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Golden Fox with System

Chapter 522
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"Do not cry, I'm fine." Theo comforted the woman in his arms. Yuki looked small and vulnerable; she was so fragile that he felt he would be able to crush her bones with his bare hands.

The girls also had tears in their eyes. It wasn't normal for Theo to take so long to deal with the enemy, and it caused anxiety and fear among the girls, especially Yuki who was pregnant and her emotions were on edge. She cried a lot in Theo's arms until she finally calmed down.

"I killed two men who were at the peak of the Venerable Realm So it took me a while to finish," Theo said after everyone had calmed down. ????????????r????????d. c????m

It was a shock for everyone. After all, these were men who were at the top of a medium-sized planet. It would have been surprising enough if Theo had said he killed one, but he didn't kill just one of them, but two, and both were equally powerful.


Theo, Jka, and the girls had had a good time away from home. Now they were finally going to return. Earlier, Theo thought of flying back alone, but noticing Athena and Waru's familiar spaceship outside the planet's protective barrier, he instead went towards it.

The door opened when he approached and Theo entered.

"Theo, I'm glad you're okay," Waru said with a relieved smile. She had been very worried all this time.

"I'm happy to see you well," Athena said almost without expression, but it was possible to discern that she was happy to see Theo.

"Uh, thanks." Theo smiled.

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"Err. Theo, did you kill them?" Waru asked. She was very curious about this, since after all they were people who were at the top of the food chain on a medium-sized planet.

"Yeah." Theo's answer was simple and indifferent.

"Ohhh ..."

Both Athena and Waru sighed in admiration. They already knew Theo was incredible, but it seems they were still underestimating him.

"Okay, are we coming back?" Theo asked.

"Yes of course." Leaving her stupor, Waru responded with an even more seductive smile. Not that she wanted to seduce Theo or anything like that, she just felt attracted to a man that was as incredible as he was that she subconsciously smiled at him seductively.

"Where's Aomi, Little Yui, and Little Emma?" Athena asked.

"They're being held in a certain place." Theo looked at their matching quizzical expressions and sighed and said, "I put them in a different dimension, much like a storage ring. That said, I hope you two will keep it a secret that I have something like this."

"Thank you for trusting us when you say that." Waru was the first to speak. "And rest assured, we will never tell this to anyone, right?"

Sensing Waru's gaze, Athena said without hesitation, "Absolutely, of course."

With a simple wave of the hand, all the girls appeared on Athena's spaceship, and of course, Jka too.


When they returned to Planet Spirit, the spacecraft traveled to Fallen Star Island. As they arrived in the Naga Empire, something peculiar was happening there.

"Look!" Someone shouted.

Close to where the tournament was, there were many floating boats, modern and old tents set up, and many, many people of all kinds camping there. It wasn't just that; there were more people in the distance too, and when they heard a voice shouting, as if they were waiting for someone from heaven, everyone left their respective places and looked at the sky.

"It's Monarch Athena's ship!"

"Is that it?"

"Yes, I know this ship is hers!"

Soon after, Fallen Star Island was surrounded by people of different species, all waiting for the arrival of Athena's ship. They were trembling with excitement and as soon as someone started clapping the rest also started.

Accompanied by a wave of deafening applause, Athena's spaceship arrived close to dry land.

When the spacecraft started to descend, it was as if the gathered assembly were all their subjects and started to move away and make way for the spacecraft to land.

When a group of people left the spacecraft, the audience went wild. Screaming, whistling, and clapping loudly shook the entire Fallen Star Island.

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Applause thundered from everywhere, to the surprise of Athena, who herself did not expect such a reception. She was stunned amid the applause.

"What a mess." Ariana came out and saw the crowd around her.

Soon after, Shina said, "Yes, why are these people here?"

"I have no idea, too." Aomi came out and said, "But is it likely because of something you heard about?"

"For example," Yuki left the ship and overheard the conversation, and added, "do they know that Theo managed to win in the mysterious realm?"

"It's possible." Waru also came out and agreed. Although it was not she who spread the news, the other planets had already returned and possibly told everyone.

"So problematic..." Athena said with a click of her tongue.

"It's him!" The crowd shouted, "Theo! Theo! Theo! Theo!"

His name was shouted with passion and praise. It was as if the greatest idol on the planet had come down to earth. At that moment, everyone was so excited, their hands turned red from clapping.

Zaira and Zaika also left the spaceship and their faces were a little red with excitement. Seeing so many people shout their husband's name so loudly made them happy as if they were the ones who were receiving praise.

Theo raised his eyebrows, thinking in his heart, 'Apparently the tournament is over.'

If they knew that Theo was not at all touched by this, and was just disappointed to lose the tournament prizes, what would the crowd's reaction have been?

Sighing, Theo tried to act normal and waved at them. Since they were shouting his name, it didn't hurt to wave a little bit, did it?

"Wahh! He waved at me! He waved at me!" Screams from everywhere echoed. They were so touched, the people could barely contain their excitement.