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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 962: Annihilation
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Chapter 962 - Annihilation

"I'm already annoyed that I allowed a bunch of hooligans to leave earlier. Nobody will escape my clutches anymore!!"

The Sacred Elvyr spoke in a deep voice that didn't allow anybody to dare challenge or contradict him as he disappeared from his earlier position.

At the same moment, he reappeared right in front of the Apostle of the Shakiya, smiling lightly as he moved his hand in a subtle motion.

Hundreds of thousand tiny wind needles emerged out of nowhere, enveloping the Apostle tightly, whose eyes gleamed with a distinct fear.

However, no sound came out of his mouth and all he could do was express his unwillingness to die through his eyes.

Despite his petrified eyes that begged for mercy, the Sacred Elvyr's expression didn't budge.

Moving his hands once again, the Sacred Elvyr controlled every single needle precisely as all of them pierced into the young Apostle of the Shakiya.

The Apostle was not even able to scream as his entire being was trapped in invisible chains by the surrounding winds that pressed him together.

Because of that, the last thing he felt was endless pain as multiple wind needles pierced through every single inch of his body.

They kept advancing and only stopped once they gathered in the center of the Apostle's body.

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Afterward, they burst into strong wind currents that were released in all directions, causing the body of the young man to implode at once.

Seeing how the body of the strongest being before the Sacred Elvyr's arrival exploded, everyone else knew that their death was imminent.

What happened next was that all of the remaining 40 beings at the Mecynar stage attacked the Sacred Elvyr at once as if the former enemies had suddenly united to defeat a common enemy.

This was something the Sacred Elvyr had expected, but instead of using his wind affinity to tackle everyone, he simply smiled as he released the remnants of the Shakiya from the shackles of the wind.

A moment later, his entire body was shielded by several dozen spatial portals, whose edges radiated a bright golden light as dozens of different types of attacks reached him at once.

Using his spatial affinity as some sort of defensive measurement, while simultaneously attacking those who had attacked him, the Sacred Elvyr vanished into thin air once again.

However, this was not something the forty Cultivators at the Specta stage were able to witness as they had to face the attacks of the beings that had lunged at the Sacred Elvyr from the other side!

After all, the spatial portals that had enveloped the Sacred Elvyr were paired up so that each one was linked to the respective portal on the opposite side.

Owing to this, the attacks didn't reach the Sacred Elvyr, at all, while the spatial portals shielded him completely.

This allowed him to disappear at once, before picking out the Cultivators that had been the furthest away from their position.

By precisely controlling his energy consumption and outburst of wind currents, the Sacred Elvyr manifested a small dagger in his 's hand as he slashed at the old man whose entire skin was black in color with silver lines spreading through his entire body.

The sharp blade of the dagger cut through his neck, and the Sacred Elvyr didn't leave the old man the slightest chance to survive.

Only a moment later, the Sacred Elvyr left the side of the old man, and emerged right behind the woman, whose chest was nearly exposed in order to reveal the Stigma she was proud of.

Yet, even the stigma of hers that glowed brightly, and illuminated her entire body, was rendered a decorative item as the seemingly ordinary dagger pierced through her heart.

Being clad in strong wind currents, and thrumming with energy, the dagger that could even scratch the body of Demi-Gods turned into a weapon of disaster as the Sacred Elvyr annihilated the remaining Cultivators at the Mecynar stage one after another.

Taking the lives of those that took tens of thousands of years in order to reach their current cultivation stage without any remorse, the Sacred Elvyr didn't even require five minutes until all lives had been harvested.

The sight was frightening, and Jason, who was able to see everything owing to his enhanced Emperor Eyes, couldn't help but swallow his saliva as goosebumps sprang over his entire body.

He was still fused with Petri, and thus could easily insert not only moonlight mana and divine energy into his body, but also primordial energy.

It was something that hadn't been possible before his secondary bloodline awakening, but he was not able to use energies that were not compatible with his mana vein while being fused.

However, even though this was possible, Jason was, by no means, glad to be in the current situation.

In the end, he was barely able to control his entire being, and not shiver to realize how mighty the Sacred Elvyr was.

He was more than 200 kilometers away from his savior, but with enough divine energy supplying him, it was no problem for the Emperor Eyes to sense the energy fluctuations ahead of him.

Even Jennifer was able to sense the tremendous energy fluctuations, causing her to flinch the moment the wind spear had been materialized and shot out.

This had caused her to look at Jason in dumbfounding, wondering why he didn't want to flee.

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But after giving it a second thought, Jennifer understood that the Sacred Elvyr was not only powerful and terrifyingly fast, but also proficient in using the Spatial affinity.

Thus, even without really moving it was possible for the Sacred Elvyr to use his spatial affinity to cross a distance of several hundred kilometers.

As such, Jennifer remained by Jason's side, and tightly grasped his hand, while the young man simply stared in the direction at which the energy fluctuations were slowly succumbing, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Once the fight was over, Jason released his breath that he didn't even know he had been holding while watching the fight.

'Have they really been sent by my father?' He couldn't help but wonder, hoping that this was truly the case.

But even after he thought about it for several seconds, the answer was still the same.

'If the Elvyr wanted to, he would have killed me in an instant before leaving with my body by making use of his spatial affinity…'

This thought was slightly reassuring and Jason could only hope that this was truly the case.

Yet, he couldn't calm down, at all!

Instead, the moment he sensed faint energy fluctuations behind him, Jason froze in place and was unmoving for a few seconds before he dared to turn around.

And as expected, the Sacred Elvyr was standing there, unscathed, and not breaking a sweat, his clothes crisp and his hair intact.

Holding a few spatial rings in his hand, he stored them inside a small pouch before averting his attention to Jason, whose entire body was still clad in Petri's scales.

Jason's reptilian eyes looked at the Sacred Elvyr, who eyed him for a moment, only to tilt his head as if he was confused.

"I know that you are the one I was tasking with saving, but what the hell are you even, young master?"

This question stupefied Jason, to the extent that he looked at the Sacred Elvyr speechlessly, not sure what to respond.

'Is that not a question I should ask instead?! You killed more than 50 beings at the same cultivation base as you, without breaking a sweat!?!'