perfectly purified?'

The grading system was extremely interesting because the price of a higher-ranked weapon was evidently a huge difference.

If Jason were to compare it to ordinary Mana and Soul weapons, the difference in price should be even higher than that.

As such, he couldn't help but look at the light red blade of the longsword before he handed it to the appraiser, who looked at the weapon with interest.

A few minutes passed in which she appraised the weapon, testing out all kinds of things, only for her eyes to widen in astonishment.

"The weapon is not perfectly refined, and neither forged perfectly, but the forging process utilised seems to be close to perfection, and the forging technique used is interesting too.

As for the inscribed runes, they're perfectly placed, amplifying their potency drastically. At the same time, they're suitable to enhance the fire attributed Tanadan metal's fire, decreasing the consumption.

To put it simply, the weapon is not yet perfect, but with a little bit of work, the person who forged this weapon can create a perfect Mythical grade weapon.

All-in-all, it's already a Mythical grade weapon even without being perfectly forged, It will be quite valuable for younger prodigies of the Devir and Aeus race who have yet to awaken an affinity, and are trying to learn how to use one!"

Hearing the evaluation, Jason couldn't help but smile brightly, which was seen by the appraiser, who eyed him for a moment.

'Did he forge it by himself? His cultivation rank is low, but his mana fluctuations are quite high…still, it takes years to learn how to purify a simple ore to the extent to which the Tanadan ore, which is extremely complex, has been purified.

This youth is way too young to have done that!'