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Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 358: His Past/Ying-Yang Arcanist
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"Unfortunately, our relationship ended before that," said Edward while reminiscing.

"Oh, what happened?"

"Problems begin in our relationship earlier because of her parents. They were filthy rich, and I was not. After I got a double Ph.D. in Astrophysics and Mathematics, I focused on my teaching job at the university.

"At the same, we also began to talk about marriage. However, I had to meet her parents more often, and the issue of our social status was often brought up. Although she did not mind and was even willing to cut off ties with her family, I could not let it go.

"In the end, the pressure of my new job and my insecurities resulted in me ending the relationship."

"You, as an educator? I could never imagine."

"I love teaching and sharing knowledge, always have."

"Fleur did mention that as one of your good qualities. However, thinking about your current wealth, it's hard to imagine you would lose the love of your life because of it."

"Love of my life? That's going a bit too far."

'Isn't it? It seems you are filling a hole in your heart with countless women."

"A better explanation would be that I'm a lustful man," replied Edward with a chuckle. "Or, the one I like the most, my capacity to love is so big that one person is not enough to bear it."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," said Wiz as she swirled her wine before taking a sip and savoring the taste. "So, what happens next? I'm guessing it's when you die."

"You're correct. I died and reincarnated in a world that was essentially a novel I once read as a child."

"That's possible?"

"Well, things are a little more complicated than stated, but that's the gist."

Wiz nodded and did not press on the subject.

"After my reincarnation, I was at first elated. After all, this was a world of magic. I could not wait to find its mysteries and essence, to discover all its mysteries.

"To this day, I can still remember the excitement I felt after learning the news; it was the same excitement as when I read my first book and felt a veil removed from my mind as I peer into the secret of the universe."

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Edward paused with a pure smile on his face.

"Unfortunately, the happiness did not last long."

"They never do, do they?"

Edward sighed as he also took a sip of his drink.

"I quickly learn that I was reincarnated in a tumultuous period of the book. As for my parents? They were minor characters that did not survive. Moreover, my extraordinary magic talent could put me in grave danger."

Wiz listened attentively without saying anything.

"I tried everything possible to prevent their death, but it was futile. I remember the day my aunt brought me the news: the sadness, despair, and helplessness I felt.

"Despite having memories of my past life and being a grown man in a child's body, I loved my parents with all my heart. To this day, I do not know whether it was because they treated me with the utmost love and care or the result of my reincarnation. I supposed it does not matter.

"What mattered was how devastated I felt after their loss. It was so bad that I entered a deep state of depression."

Edward paused as he took a more relaxed position in his seat, with his shoulder more relaxed.

"Now that I think about it, this was truly a terrifying time. Both loneliness and hatred were slowly consuming me. If I did not get out of it, with my talents for magic, the world would truly have suffered at my hands."

Wiz trembled slightly at the thought. Over the past years, she had heard of this man's legendary tales and accomplishments. And in the past few days, she saw his ability as he played with time like it was nothing.

If such a person became evil, the threat he would pose to the world would make the Demon King from Axel look like a joke.

"So, what brought you out of that dark place?"

"It was my aunt. I remember her exact word: 'magic is capable of creating miracles–including reviving the dead.'"

"Those are dangerous words."

"Indeed. However, she later told me she only said these words to redirect my focus on something else, and she never expected me to succeed. According to her, she was waiting for the right time to talk to me… about… it."

"Is something wrong?"

"I just started wondering if she is why I started walking on the path of human experimentation and pushing the boundaries of magic?"

"Well, is she?"

"Probably not. With my curiosity, it was only a matter of time before I started studying dark magic. And without the laws of my past life restricting my morality and having so much power, I think it was inevitable."

"It is very concerning if you need laws to restrict your morality."

"I'm very aware of this," said Edward as he shrugged his shoulder. "What don't you tell me about you, now?"

"Your story is not finished."

"There is nothing more to add. I studied magic, found a way to revive my parents, and became ambitious and lustful in my desire for more knowledge. So, I created an Interstellar Empire full of powerful and talented wizards to help me study more knowledge and discover the truths of the universe."

Wiz was speechless at how this man summarized his achievements as if he was speaking about doing something as common as taking a nap.

"Alright, you win," she said. "As for myself, my story is not nearly as interesting as yours. I was born in a small town near the Belzerg Kingdom. One day, the Demon Army destroyed our town. Although my family survived, I saw the atrocities that the demons created.

"So, I became an adventure. Luckily, I was pretty talented in magic and soon became famous. They called the [Ice Queen] because of my mastery of ice magic and cruelty against the demons.

"Those were the good old days," she said with a beautiful smile.

"In one of my adventures in a dungeon, my companions were cursed. And the only way I could save them was by becoming a Lich, so I accepted the offer from one of the Demon generals, Vanir.

"After that, I made a deal with the Demon King to maintain the barrier to his castle in exchange for his army not arming innocent people. Then, I open my magic shop."

Thinking of her magic shop, Wiz was slightly embarrassed. After so many years, even though she has grown and changed, she has read countless books, but her business acumen is still terrible.

To this day, the store still barely makes some money–especially after Vanir disappeared for quite some time. It would have run out of business long ago if it were not for his return and helping with the store.

Edward smiled at her shyness. Then, they continued talking and getting to know each other. They spent the next three months together, traveling the world and even visiting other planets.

Finally, Edward brought her to his laboratory.

"Is this why you asked me for my blood?" Wiz asked as she looked at the naked body in a green tank that looked exactly like her.

"Yes: a perfect clone that fits your soul. With it, you will no longer be a Lich. Well, we still need to tweak your soul before the real transformation is complete."

Wiz's transformation was not done by the power of [Authority] like the undead back home. So, Edward could fix her soul with his Death Staff.

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"I thought you wanted me to be your Undead Empress for political reasons and stuff?"

"There is no need for your help integrating the undead into the Empire."

"But my existence would make it easier, correct?"

Edward frowned slightly, "I thought you would want to return to normal."

There are many downsides to being a lich: the body's temperature is always low, most foods taste horrible, the inability to have children, the inability to dream or sleep–which can be an upside to some people–and the social stigmas of being an undead.

Of course, there is the upside: power, eternal youth, and immortality.

"I did in the past. But, after leaving so long as one, I have accepted my identity; it is now a part of me."

"I see. In that case, let's use the original plan I had for you."

Edward led her to another room before showing her a hologram with a bunch of data.

"The plan I draw for you is to use the Duality of The Soul to allow you to be both a Necromancer and a Paladin: an undead and an angel. The Good Part of your soul will now control Light or Holy Magic. At the same time, the Evil Part will control Negative Energy or Necromancy.

'A Yin-Yang Arcanist?' thought Edward before internally shaking his head and focusing on the task at hand.

"Typically, I should have created an artificial soul for you to control the second but contradictory attribute. However, your soul is unique. You are a pure and morally good person, always protecting the innocent.

"At the same time, you also have a wrathful side when facing your enemy. So, your soul is perfect for this procedure."

"So, I will no longer be afraid of Purification or Holy Magic?"

"Yes. On the contrary, you will be a master of it."

"Is this dangerous?"

"Not when I'm doing it. Plus, I have many fail safes in case something goes wrong."

"Alright, I trust you."

"In that case, let's begin."

Title: Going Home