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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 159: The Great Mage Arfield
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Chapter 159: The Great Mage Arfield

The huge Hellfire was so hot that it engulfed and evaporated the tidal wave, filling the entire room with steam. It was still going strong, despite the interference of the tidal wave that had evaporated. In the end, it still collided with the water barrier that Kiari created in front of Minhyuk and Ben.


The water barrier shattered and fell easily. It was a futile attempt at trying to stop such powerful magic. After shattering the water barrier, the Hellfire continued on and collided with the frying pan.


“Ugh!” Minhyuk groaned loudly. He was expecting that magical reflection to activate, but it did not get triggered at all.


The Hellfire slowly pushed back Minhyuk’s body

‘It…it’s hot...!’

The high intensity of the blazing flames that could easily melt the items in its surroundings made Minhyuk’s whole body feel hot.

[Your HP is decreasing rapidly.]

[Your HP has fallen below 90%.]

[Your HP has fallen below 80%.]

[Your HP has fallen below 70%.]

Minhyuk could even feel that the handle of the frying pan was starting to get scalding hot. His hands that were holding on to it were starting to get cramps. Minhyuk knew that it would be soon before he lost his grip on the pan since his hands were starting to feel weak.

“Oiiink...!” Beanie cried out as he appeared on Minhyuk’s left side and pushed the frying pan. Meanwhile, Ben also stepped towards Minhyuk’s right and pushed on the frying pan too.

Tap, tap, tap!

Thanks to that, they were slowly able to push forward.


However, the huge blazing flames of Hellfire still did not show any signs of stopping. The three of them braced themselves as they continued to advance through the flames, albeit slowly.


At one point, the flames finally subsided.

‘We endured it...!’?Minhyuk thought. Just then, something rustled from behind them just as he was about to sigh in relief. Ben hurriedly stepped forward and blocked the incoming attack towards Minhyuk. Then…


…A large fist made out of black mana smashed at Ben with just a wave of Great Mage Arfield’s wand.

“Ugh!” Ben groaned. His body flew back from the powerful blow.

Whenever Arfield waved his wand, a light would flash and fists made out of black mana would be formed. These fists would then immediately fly and attack Minhyuk.



‘Too fast...!’

Great Mage Arfield was not only known for his great strength in magic, he was also strong in close combat and physical attacks.


Another wave of Arfield’s wand created dozens of fireballs that once again assaulted Minhyuk.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Beanie quickly stepped forward and blocked the attacks for Minhyuk.

Clang, clang!

Minhyuk also used his frying pan to smash the flying fireballs back to where they came from.

[Magical Reflection.]

[Returns the magical attack back to your enemy.]



[Nullifies and dispels a magic attack.]

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Great Mage Arfield cast a magic spell that easily extinguished the magic that was reflected back on him. He said, “You’ve got some annoying artifacts with you.”

Minhyuk declined to answer.


He just continued to swing his frying pan fiercely.

“Keugh!” Arfield groaned and staggered back.

Minhyuk took the opportunity to take two steps back and widen the distance between them. However, there was only one thought that was running in Minhyuk’s head right now. He thought,?‘I have to finish this quickly...!’

Minhyuk dug his feet on the ground, while Arfield waved his wand and cast a Windcutter spell, summoning dozens of blades of winds that flew towards Minhyuk.




The summoned wind blades quickly flew towards Minhyuk. Great Mage Arfield had thought of using Blink to counter Minhyuk’s annoyingly fast movement whenever he used Step so he could kill him along the way. However, Minhyuk did not follow his expectations.




[Your HP has fallen below 50%.]

[Your HP has fallen below 40%.]

[Your HP has fallen below 30%.]

The wind blades ripped Minhyuk’s body, causing blood to spurt out of his injuries. However, Minhyuk continued to dash forward to where Arfield was.


Arfield raised a trembling finger and pointed it towards Minhyuk as a powerful burst of black mana shot out towards Minhyuk.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mana bullets pierced through Minhyuk, his body riddled with holes. However, he still staggered forward and grabbed Arfield’s shoulders tightly.

“Keuhahahahaha!” Arfield laughed loudly after seeing Minhyuk bleed and vomit blood. But then…


…Minhyuk’s body was engulfed in a bright flashing light.

[He Who Overcomes.]

[Your HP has increased to 1. You are now invincible for 3 seconds.]

[All of your abilities have increased by 30% for 3 seconds.]


Minhyuk smiled, blood still dripping from his mouth.


Arfield hurriedly tried to get away from Minhyuk, but Minhyuk did not let him slip away. He shifted his hands to grab Arfield’s collar. Then, Minhyuk let go of his frying pan to switch it for his sword.

“Scattering Sword.”

Finally, the cooldown for Scattering Sword finally ended.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!

Minhyuk’s sword stabbed Arfield’s abdomen six times in a row. However, Arfield’s physical and magical defense was so astronomical that he endured all of the attacks. But the final stab became this battle’s deciding factor.

[Intangible Sword.]

[Your sword strike has ignored all of the enemy’s defenses.]


“Urk...!” Arfield groaned as he looked down at the sword that pierced through his abdomen.


Minhyuk pulled out his sword. This time, he used the Sword of Fury.

“Haa!” Minhyuk shouted as he stabbed Arfield’s body with all the strength that he could muster.

[You have succeeded in stabbing a vital point.]

[100% additional damage!]

Arfield’s eyes further widened in disbelief when he saw the blood spurting out of his chest.

“N…no wa...!”


Before Arfield could finish his words, his heart exploded.



The Dragon King’s body fell down on the floor as the Great Mage Arfield’s black soul soared in the air. Great Mage Arfield’s soul shrieked in pain as he turned into ashes and disappeared. Then, plenty of artifacts and skill books fell to the floor as a series of notifications rang in Minhyuk’s head.

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

Minhyuk’s level jumped by 22 levels.

“Haaa...” Minhyuk sighed as he slumped down on the ground. He quickly took out loaves of bread and pizza slices from his inventory. Minhyuk’s body began to recover rapidly as his Absorption Conversion skill activated.

Then, the door slammed open as the Warrior Turtle Radin rushed inside and shouted, “Kiari! Jevis!”

He was shocked when he saw the state of both Kiari and Jevis. However, his eyes widened further when he saw the Dragon King slumped down on the ground.

“E…even the Dragon King...!” Radin said as he rushed to where the Dragon King was.

At that moment, Minhyuk approached Kiari and Jevis.

“W…what are you...!”

In all honesty, Kiari and Jevis did not know anything about Minhyuk so they were quite nervous about his next actions. Minhyuk ignored their apprehension as he immediately used his bandaging skill on Jevis. It was because she looked like she needed treatment the most.


“There’s no way that a serious injury like this can be cured like that!” Kiari shouted as she looked at Minhyuk strangely.

However, Minhyuk’s hands did not stop until he had bandaged Jevis and her back injury completely. Then, Minhyuk removed the bandage, revealing the wound that had now stopped bleeding. It even looked like it was almost healed.

Both Kiari and Jevis had high holy power. However, their forte was not in healing so the two of them did not have an ounce of skill that could help them heal their injuries. Right now, the doors to a whole new world had opened, and they had their first taste of the miraculous bandaging skill.

“Bandage!” Minhyuk shouted as he turned towards Kiari and her injuries.

“T…thank you...!” Kiari said, bowing sincerely before rushing to where the Dragon King was.

“D…Dragon King!”

“Please wake up, Dragon King!”

The two rabbits and one turtle surrounded the collapsed Dragon King and cried sadly. Minhyuk suddenly felt flustered when he saw this scene. He thought,?‘Gasp...?! Isn’t the Dragon King the only one that can give me those special snow crabs...?!’

Minhyuk became restless when he remembered that fact. However, it was rude to just go up and tell the Dragon King,?‘I want to eat snow crabs, Dragon King!’?right?

Just as Minhyuk was thinking of a way to politely request the snow crabs, the Dragon King finally slowly opened his eyes. He said, “...Kiari, Jevis, Radin. I’m so sorry!?Urk!”

The Dragon King turned paler as he continued to talk with his sobbing children. Then, Ben stood beside Minhyuk after regaining his senses. He said, “There were rumors floating about the Dragon King being seriously injured after his fight with Great Mage Arfield. However, it seemed like instead of sustaining any injuries, Great Mage Arfield had possessed the body of the Dragon King. It looks like his body does not have any energy to hold on to life anymore.”


After he finished his speech, they saw the Dragon King slowly turn towards them and said, “For saving the Dragon Palace... as well as these children... I give you my tha…”

However, it seemed like the Dragon King’s energy was already spent. He was not even able to finish his sentence when his head drooped down.

“Dragon Kiiiiiiing!”


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Kiari, Jevis and Radin’s cries echoed loudly inside the room.

Minhyuk hurriedly approached the Dragon King, taking something out of his arms. It was none other than the ‘Legendary White Chocolate’ that he had saved back when he was at the Chocolate Paradise. The white chocolate had the power to revive someone that was on the brink of death or someone that had died recently, as long as not too much time had passed. Minhyuk was unaware, but perhaps this white chocolate was the most valuable item in the world. However, Minhyuk did not care at all. If he fed this to the Dragon King, then he would become the benefactor of both the Dragon King and the entirety of the Dragon Palace. Of course, those were not his main concerns, there was only one reason why he would use it for the Dragon King.

‘This is so I can eat snow crabs...!’

Minhyuk had always valued food more than any abilities. The sweet chocolate fruits that he could harvest from the chocolate tree all tasted similar to the legendary chocolate that he had eaten before so it did not matter if he fed this one to the Dragon King.

“What are you doing...?”


The three of them looked at Minhyuk curiously as he took the white chocolate that was as big as his fist and brought it towards the Dragon King’s mouth.

‘But, how can this save someone that just died?’

It seemed a bit difficult for Minhyuk to feed the Dragon King, especially since he just died. If he could not feed him, how could he bring him back from death?!

“What are you doing?! How dare you do something like that in front of the Dragon King...!” Kiari shouted. However, before she could finish yelling at Minhyuk for insulting the Dragon King with his actions, something surprising happened. The white chocolate floated in the air above the Dragon King.

[The Legendary White Chocolate is expressing its power.]

The white chocolate that was silently floating in the air slowly began to melt. Then, the melted chocolate flew slowly and entered the Dragon King’s slightly open mouth. It continuously melted and entered the mouth of the Dragon King.

Kiari and Jevis looked at the scene with undisguised shock.

“I…I can’t believe that I’m feeling a tremendous amount of power from chocolate...!”

The white chocolate gradually shrunk in size until all of the melted chocolate entered the Dragon King’s mouth.

[You have completed your Unexpected Class Quest: Dragon Palace in Crisis.]

[You can now receive the snow crabs from the Dragon King.]


Minhyuk sighed in relief. Then, he watched as the Dragon King slowly, very slowly, opened his eyes. Even the Dragon King’s pale complexion started to rapidly recover. His catfish beard that had turned white from lack of energy also started to return back to its original color. The energetic, strong and majestic Dragon King of the past had finally come back!

“Dragon King!” Jevis shouted. She was the first one to dive straight into the arms of the Dragon King. Kiari smiled broadly as she wiped the tears that were dripping from her eyes.

“Waaaaaaaah!” Radin shouted happily as he raised his clenched fists in the sky.

Just like that, the sea creatures that had fallen unconscious around the palace started to wake up one after the other. And Minhyuk?

‘Snow crabs. I want to eat snow crabs...! B…but I don’t think this is the right time to ask for it...’

Minhyuk wished that this warm and joyful mood would end soon. In the meantime, he started to pick up the artifacts and gold that Great Mage Arfield had dropped.

[You have acquired 251,311,561 gold.]

[You have acquired Great Mage Arfield’s Wand.]


The Dragon King was now fully conscious and well-rested. He listened to the things that happened in the palace, as well as the story about the mysterious foreigner that saved him from death. He sat on his throne for a long time, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

“Hehe. Dragon King, please have some tea!”

“Oh. Thank you, Kiari.”

Kiari smiled brightly as she happily passed the cup of tea to the Dragon King. She was so happy that even her round and fluffy tail twitched wildly.

Then, the Dragon King said, “Kiari.”

“Yes. Dragon King?”

“Bring me my ancient treasure chest.”


Kiari’s eyes widened in surprise when she heard his orders.

The ancient treasure chest housed the three outstanding artifacts inside the Dragon Palace. All of these artifacts could exhibit remarkable power that exceeded artifacts at the legendary rank. These three artifacts were currently owned by Kiari, Jevis and Radin. The ancient treasure chest was an item that was given by Sea God Roves. However, for hundreds of years, the final treasure chest had remained unopened. This was because whenever a child of the Dragon King dies, their weapon would be inherited by the next child.

“...Is it really fine to give that treasure to a foreigner?”

“Kiari. He is our benefactor. Whether it’s our Dragon Palace, you or me. Wasn’t he the one that saved Jevis too?”

Kiari nodded. They were very grateful to him. So, she nodded and hopped away to retrieve the ancient treasure chest. When Minhyuk came inside the throne room, Kiari handed it over to him and said, “Please open it.”

Minhyuk slowly opened the treasure chest under the excited eyes of the Dragon King.

As soon as the treasure chest opened...


…an item slowly appeared accompanied by a mysterious sound. The first thing that appeared was the hilt. Minhyuk could see that the hilt was attached to a wide blade. He was sure that this was a great sword. Minhyuk slowly reached his hand out and grasped the hilt of the greatsword. The moment his hand touched the handle, notifications rang in his head.

[You have acquired the Ancient Water Dragon Barraca’s Great Sword.]

[The Ancient Water Dragon Barraca’s Great Sword now belongs to you.]