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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 246
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S21 76. Big Trouble


Barbara took a glance. Seeing Philip a small hiss escaped her mouth. “You got the news


Philip let out a faint sigh. His head shook. His hand rose towards her arm. “Whatever

people say out there… you don’t need to listen to it.”

Unfortunately, Barbara’s tears had fallen. She dodged Philip’s touch then ran towards the



His call was like the wind. The girl kept running inside. She even ignored everyone near

the door.

“Barbara,” Frank called when he managed to hold her arm.

However, Barbara fought back. Afraid that the girl would be in pain, Frank let her go. The

others could only stare pensively at Barbara’s


“What should we do, Frank?” Kara furrowed her eyebrows.

While Frank shook his head faintly, Louis’ voice was heard. “Daddy!”

The toddler panting approached. “What happened? Why is Auntie crying?”

Behind him, Emily walked quickly, dragging Philip’s hand. “Auntie is also angry,” she


“The news about Grandma Melanie is spreading, Little Bee. People think that Daddy

deliberately abandoned her in the rehabilitation. center. They think that Daddy is

disobedient and they question why Auntie is siding with Daddy. They call Auntie selfish

and greedy

because she chose to live with us,” Kara explained, helping Frank.

Louis gaped. His round eyes flickered with confusion. “Then what about Philip’s proposal?”

Philip’s gaze fell. His breathing was getting heavier. “We have to postpone it. Saving the

company and comforting Barbara is more important.”


Emily’s shoulders dropped as well. Her hands clasped together in front of her stomach. “Is

this a big problem? Should we split teams to

solve it?”

Frank nodded. “Let Daddy and Mommy handle company matters. You guys just focus on

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-A second later, he turned to face Kara. “We have to make a press

release now.”

“You want to explain everything?”

Frank clenched his fists. He had no other choice but to sacrifice

Melanie’s good name and admit his negligence in caring for his


“Yes,” Frank glanced at Philip and the twins, “but that means you need to make extra

effort. The reality that Barbara has to face will be even harder if everything is revealed.”

“Should we make a confirmation video too? Emily and I can explain that their assumptions

about Auntie are wrong.”

“As proof, we need Mr. Morris’s help to explain the contents of the will and confirm that

Auntie rejects her inheritance,” Emily’s eyes widened.

Kara sighed faintly. “I think Emily is right. We need to reveal the contents of the will in

detail. Only then can people trust and

understand our decisions. But….” Kara glanced at Frank. “That could also backfire.”


“People could think of me as incompetent as a son?” Frank raised an eyebrow.

Kara nodded. “I’m afraid they will choose the wrong path of thinking. OK if they

understand your mother’s illness and believe that a rehabilitation center is the last choice.

But if not?”

Kara shook her head slowly. “They could accuse you of taking shortcuts because you

didn’t want to bother. Or even, they are increasingly convinced that you didn’t treat your

mother well, thinking that her illness could have been avoided.”

“You’re right,” Frank nodded slightly. “It could be that they believe that love wealth more

than my own mother. But I’m sure some of them are broad-minded. Clients and investors

are most likely in this group,

The twins’ cheeks puffed up. Their brows were creased.


his is really unfair. Daddy and Barbara are not disobedient children. Why do people think

that?” Emily’s eyes started to water.

Louis patted her shoulder. “Don’t be sad, Emily. Truth always

revealed. Even though I’m upset too

“Then shall we move now? I can contact Mr. Morris,” Kara nodded,


“Yes, let’s carry out our duties.”

However, before they could take a step, Frank’s phone rang again. Frank immediately

picked up.

“What’s wrong, Jer?”

“Check social media. Barbara is broadcasting.”

Louis flinched. His finger moved swiftly to on the tablet screen,

checking Barbara’s account. The others came closer.


Apparently, Barbara was providing clarification. Her nose was red and her eyes were puffy.

“I’m very sorry. Since a long time ago, I should have paid more

attention to my mother. I should have been more assertive and not be affected by

circumstances. That way, my mother would not have gone too far. She would not have

threatened others with a knife and my brother would not have had to put her at the

rehabilitation center.”

Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Barbara would dare to announce the truth

with her own mouth.

“What has she said, Jeremy?” Frank asked, quietly.

“Everything. About the original purpose of their arrival at your house, -the inheritance, the

knife incident. Short, concise, clear.”

Frank sighed in disbelief. Gritting his teeth, he paid more attention to Barbara.

“Therefore, I beg you. Please, do not corner Frank Harper and his family. They have done

nothing wrong. In fact, they have been very patient with our greed.”

Barbara wiped her tears and tried to smile. Her sadness made the

twins sniffed too.

“No matter how troublesome we were, they still treated us warmly. They were willing to let

us live in their house. They gave me a job, and even saved my father’s company with an

injection of half a billion.”

Suddenly, Barbara straightened up. Her expression suddenly turned


“My brother is not a stingy person. He loves his family much more than wealth. It was my

mother and who were too greedy. For that, I on behalf of my mother apologize profusely.

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We should not have taken the benefits from the kindness of the Harper family.”


Barbara looked down. His shoulders shook violently. “I’m sorry. Really, I’m sorry.”

Frank snorted in annoyance. He could no longer remain silent. After hanging up on Jeremy,

he ran to his sister’s room.

“Barbara,” he pounded on the door, “stop it! You don’t need to

apologize. None of this is your fault.”

However, the girl did not answer.

“Barbara! You don’t have to bear all this alone. It’s just a misunderstanding.”

Frank’s voice was caught on Barbara’s phone and was broadcast, Louis, who was still

holding the tablet, widened his eyes. He paused for a moment, checking the screen. In

just a few seconds, netizens were busy commenting.

“What is this? A stage play?”

“Are these siblings deliberately trying to gain our sympathy?”


ey are braggarts! They are willing to do anything to make us forget their mistakes. Once

disobedient, always disobedient!”

However, after a series of hate speech, several parties began to

defend Frank and Barbara.

“Hey, can’t you guys see? Barbara sincerely apologized. This isn’t a

trick at all.”

“Agree! She couldn’t possibly admit she was wrong if she was right. The risk is too great!”

“In my opinion, Melanie Harris was the one who went too far. She put her children in a

difficult position.”

While netizens continued to argue, Barbara wiped away her tears. She



got up from the chair and pulled a suitcase from the wardrobe.

“Look! What other show is this? She wants to run away?”

“Perhaps she felt her acting was unsatisfactory. She needs something to convince us that

she is a good girl who is willing to make sacrifices and is worth defending.”

Before Louis had time to read the next comment, Barbara had ended the broadcast. His

eyes instantly widened.

“Is Auntie planning to go?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!